Data Storage

Oracle LSH serves as a single repository of data originating in other systems, including Oracle, SAS, or any system from which you can produce a text file. You set up a connection with each source data system and load or refresh the data you specify as necessary.

Through the connection Oracle LSH can read the data sets or tables you use in external SAS or Oracle systems and reproduce them automatically in Oracle LSH before loading data into them. You can continue to use these structures in Oracle LSH or adopt new industry standards such as CDISC and LOINC and move your current data into tables based on standards. If those standards change over time, you can adjust your Oracle LSH tables accordingly.

Oracle LSH maintains data blinds on the tables you specify and allows blind breaks and unblinding with a combination of security privileges.

Oracle LSH maintains an audit trail on data and maintains version control over all programs and other objects that manipulate data. In addition, for each report output produced in Oracle LSH, the system maintains a record of all the programs and other objects that manipulated the data displayed in the report beginning when the source data entered Oracle LSH.

You can use Oracle LSH to integrate data in many ways. For example:

  • Create a single data repository for your company and a company you have acquired, even though the acquired company uses a different clinical data management system.
  • Compare data from any number of ongoing and closed studies.
  • View and analyze data collected in a system that is now obsolete.