Defining Search Objects

Search objects contain algorithms used to search the TMS repository in these situations:

  • To find matches for verbatim terms during Autoclassification.

  • To find Candidate Terms during manual classification.

In the Define Search Objects window, you can create search objects using pre-defined algorithms, custom (PL/SQL) regular expressions, or you can use custom PL/SQL packages as defined for a candidate or autocode object. If you currently use custom PL/SQL packages, see Defining a Search Object.

This section includes:

Defining VT Transformation


In TMS 5.3 release, you can define VT transformation.

A verbatim term transformation allows an administrative user to create a transformation through a regular expression in order to manipulate the verbatim term.

A transformation can represent a substitution of a verbatim term text or a replacement of the text from a verbatim term. For example, stop words or temperature can be removed from the verbatim term. You can also replace abbreviations with the full spelling of a term.

Sample substitution and replacement transformations are included in the application. The sample transformations may not be removed or updated. You can create a copy of the sample transformation and customize. For more information, see Sample Substitution and Replacement Transformations.

To define a VT transformation:

  1. From the Definition menu, select Define Search Objects. The window opens with the VT Transformations tab selected.
  2. Specify the following information about the VT transformation, then save:

Substitution Transformation

It consists of:

  • Name is a required text field to uniquely label a substitution transformation.

  • Type is a required drop-down list displaying: Word, Prefix, or Suffix.

    • Word is any alphanumeric text string.

    • Prefix is partial text string representing beginning characters of a verbatim term. For example, Anti-, Pre-, or Post-.

    • Suffix is partial text string representing later characters of a verbatim term. For example, -et, -aire, or -es.

  • Level is a required drop-down list displaying: Substitution Terminology - Stopwords, Substitution Terminology - Abbreviations, Substitution Terminology - Prefix, Substitution Terminology - Suffix, and all other levels associated with active dictionaries of type Substitution. This field contains the Substitution Dictionary Name and Levels.

    • Substitution Terminology - Stop words represent words that are removed from the verbatim term. For example, as, an, the, and, OR at.

    • Substitution Terminology - Abbreviations represent words that are shorten to represent a whole word. For example, Fx is fracture or Dr is doctor.

    • Substitution Terminology - Prefix is an affix placed before a word, base, or another prefix to modify a term's meaning, as by making the term negative. For example, un- or Ms.

    • Substitution Terminology - Suffix is an affix that follows the element to which it is added. For example, -ly.

  • Description is a text field to describe the term substitution transformation.

  • Test is a button that triggers the test (for testing purposes only)

  • Test Verbatim Term is a field to allow entry of a verbatim term (for testing purposes only).


    In the PL/SQL regexp_replace function, this is the value used in the string parameter.

  • Test Result is a read-only field displaying the result of the test (for testing purposes only).

  • Created By is a read-only field displaying user that created the record.

  • Creation Timestamp is a read-only field displaying timestamp when record was created.

  • Modified By is a read-only field displaying user that last modified the record.

  • Modification Timestamp is a read-only field displaying timestamp when record was last modified.

For each Substitution transformation record, you can test the substitution transformation by entering a text string in the Test Verbatim Term field and clicking the Test button. The Test field will display the resulting transformation.

Replacement Transformation

It consists of:

  • Name is a required text field to uniquely label a replacement transformation. Must be unique across all substitution and replacement transformation objects.

  • Pattern is a required field. PL/SQL regular expression to be applied to a verbatim term. When saved, a test is performed and an error will be thrown if the regular expression is not valid.


    In the PL/SQL regexp_replace function, this is the value used in the pattern parameter.

    • With replacement transformations, PLSQL regular expressions are applied to the verbatim term and text in the verbatim term is replaced when matches are made by the regular expression.

    • The format of the REGEXP_REPLACE function is: REGEXP_REPLACE( string, pattern [, replacement_string [, start_position [, nth_appearance [, match_parameter ] ] ] ] )

  • Repl. Str. is an optional replacement text field. When the regular expression finds a match in the verbatim term, the matching text is replaced with this value. If left empty, then the matching text is simply removed from the verbatim term. This can be static text or a pattern.


    In the PL/SQL regexp_replace function, this is the value used in the replacement_string parameter.

  • Space - Select this checkbox when a single space " " needs to be configured in the "Repl. Str" field. Entering any character other than space in "Repl. Str" will automatically uncheck this box. (This must be to workaround a forms issue attempting to save a value with only a single space)

  • Start - Optional start position. This value specifies the position in the string where the regular expression will start searching from. If empty, then 1 is used by default.


