Setting TMS Preferences with Reference Codelist Values

Reference codelists provide a body of information for TMS forms and processes, which use the codelist values to create default settings, populate lists of values, and control some aspects of TMS data processing. The values and settings are defined in TMS databases, and can usually be overridden for a more specific situation somewhere else in the system. You cannot delete reference codelists or their values, but you can set one or more values or a reference codelist itself to Inactive so it will have no effect in TMS.

For example, many TMS forms enable you to perform simple text queries as well as queries that use the Oracle Context Server. In these forms, you can choose which of these query options you want by selecting SIMPLE or CONTEXT in the Query Type field. These two values are provided in a TMS installation reference codelist, TMS_QUERY_TYPE.

This section includes:

Reference Codelists in Integrated and Nonintegrated Environments

To integrate TMS with Oracle Clinical, you must set three reference codelists in Oracle Clinical; see Setting Integration Reference Codelist Values.

If you are using the Disconnected System Integration feature of TMS, see Setting DSI Preferences with Reference Codelist Settings.

Editing Reference Codelists

To edit a reference codelist:

  1. Navigate to the Definition menu and click either Installation Reference Codelists or Local Reference Codelists. The window opens in Query mode.

  2. In the Name field, query for the codelist that you want to edit.

  3. Define the codes in the lower part of the window using the Description field and documentation for each codelist.

    1. The short value for the code is read-only.

    2. The long value for the code. You can edit this value.

    3. Active? If selected, this codelist value will appear in lists that use this codelist for an LOV. If not selected, this value will not appear.

    4. Default? This box has no effect in TMS.

  4. Save.


TMS_CONFIGURATION provides a list of values and behaviors that you can set for the application. The Short Value column provides a short name for the value or behavior. The Long Value column is enterable, and you can accept the value provided or modify it. If you select Active?, the value becomes valid in the system.

There is no default value for TMS_CONFIGURATION, so selecting Default? does not change the behavior of this reference codelist.

This section provides additional descriptions of TMS_CONFIGURATION values and the features they drive in TMS. See also Changing TMS_CONFIGURATION Settings After Data Has Been Processed.




*The settings followed by asterisks (*) below help determine the way TMS processes source terms and omissions. See Changing TMS_CONFIGURATION Settings After Data Has Been Processed.

The settings are:


This setting controls the default behavior of the Global setting in the Maintain VT Omissions window, which is in turn used to classify a VTA as being available globally or specific to a particular domain.

If Y, in the Maintain VT Omissions window TMS will create VTAs as Global by default. If N, in this window TMS will create VTAs as Domain-specific by default.


This setting dictates the default approval status of manually created Global VTAs. If Y, TMS creates global VTAs as Nonapproved by default. If N, TMS creates Global VTAs as Approved by default.


When TMS creates a VTA automatically by synchronization, the system does not refer to this setting.


This setting determines the default value of the Approval Required? flag in the Define Domain Dictionaries window. If Y, the default setting is checked; if N, the default setting is unchecked. Users can change the value for any particular domain. See Creating Domains and Assigning Dictionaries to Domains for more information.


If N, a term that matches a Nonapproved VTA will generate an omission in TMS with Search = 'Nonapproved VTA' and a discrepancy in Oracle Clinical.

If Y, such a term will classify in TMS.


If Y, TMS allows users to create global VTAs. If N, users cannot create global VTAs manually.


If Y, users can edit external terms from TMS windows under the Repository Maintenance menu. If N, external terms are read-only in these windows.


If Y, TMS hides named relations in the Maintain Repository Data and Browse Repository Data windows. If N, these windows display named relations. You might want to suppress named relations if you only use strong dictionaries in your TMS environment.


This setting controls the default behavior of the All Versions? box in the Maintain Informative Notes window accessed from the Repository Authoring window under the Repository Maintenance menu. If Y, this box defaults to selected; if N, it defaults to deselected.

WRKFLWINFALLVSN controls the default behavior only. You can still override the default and select All Versions? to make a workflow Informative Note apply to all versions, or clear it to make the note version-specific.


