
Each Load Set has a Type attribute setting corresponding to its source data system (or, in the case of Oracle Clinical, the type of data or meta-data being loaded). Each Load Set type is based on a different predefined adapter that includes the set of programs necessary to copy the data structures and load data and determines the parameters you must set.

Adapters serve as the interface between Oracle LSH and each external system, ensuring that Oracle LSH handles the incoming data and meta-data correctly. If you upgrade to a new version of an external system (for example, SAS), you may also need to upgrade the relevant adapter, but you do not need to upgrade Oracle LSH. If you install a new version of Oracle LSH, it includes any required new versions of the predefined adapters.

Oracle LSH includes the following adapters, each of which is designed especially to load data from one type of external system into Oracle LSH:

  • Oracle Database. Loads data and meta-data from one or more tables in any Oracle database.
  • SAS. Loads data and meta-data from a SAS file.
  • Text. Loads data from one text file into an Oracle LSH table you define to match the data structure in the files.
  • Oracle Clinical. Although you could use the Oracle Database adapter to load data from Oracle Clinical, Oracle LSH includes a set of adapters to handle Oracle Clinical data more intelligently, as follows:
    • Global Library. Loads meta-data—Questions, Discrete Value Groups (DVGs), and Question Groups—that you have defined in the Oracle Clinical Global Library and converts them to Oracle LSH Variables, Parameters with LOVs, and Tables.
    • Data Extract Oracle Views. Converts the DX Oracle Views you have defined in Oracle Clinical to Oracle LSH Table instances, and either loads their data or serves as a pass-through view.
    • Data Extract SAS Views. Converts the DX SAS Views you have defined in Oracle Clinical to Oracle LSH Table instances and loads their data into Oracle LSH.
    • Study Data. Loads study-specific, non-patient data such as discrepancies, Data Clarification Forms (DCFs), page tracking and patient status information.
    • Study Design and Definition. Loads study-specific meta-data including Data Collection Modules (DCMs) and Data Collection Instruments (DCIs).
    • Labs. Loads lab-related data, including Labs, Panels, Units, and Ranges.
    • Stable Interface Tables. Loads data from any Oracle Clinical table that is part of the stable interface as described in the Oracle Clinical Release 4.5 Stable Interface Guide.
    • Randomization. Loads blinded treatment codes and dummy data. Blinded data remains blinded in Oracle LSH.