    In the PL/SQL regexp_replace function, this is the value used in the start_position parameter.

  • Occ - Optional occurrence. This value specifies which occurrence of the pattern within the string to replace. If empty, then all occurrences of the pattern within the string will be replaced. If set to 0, then all occurrences of the pattern within the string will be replaced.


    In the PL/SQL regexp_replace function, this is the value used in the nth_appearance parameter.

  • Description is a text field to describe the term replacement transformation.

  • Test is a button that triggers the test (for testing purposes only).

  • Test Verbatim Term is a field to allow entry of a verbatim term (for testing purposes only) (NOTE: In the PL/SQL regexp_replace function, this is the value used in the string parameter).

  • Test Result is a read-only field displaying the result of the test (for testing purposes only).

  • Created By is a read-only field displaying user that created the record.

  • Creation Timestamp is a read-only field displaying timestamp when record was created.

  • Modified By is a read-only field displaying user that last modified the record.

  • Modification Timestamp is a read-only field displaying timestamp when record was last modified.

For each Replacement Transformation record, you can test the replacement transformation by entering text into the Test Verbatim Term field and clicking Test. The Test Result field will display the resulting transformation.

Substitution Terminology Dictionaries

For information, see Substitution Terminology Dictionaries.

Sample Substitution and Replacement Transformations

  • Substitution Terminology Stop words transformation

    • Name: Stop words

    • Type: Word

    • Level: Substitution Terminology > Stopwords

    • Description: Remove stop words from the VT

  • Substitution Terminology Abbreviations transformation

    • Name: Abbreviations

    • Type: Word

    • Level: Substitution Terminology > Abbreviations

    • Description: Replace abbreviations in the VT

  • Substitution Terminology Prefix transformation

    • Name: Prefix

    • Type: Prefix

    • Level: Substitution Terminology > Prefix

    • Description: Remove prefix in the VT

  • Substitution Terminology Suffix Transformation

    • Name: Suffix

    • Type: Suffix

    • Level: Substitution Terminology > Suffix

    • Description: Remove suffix in the VT

  • Replacement Transformation - Removes (Text) transformation

    • Name: Removes (Text)

    • Pattern: (^|\W)*\(.*?\)(\W|$)

    • Repl. Str: NULL

    • Space: Checked

    • Start: NULL

    • Occ: NULL

    • Match: None

    • Description: Removes text between an open and closed parentheses. For example, "Headache (bad)" = "Headache".

  • Replacement Transformation - Removes temperature transformation

    • (Replacement) Name: Removes temperature

    • Pattern: (^|\W)(([0-9])|([0-9](.|,)[0-9]))? *((CELSIUS|FAHRENHEIT|DEGREES|DEGREE|C|F)( ?))(\W|$)

    • Repl. Str: NULL

    • Space: Checked

    • Start: NULL

    • Occ: NULL

    • Match: Case insensitive

    • Description: Removes temperature. For example, "Low Fever 38C" = "Low Fever".

  • Replacement Transformation - Removes number transformation

    • (Replacement) Name: Removes numbers

    • Pattern: (^|\W)*[0-9]+(\W|$)

    • Repl. Str: NULL

    • Space: Checked

    • Start: NULL

    • Occ: NULL

    • Match: None

    • Description: Removes numbers. For example, "Test 39 times" = "Test times".

  • Replacement Transformation - Removes duplicate words transformation

    • (Replacement) Name: Removes duplicate words

    • Pattern: (^|\W)(\w+)(\W|$)\2(\W|$)

    • Repl. Str: \1\2\3

    • Space: NULL

    • Start: NULL

    • Occ: NULL

    • Match: None

    • Description: Removes duplicate words. For example, "Test Test" = "Test".

  • Replacement Transformation - Removes date formatted string transformation

    • (Replacement) Name: Removes date formatted string

    • Pattern: *(([0-9] {1,2}(-|/)([A-za-z]{2,3}|[0-9]{1,2} )(-|/)[0-9]{2,4})|([A-za-z]{3}(-|/)[0-9]{2,4} )) *

    • Repl. Str: NULL

    • Space: checked

    • Start: NULL

    • Occ: NULL

    • Match: None

    • Description: Removes date formatted text string. There is no validation if the text string is a valid date. For example, "Test 39-OCT-2018" = "Test".