This setting controls the default status of the Appr? (or Approved?) box for verbatim terms you create in either Maintain Repository Data or Repository Authoring. If Y, this box will be selected by default for each verbatim term you create while the window is open. If N, this box will be deselected while the window is open.

VTAAPPRFLAG controls only the default status of the Appr? box. You can still override this default.


This setting controls the default status of the Appr? (or Approved?) box for dictionary terms you create in either Maintain Repository Data or Repository Authoring. If Y, this box will be selected by default for each dictionary term you create while the window is open. If N, this box will be deselected while the window is open.

DRAPPRFLAG controls only the default status of the Appr? box. You can still override the default.


(Classify VT Omissions Window Clear Comment) If Y, TMS clears the Comment field in the Classify VT Omissions window when you classify a verbatim term. If N, TMS retains the original comment, which you can edit before you commit your classification change to the database.


(Classify VT Omissions Window Clear Action) If Y, TMS clears any Action associated with a verbatim term after you apply an Action to an omission. If N, TMS does not clear the Action.


(Autocoding Process Creates Global VTAs) If AUTOGLOVTAS is Y, and ALLOWGLOVTAS is Y, the autocoding process will create Global VTAs. If AUTOGLOVTAS is N (but ALLOWGLOVTAS is still Y), autocoding creates Domain VTAs, but you can manually create Global VTAs.


If Y, TMS will refresh materialized views during Synchronization.

The Filter windows in TMS use materialized views to keep external system data up-to-date. Refreshing the materialized views can be time-consuming, so if you do not rely on external system data in Filter windows, you might want to choose N for this setting. See Controlling the Use of Materialized Views.


This setting is for internal use only.


This codelist setting enables you to control where the system saves the comments you create for terms. If Y, the system saves comments in the discrepancy_entries.internal_comment column. If N, the system saves comments in the discrepancy_entries.comment column. The default value is Y.

The difference is significant to Oracle Clinical Discrepancy Management, because internal comments appear in some reports and Data Clarification Forms (DCFs), while regular comments do not. If you prefer to hide these non-internal comments from DCFs and other reports, set OCDISCINTCOMM to N.


Enter the number of hours, if any, you want a user to have to fix a classification mistake he or she has made. When the long value is greater than zero, users can change classifications they have made in the Reclassify Verbatim Terms window, within the number of hours in the Long Value field, even if they do not have the normal reclassification privilege. The system displays only classifications created by the user logged into the system.


This setting determines the default value of the Action Appr Reqd? flag in the Define Domain Dictionaries window. If Y, the default setting is checked; if N, the default setting is unchecked. Users can change the value for any particular domain. See Creating Domains and Assigning Dictionaries to Domains for more information.


If the long value for short value DEALLOC is set to Y, any user can deallocate tasks from him or herself but cannot reallocate tasks to other users. If set to N, any user can reallocate tasks from him or herself to other users.


Users with the TMS_ALLOCATE_PRIV role can reallocate tasks regardless of this reference codelist setting.


This setting determines the default value of the Non Appr DT field in the Define Domain Dictionaries window. If the long value is NONE, the default value for the Non Appr DT field is NONE. If the long value is VTA, the default value of the field is VTA. See Creating Domains and Assigning Dictionaries to Domains for more information.


This setting controls the use of Negative List unanswerable action. if Y, then verbatim term with an Unanswerable Action does not autocode. Autocoding will match the source term to the verbatim term with an unanswerable action in the domain/dictionary before the exact match is performed against the domain/dictionary or global/domain VTA so that a source term is prevented from autocoding as a VTA.


The value is seeded by the installation and is updated by the synchronization job. JN_TIMESTAMP > JN_ACC_SYNCH is updated by the account synchronization job.


If Y, the Classify Indication Omissions screen is displayed after classifying a VTA or VTI that results in an indication omission. If N, the user manually navigates to the Classify Indication Omissions screen to resolve the indication omission.


Enter the number of hours that a user with the TMS_CLASSIFY_PRIV role may update or delete an action assignment that they created. This setting applies to users that are not granted the TMS_APPROVE_PRIV and TMS_RECLASSIFY_PRIV roles. A value of 0 prevents a user from updating or deleting their own action assignments.


