Using the Drop-Down List

Additional actions are available in the drop-down list.

  1. Select an object.

  2. Select an item from the Select Object and: drop-down list. The following actions are available:

Add Source Table

This action applies only to executable instances. It allows you to create a Table Descriptor from an existing Table instance for the selected executable instance.

Browse Data

This action applies only to Table instances. It opens the Browse Data screen for the Table instance; see Viewing Data within the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub.


See Copying Objects for information. You can select and copy multiple objects at the same time.


See Cloning Objects for information. You can select and clone multiple objects at the same time.

Default Execution Setup

Displays the default Execution Setup for that instance. You can then modify it; see Creating, Modifying, and Submitting Execution Setups.

Execution Setup

Displays the Execution Setup listing screen for the executable instance. You can then select any Execution Setup defined for the executable and modify or submit it; see Creating, Modifying, and Submitting Execution Setups.


The system immediately removes the object from the user interface so that it is no longer visible. The object is not deleted from the database until the next Work Area installation, at which point the system automatically drops it. You can select and remove multiple objects at the same time.


If you remove a Table instance, you lose all the data it contains.

To protect data, when you try to remove a Table instance:

  • The system does not remove the Table instance if its validation status is Production.

  • If the Table instance is mapped to a Table Descriptor in one or more Programs, Load Sets, Data Marts, or Business Areas, the system displays a warning listing the executable objects to which it is mapped. It also displays the validation status of the Table instance, and whether or not the Table instance is installed.

  • If the Table instance is not mapped to any Table Descriptors, the system displays a confirmation message.


You cannot remove an object that is currently checked out by someone else unless you have the Checkin Administrator role.

View All Outputs

This action applies only to executable objects. It displays a list of all outputs produced by the instance. You can click the links to view the actual outputs.

View Output

This action applies only to executable objects. It displays the most recent output produced by the default Execution Setup for the instance.