  • Replacement Transformation - Remove all non-letter/numbers transformation

    • (Replacement) Name: Removes all non-letter/numbers

    • Pattern: [^a-zA-Z0-9 ]

    • Repl. Str: NULL

    • Space: NULL

    • Start: NULL

    • Occ: NULL

    • Match: None

    • Description: Removes any non-alphanumeric character. For example, "Headache, bad?" = "Headache bad".

Defining Packages

The packages tab allows you to continue to use the custom PL/SQL packages assigned to a search object. You can continue to use custom packages during autocoding or to determine candidate matches.

To define a package:

  1. From the Definition menu, select Define Search Objects.
  2. Click the Packages tab.
  3. Specify the following information about your package, then save:
    • Name: Enter a name identifier for the package object. Name is the search object label as defined in TMS pre-5.3. It is a required text field and unique across all package objects.


      No validation is performed when the package is saved to verify that the entry is valid.

    • Autocode Object: Enter the name of the function you have written for TMS to run during Autoclassification. For the Domain Match search object, this is predefined. For user-defined search objects, enter the function name here or, if the function is included in a package, enter package_name.function_name. See Creating Custom Search Algorithms.

    • Candidate Object: Enter the name of the function you have written for TMS to run to generate Candidate Terms during manual classification. For the Domain Match search object this is predefined. For user-defined search objects, enter the function name here or, if the function is included in a package, enter package_name.function_name. See Creating Custom Search Algorithms.

    • Description: It is a text field used to describe the search object.

    • NonApproved VTA Package: TMS includes a pre-defined packaged called NonApproved VTA. It searches in the current domain for an exact match that is a Nonapproved VTA. The Nonapproved VTA package cannot be modified in the Packages tab. However, in order to include the Nonapproved VTA package, you will need to add the package to the search object, see Defining a Search Object.


      The NonApproved VTA search object will no longer be executed during autocoding by default. You will need to add the NonApproved VTA search object to each domain/dictionary and identify the order to execute the NonApproved VTA search object during autocoding. See Defining a Search Object, Assigning Search Object to a Dictionary, and Defining the Search Object Order to complete the setup.

    • Domain VTA Package: TMS includes a pre-defined search object called Domain VTA that is available for you to use as you wish. It searches for an exact match of a VTA in another domain. If it finds more than one match, it returns multiple Candidate Terms. If it finds one and only one match, it either autoclassifies the term or returns a Candidate Term, depending on the Approval Type setting. In addition, if it finds one and only one match:

      • If the verbatim term's dictionary/domain combination allows classification to nonapproved dictionary terms, the Domain Match search object includes VTAs linked to nonapproved dictionary terms in its search.

      • If the verbatim term's dictionary/domain combination does not allow classification to nonapproved dictionary terms, the Domain Match search object does not include VTAs linked to nonapproved dictionary terms in its search, even if they exist in other domains.

      In order to include the Domain VTA package, you will need to add the package to the search object, see Defining a Search Object.

Defining a Search Object

In the Search Object tab, you will define the search object by assigning a name, the VT Transformation, how to match the term using the Term Matching, what terms to include, and a description of the search object. The Domain Match and Non appr vta match search objects are included as part of the TMS installation and cannot be updated. You can test each search object against a base dictionary to verify the results as expected.

To define a search object:

  1. From the Definition menu, select Define Search Objects.
  2. Click the Search Objects tab.
  3. Specify the following information about your search object, then save:
    • Name is a mandatory text field to label the search object and must be unique.

    • VT Transformation is a mandatory drop-down list of VT transformations defined from the VT Transformation tab. The list also displays an option for "None" in case a transformation is not to be performed on the term.

    • Term Matching is a mandatory drop-down list with the following options:

      • All words: To match all words independent of order.

      • Any: To search for at least one occurrence of any of the transformed verbatim term.

      • Exact: Matching the transformed verbatim term with a precise match.

      • Fuzzy: Matching the transformed verbatim term using the fuzzy operator,?, to include words that are spelled similarly to the specified term. This type of expansion is helpful for finding more accurate results when there are frequent misspellings in your document set. For example, . ?aspirin finds aspirin, ascriptin, and aspellin.

      • Left: Matching the transformed verbatim term with term in dictionary that starts the same.

      • None: Perform no match.


