Validation-Related Security

Oracle LSH includes the following validation-related operations on object types:

  • Modify Validation Status QC. This privilege is required to set an object's validation status to Quality Control. Users with this privilege can also set the status to Retired.
  • Modify Validation Production. This privilege is required to set an object's validation status to Production. Users with this privilege can also set the status to Retired.
  • Manage Supporting Information. This privilege is required to link documents and outputs to an object as Validation Supporting Information.

In addition, Work Areas have a validation-related operation called Install Qualify Submit . No executables can be run in a Work Area until the Work Area's validation status is equal to or greater than its usage intent value, except by users with the special Install Qualify Submit privilege on the Work Area. This is to allow testing of the Work Area before making it generally available for use. See Work Area Usage Intent and Validation Status for further information.