Install the TMS Reports Server

This section describes installing and configuring a Reports Server. The TMS Reports Server runs on Oracle Forms and Reports 12c ( It schedules batch jobs such as synchronization.

You must install the TMS Front End before installing the TMS Report Server.


If you have already installed the Oracle Clinical Reports Server on this machine, you do not need to install the TMS Reports Server.

The Installer prevents you from installing two Reports Servers with the same name.

For more information, see:

Start the WebLogic FRDomain Admin Server

The WebLogic FRDomain Node Manager and Admin Server must be running when you install the Reports Server.

At the DOS command prompt, do the following:

  1. Go to ORACLE_HOME\user_projects\domains\FRDomain\bin and run the startWebLogic.cmd.
  2. Go to ORACLE_HOME\user_projects\domains\FRDomain\bin and run startNodeManager.cmd.

Gather Required Information for TMS Reports Server

Have the following information ready to enter in the Installer screens:

  • Home Details: Enter the following:

    • Name: OPA_HOME

    • Path: c:\opa_home or the path defined for OPA_HOME

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware home directory; for example:


  • Oracle Fusion Middleware User Projects directory; for example:


  • OPA home directory; for example:

    c:\opa_home or the path defined for OPA_HOME

  • WebLogic username and password

  • Report Server name

  • Report Server output directory

Start the TMS Report Server Installer

To install the TMS Report Server:

  1. Log in as a user with system administrator privileges.
  2. In the staging area, locate the directory where you downloaded and extracted Oracle Thesaurus Management System (see Download the Software).
  3. Run the following file as an administrator:


    The Installer opens to the Welcome screen.


    See Use the Silent Installer (Optional) for instructions for running the Installer as a file with pre-entered parameter values.


    Although there is a button for deinstalling products on the Welcome screen, Oracle does not support using the Installer to deinstall Oracle Thesaurus Management System.

  4. In the Select a Product to Install page, select Oracle Thesaurus Management System Report Server

Attend to the TMS Reports Server Installation Screens

The Oracle Universal Installer guides you through the installation and configuration of the TMS Reports Server.

  1. Follow instructions on the installation screens, providing the information you gathered Gather Required Information for TMS Reports Server.
  2. Choose Install Type: Select Yes to install a fresh instance of Oracle Thesaurus Management System Report Server.
  3. For the question "Do you want to create Report Server Component?", select Yes.
  4. Report Server name: Enter a unique name across your installation. If you try to create a second Reports Server with the same name as the first, the Installer detects it and prevents it.
  5. Summary: The Summary screen provides information about the global settings, languages, space requirements, and products for this installation.

    Review the installation details to verify that they are correct. To revisit earlier installation screens and make changes, click Back.

    When you are ready to continue, click Install.

Review the Installation Log File

Review the generated installation log file, installActionstimestamp.log, for errors.

This is the name of the most current log file. Earlier files have a timestamp appended to the name.

Location: \Oracle\Inventory\logs

For example:

C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs

If you encounter any error, contact Health Sciences Support.

Start the TMS Report Server

After you install the TMS Report Server, you must start it. Also, start the FRDomain WLS_FORMS and WLS_REPORTS services.

  1. Start the WLS_FORMS and WLS_REPORTS services in the WebLogic Forms console at http://host:7001/console.
  2. To start the report server, go to ORACLE_HOME\user_projects\domains\FRDomain\bin and run startComponent.cmd for report_server_name.

    Where, report_server_name is the name you had used when the Reports Server was installed.