        This will generate an omission since no match is performed.

      • Soundex: Matching the transformed verbatim term using the soundex operator, !, to include words that have similar sounds; that is, words that sound like other words. This function enables comparison of words that are spelled differently, but sound alike in English. For example, !hair finds hair and air.

      • Stem: Matching the transformed verbatim term using the stem,$, operator to search for terms that have the same linguistic root as the query term. For example, $crush finds crush, crushed, and crushing.

      • Text: Uses the Oracle Text Index to perform match.

      • P: DomainVTA: Uses the Domain VTA package to match the transformed verbatim term to VTAs across domains.

      • P: NonApprovedVTA: Uses the NonApproved VTA package to match the transformed verbatim to a non-approved VTA.

      • In addition, any other custom packages defined on the Packages tab will be displayed prefixed with "P:".


        The following Term Matching use Oracle Context Search: All Words, Any, Fuzzy, Soundex, Stem, and Text. If a verbatim contains a reserved word or character from the Oracle Text Queries, TMS will escape the reserved word or character. See Special Characters in Oracle Text Queries,

    • Include is a mandatory drop-down list of Dictionary Terms or All Terms.

      • Dictionary Terms: Matching the transformed verbatim term against dictionary terms only.

      • All Terms: Matching the transformed verbatim term against dictionary terms or VTAs.

    • Description is a text field to provide detail about the search object.

For more information, see:

Testing a Search Object


In TMS 5.3 release, you can test a search object.

Once a search object is defined and saved. You can test the selected search object to verify the results are expected as defined.

  1. Select a Dictionary from the drop-down list of all active base dictionaries.
  2. Enter a verbatim term.
  3. Click Test Search to execute the selected search object on the entered verbatim term.
  4. The Result field will return Error, Omission, Classified, or Many depending on the returned results.

The Result field will return Error, Omission, Classified, or Many depending on the returned results.

  • Error is displayed if there is an unexpected database exception.

  • Omission is displayed if no match is found.

  • Classified is displayed if a direct match is found.

  • Many is displayed if there is more than one match found.

Transformed Verbatim Term is a display only field of the verbatim term with the search object applied.

The Term Match field displays the resulting dictionary term or global VTA when there is a direct match.

Assigning Search Object to a Dictionary

After setting up the Search Object, assign the search object to a dictionary and domain. You must specify the dictionaries with which each Search Object is available for use, as follows:


You will need to assign the Domain VTA and/or Non appr vta match search objects to a dictionary and domain if you wish to continue to use.

  1. From the Definition menu, select Define Search Objects.
  2. Click the Apply to Dictionary tab.
  3. Select a dictionary from the Dictionary drop-down list. This drop-down displays all active (base and virtual) dictionaries with a folder type set to Strong and the VT Level Required? checkbox selected.

    The Dictionary Type field displays the type of selected dictionary whether the selected dictionary is a Base or Virtual Dictionary.

  4. Assign a defined search object to the dictionary in the first table (top block). This table displays the following fields:
    • Search Object is a drop-down list. This is the available search objects defined in the Search Objects tab.

    • All Versions? checkbox indicates the search object is used in all versions of a dictionary which includes all virtual dictionaries of a base dictionary. Only a search object in the base dictionary can be assigned the "All Versions?". If a search object is assigned with "All Versions?", then the virtual dictionary will use the search object and the search object cannot be removed. However, if the search object "All Versions?" is not selected in the base dictionary, then the virtual dictionary will inherit the search object from the base dictionary but the search object can be removed from the search object order.

    • Comment is a field to provide any notes about the assigned search object.

    • For each record in this table, there are read-only fields: Created By, Creation Timestamp, Modified By, and Modification Timestamp.

  5. The second table (bottom block) displays the assignment of a domain to a search object(s).
    • Domain field displays the domains that are assigned to the selected dictionary.

    • Disabled? checkbox indicates the search objects are disabled for the assigned domain.

    • Comment Text is a field to provide any notes about the assigned domain.

Defining the Search Object Order

In the Search Object Order tab, you can define the order in which search objects are executed during autocoding for a given domain/dictionary. The search objects assigned in the Apply to Dictionary are available once you have selected the Dictionary/Domain.

To define the order in which search objects are executed:

  1. From the Definition menu, select Define Search Objects.
  2. Click the Search Object Order tab.
  3. Select a dictionary from the Dictionary drop-down list. This drop-down displays all active (base and virtual) dictionaries with a folder type set to Strong and the VT Level Required? checkbox selected.