Enter the number of minutes that the Synchronization job will adjust timestamps by when querying for declassified VTAs and when querying for dictionary terms that match omissions. The default value is 10 minutes.


If Y, the Candidates? check box is selected by default on ClassifyVTO if the search objects exists.


Maximum file size (in MB) of the report template copied to the middle tier.

Changing TMS_CONFIGURATION Settings After Data Has Been Processed

Some of the settings for the TMS_CONFIGURATION reference codelist (CREATEGLOBALVTA, GLOVTAAPPRREQD, DOMVTAAPPRREQD, NONAPPRVTAUSED, ALLOWGLOVTAS, and AUTOGLOVTAS) help determine the way TMS processes source terms and omissions in fully integrated external systems, and omissions in partially integrated external systems.

If you change one of these settings after source terms and omissions have already been processed, the system does not automatically reprocess old data using the new setting. You must use the Force Rederivation job to mark study omissions (and source terms, in fully integrated external systems) for processing during the next Batch Validation or equivalent job.

If you are using TMS with Oracle Clinical, you can call the Force Rederivation job by selecting Oracle Clinical's Plan menu, choosing TMS Domains, then selecting Studies, Domain Elements, and then Force Rederivation. Alternatively, you could call through the API, using the procedure ocl_tms_pack.SetLastTMSDerivTS (see the Oracle Thesaurus Management System Technical Reference Manual for details). You must then run Oracle Clinical Batch Validation.

If you are using a different external system, you must mark records for reprocessing and then run the equivalent of Batch Validation to actually reprocess them.

Other Installation-wide Codelists

Descriptions of the TMS installation-wide codelists, other than the TMS_CONFIGURATION codelist, are as follows:


Values in this codelist populate the Language field in the Define Dictionaries window. English is the default dictionary language.


TMS_QUERY_TYPE populates the LOV in the Query field for several forms in TMS. The default value, STANDARD, provides a standard Oracle query, while the CONTEXT value enables you to use the Oracle interMedia option.


TMS_SOURCE_MAT_VIEWS controls whether materialized views or regular views are used to populates the LOVs for each external system value in the Filter window, which launches from Reclassify Verbatim Terms and Approve VTAs. Oracle recommends using materialized views for Values 1-3 when using TMS with Oracle Clinical. See Controlling the Use of Materialized Views.


Set a value for VTOs (omissions), VTAs (here, unapproved VTAs only), and ACTs (here, unapproved Action assignments):

  • N (No Allocation). If set to N, Task Allocation is not available to omissions, unapproved VTAs, or unapproved Action assignments.

  • D (Direct Allocation). If set to D, TMS performs Direct Allocation as soon as an omission, unapproved VTA, or unapproved Action assignment is created. See Direct Allocation.

  • P (Pool Allocation). If set to P, TMS effectively puts omissions, unapproved VTAs, or unapproved Action assignments in a pool. They can then be allocated either manually or by invoking a pooled algorithm. See Manual Pool Allocation and Automatic Pool Allocation.


    The Task Allocation menu item does not appear in the TMS Navigator panel unless the long value for at least one of the short values—VTO, VTA, or ACT—is set to either D or P. If all are set to N, Task Allocation does not appear in the Navigator.


TMS_X_SEARCH populates the LOV in the Search Type field of the Extended Search window. This reference codelist currently has just one value, Cross Search, which enables extended searches to search the entire TMS repository.

Local Codelists

TMS includes the following local reference codelists:


The local reference codelist REPORTS_CONFIG is required for TMS reports. There is one parameter, JDBC_DATA_SRC. You must set its long value to:


This same value must be in the WebLogic Server Administration Console. To check this:

  1. Log in to the WebLogic Server Administration Console at:
  2. Navigate to Services under Domain Structure, then Data Sources.
  3. Confirm that a data source with JNDI Name: jdbc/tms. (During installation the TMS Installer creates and names the data source.)


The local reference codelist TMS_DSI contains parameters whose settings determine important aspects of DSI behavior; see Setting DSI Preferences with Reference Codelist Settings.