Loading Data

You can load data into Oracle LSH from a variety of sources:

  • Oracle Databases, including Oracle Clinical. To load data from any Oracle system, you must enter connection information for the external system into Oracle LSH, including a username and password (encrypted in Oracle LSH) with access to the data in the external system that you want to load, so that Oracle LSH can connect directly to the source data system. You can require user-specific connections or allow the use of shared connections.
  • SAS. To load data from a SAS system, you must have access to SAS data set, CPort, or XPort files.
  • Text Files. Oracle LSH also handles loading data from fixed-format or delimited text files, but in this case you must manually define the target table in Oracle LSH before loading data. You must have access to the text file.


    You can convert a spreadsheet to a comma-delimited text file and load its data into Oracle LSH.