    Once you select the dictionary, the Domain drop-down list displays only the domains assigned to the selected dictionary.

  4. Define the search object execution in the first table (top block) which is a multi-record table. This table displays the following fields:
    • Order is a numeric, unique, and mandatory field.

    • Search Object is a drop-down list of the available search objects for the selected dictionary/domain as defined in the Apply to Dictionary tab and it is mandatory.

    • Action 1:1 Match is a drop-down list indicating if a match is found to Create VTA or Omission.

    • Stop 1:1 Match? checkbox indicates the exit criteria if a match is found and you want the system to stop the search if it finds more than one match using the search object.


      If the system finds more than one match during a Candidate Term search, it will return all the matches it finds.

    • Reset VT? checkbox indicates if the original verbatim is restored when autocoding for the current selected search object. If the checkbox is not selected, then the transformed verbatim term is used from the previous search object defined in the order.


      The first search object in the order always uses the original verbatim term and not dependent on the Reset VT.

      Example of the Reset VT? use case:

      • Order 1: Search Object 1 Reset VT checked >> Original VT always used

      • Order 2: Search Object 2 Reset VT not checked >> Transformed VT from Order 1 search object used

      • Order 3: Search Object 3 Reset VT checked >> Original VT used

      • Order 4: Search Object 4 Reset VT not checked >>> Transformed VT from Order 3 search object used

    • Disabled? checkbox indicates if the search object is not to be executed. The search object is disabled in the Apply to Dictionary tab for a given domain/dictionary combination.

    • Comment is a field to provide any notes for the assigned search object.

Once you have defined the search object execution order, you can test the execution order.

Testing the Search Object Order

Test the search object order in the second table (bottom block). This table displays the following fields:

  • Verbatim Term is an enterable free-form text field.

  • Result is a display only drop-down list (Omission, Classified, Error, Setup Error):

    • Omission result is if no match, multiple matches can be found from the search object order, OR if a direct match is found on the search object order when the Action 1:1 Match is set to Omission.

    • Classified result is if an exact match is found from the search object order.

    • Error result is if an unexpected exception is thrown in database. Data corruption of the dictionary.

    • Setup Error is if an error encountered in database setting global variables (for example, instance needs to be registered, synchronization needs to be run on instance, and so on). For example, if dictionary is not assigned to a domain or dictionary not a base/virtual dictionary.

  • Test Search button.

  • The Candidates table displays the matched term(s) in the dictionary. The results must be the same as the Classify VTO candidate search where only distinct matches are returned.

    • Term is the dictionary term or VTA in the domain/dictionary.

    • (Term) Type is either a dictionary term or verbatim term.

    • Code is the dictionary code field.

    • Alt Code is the alternate code defined for the dictionary term.

    • Approved? checkbox indicates if the dictionary term/VTA is approved.

    • Comment is a field displaying any text entered about the dictionary term/VTA.

Removing a Search Object's Association with a Dictionary

If you decide that you no longer want to use a particular search object with a dictionary in any domain, you can remove the search object from the Search Object Order, Apply to Dictionary, and Search Objects tabs.

Omissions previously created using the search object still exist and are queryable and viewable in the Classify VT Omissions window. However, the Search Object field for these omissions is blank, and the system does not use the search object to create any additional omissions associated with the dictionary.

To remove a search object execution order in a dictionary:

  1. From the Definition menu, select Define Search Objects.
  2. Click the Search Object Order tab.
  3. From the Dictionary list, choose the dictionary from which you want to remove a search object.
  4. Select the domain from the Domain drop-down list. TMS lists the search objects defined for this dictionary and domain.
  5. Scroll to, or query for, the search object you want to remove, and select its row.
  6. With the search object's row highlighted, delete the record.
  7. Save. TMS deletes the search object's association with this dictionary.

Deleting a Search Object

If you decide that you no longer want to use a search object with any dictionary, you can delete it entirely from TMS. Previously created omissions still exist, and are queryable and viewable in the Classify VT Omissions window. However, the Search Object field for these omissions is blank, and the system does not use the search object to create any additional omissions.

To delete a search object assigned to a dictionary:

  1. From the Definition menu, select Define Search Objects.

  2. Click the Apply to Dictionary tab.

  3. From the Dictionary drop-down list, choose the dictionary from which you want to remove a search object. TMS lists the search objects defined for this dictionary.

