Cascading Validation

Whenever you change an object's validation status to a higher status, the system attempts to make the same validation upgrade to any objects contained by the object you are explicitly upgrading. In addition, if you upgrade an object instance to a status higher than the status of its underlying definition, the system attempts to upgrade the validation status of the definition as well. For example:

  • If you promote a Workflow definition from Development to QC, the system attempts to upgrade all the object instances owned by the Workflow, such as Programs and Load Sets. The system also attempts to upgrade the underlying definition of each instance.
  • If you promote a Work Area from QC to Production, the system attempts to upgrade all the object instances contained in the Work Area, and all the definitions on which they are based.

If the system is unable to upgrade the status of all affected objects, the validation fails. The system is unable to upgrade objects in the following circumstances:

  • The user performing the upgrade does not have the Modify Validation Status privilege on one of the other objects that must be upgraded as part of the operation.
  • One of the objects that must be upgraded is checked out by a different user.

An upgrade is changing validation status from Development to either Quality Control or Production, or from Quality Control to Production.

Downgrades include changing validation status from Production to any other status, changing from Quality Control to Development, and changing from any other status to Retired. There is no cascading of validation downgrades.