
Take the following into consideration:

  • For a child object to inherit a classification value, its parent must have the same classification level assigned. If you define a classification level assigned to an object subtype as Inherited, be sure to assign the same classification level to the parent's object subtype. Otherwise Definers will receive an error if they try to use the inherited classification.

    For example, a Definer creates a Program definition using the Default subtype, which has the classification level Project > Study assigned and set to Inherited. If the parent Application Area does not also have the Project > Study level assigned, the Program definition cannot inherit a value from the parent Application Area. Therefore the system gives an error. The Definer must explicitly set the value for Study for the Program.

  • The system tries to create new objects with the same subtype as their parent object. When a Definer creates an object the system checks the subtype of the parent object. If the new object has the a subtype with the exact same name, the system creates the new object using that subtype by default. If not, the system uses the predefined Default subtype.

    For example, when a Definer creates a Program instance and definition at the same time, the system tries to give the instance the same subtype as the Work Area and the definition the same subtype as the Application Area. If Program instances do not have a subtype with the same name as the parent Work Area, the system uses the predefined Default subtype. If Program definitions do not have a subtype with the same name as the Application Area, the system uses the predefined Default subtype.

    Therefore, if you define a Financial and a Clinical subtype for all object types, and define one top-level Domain as Financial and another as Clinical, by default the system creates all objects in the Financial Domain as Financial and in the Clinical Domain as Clinical.

    The Definer can change the subtype as necessary.

  • Coordinate your classification level assignments for Execution Setup subtypes and for Output subtypes. Subtypes defined for Outputs are used by Planned Outputs.

    If you want an Output to inherit its classification values from its Execution Setup, which belongs to the executable instance in a Work Area, rather than its Planned Output, which belongs to the executable definition in an Application Area or Domain, set the Planned Output's classifications to Inherited. However, if the Execution Setup does not have the same classification levels assigned as the Planned Output, the actual output will inherit values for the missing levels from the Planned Output's parent; namely, the executable object definition.

  • For maximum flexibility, make all classification levels optional and inherited for all objects except organizational objects—Domains, Application Areas, and Work Areas—so that all primary definitional objects inherit their classifications from the Domain, Application Area, or Work Area where they are located. Do not define default classifications.
  • Mandatory Classifications. If you define a level as mandatory for Output subtypes and the Definer does not provide a default value, Oracle LSH will not execute the job to generate the output unless the person who submits the job provides a value.
  • Multiple Displays. If you assign multiple hierarchy levels to an Output subtype and an actual output is classified to them, it appears in multiple locations in the Reports screen.