  4. Select the Search Object record and delete the record.

To delete a search object:

  1. From the Definition menu, select Define Search Objects.
  2. Click the Search Objects tab.
  3. Query for the search object you want to delete.
  4. Select the Search Object record and delete the record.

Creating Custom Search Algorithms


In TMS 5.3 release, you can no longer customize search algorithms for Extended Searches.

Each of the search algorithms provided with TMS searches only for direct matches to the verbatim term in the TMS repository. You may want to take advantage of the text-retrieval capabilities available in the Oracle database. The interMedia Text software, formerly known as the Context Server Cartridge, is integrated in the RDBMS.

To create a custom search algorithm, create a PL/SQL function in the database and enter its name in the Search Object Definition window in TMS in the appropriate field—Autocode Object or Candidate Object—and set the candidate_type='package'. For an overview, see Defining a Search Object).

If the function is part of a package, follow the naming convention package_name.function_name for functions. When TMS runs Autoclassification, a Candidate Term search, it calls the function in the order you specify in the Exec Order field.

You will probably want to make each search algorithm available in both situations, but this is optional.

The input and output parameters vary in each situation as follows:

Writing a Search Algorithm for Autoclassification

You can create one or more custom search algorithm to supplement TMS's Autoclassification process. Create a PL/SQL function in the database and enter its name in the Autocode Object field in the Packages tab of the Define Search Objects window in TMS (see Defining a Search Object). Each Autoclassification search algorithm must have the following specifications:

FUNCTION function_name (
  pDefDictionaryId IN tms_def_dictionaries.def_dictionary_id%TYPE
  , pDefDomainId IN tms_def_domains.def_domain_id%TYPE
  , pVtLevelId IN tms_def_levels.def_level_id%TYPE
  , pVtCodeLevelId IN tms_def_levels.def_level_id%TYPE
  , pVTASearchFlag IN VARCHAR2
  , pTermUpper IN tms_dict_contents.term_upper%TYPE
  , pVDefDictionaryID IN tms_def_dictionaries.def_dictionary_id%TYPE
  , pCutoffDate IN tms_def_dictionaries.cutoff_date%TYPE
  , pDictContentid IN OUT tms_dict_contents.dict_content_id%TYPE

The function_name may be part of package_name.function_name and must correspond to the value entered in the Autocode Object field of the Define Search Objects window.

The function has one output parameter that identifies the dictionary term or VTA match it finds. The function returns an integer as follows:

Value Returned if Function Finds Next, TMS


no matches

runs next search object, if any


one and only one match

stops Autoclassification, returns match


more than one match

if the exit criterion Stop 1:m is set to Y, Autoclassification stops and returns the search object that found the matches; if the exit criterion is set to N, TMS runs the next search object, if any.

Writing a Search Algorithm for Candidate Term Generation

You can create one or more custom search algorithm to supplement TMS's Candidate Term search process. Create a PL/SQL function in the database and enter its name in the Search Object Definition window in TMS in the Candidate Object field (see Defining a Search Object). Each candidate search algorithm must have the following specifications:

FUNCTION function_name (
  pDefSearchId IN tms_vt_omissions.def_search_id%TYPE
  , pDefDictionaryId IN tms_vt_omissions.def_dictionary_id%TYPE
  , DefDomainId IN tms_vt_omissions.def_domain_id%TYPE
  , pVtLevelId IN tms_def_levels.def_level_id%TYPE
  , pVtCodeLevelId IN tms_def_levels.def_level_id%TYPE
  , pTermUpper IN tms_dict_contents.term_upper%TYPE
  , pVDefDictionaryID IN tms_def_dictionaries.def_dictionary_id%TYPE
  , pCutoffDate IN tms_def_dictionaries.cutoff_date%TYPE
  , pCutoffDate IN tms_def_dictionaries.cutoff_date%TYPE) RETURN VARCHAR2;

The function_name may be part of package_name.function_name and must correspond to the value entered in the Candidate Object field of the Define Search Objects window.

The function returns a string of characters that populates the Where clause, which populates the lower block of the Classify VT Omissions window. The function can be invoked by the user during manual classification (see "Candidate Terms and Search Objects" in Classification Concepts).

In addition, you can restrict an algorithm's search to only current terms by adding the following to the populated where clause:

AND end_ts = to_date(3000000, 'J')