Using the Maintenance Wizard

The Maintenance Wizard performs the moving and exchange of terms selected in either the Maintain Repository Data or Repository Authoring window. Using this tool, you can perform six different functions: move relations, move terms up or down a dictionary hierarchy, move a term and copy its relations, move and merge a term, merge a term, or exchange terms. Maintenance Wizard functions are available for strong relations in strong dictionaries only.

You can launch the Maintenance Wizard from either the Maintain Repository Data window or the Repository Authoring window. This section includes the following Maintenance Wizard topics:

Overview of Maintenance Wizard Tasks

To launch the Maintenance Wizard:

  1. Select the term you want to modify, and click the Maintain Wizard button at the bottom of the Maintain Repository Data window. The Maintain Data window opens, with your term's Name, ID Number, Current Level, and Level Code at the top of the window.
  2. Select a function to perform on this term, and click Next.
  3. Complete the steps in the appropriate section:

Data Pending in the Predict Tables

If the changes you elect to make using the Maintenance Wizard either involve terms that are awaiting Activation in the predict tables or would create duplicates of terms that already exist, TMS will prompt you with an error message. Close the Maintenance Wizard and refresh data in the Maintain Repository Data window to determine the problem before you continue.

Move Relation

The Move Relation function enables you to delete one relation between the selected term and a term in a related level and to create a new relation on the same related level. To move a relation:

  1. In the first window of Maintain Data, select Move Relation and click Next.
  2. Select a level from the Related Level list, highlight the relation you want to remove, and click Next.
  3. Query for a new term to which you want to link the selected term, and click Next. TMS summarizes your changes in the Maintain Data window.
  4. Click Finish to execute the changes.

Move Term

When you move a term to a new level:

  • TMS deletes the term from its original level and deletes all the relations to the deleted term, with the following exception: TMS does not delete an original relation when the relation to the new level is still valid—for example, when the term has moved between levels of a group. In this case, the relation moves with the term.

    For example, in a drug dictionary the classification level is a group level with two sublevels, Preferred Name and Synonym. You move Synonym A to the Preferred Name level, using the Move Term function. Verbatim Term A, which had been a child of Synonym A, becomes a child of the new term Preferred Name A.


    When you move a term to a new level, all its old relations are deleted (unless the relation is a VTA and you are moving the term from one sublevel of a classification group to another). If its old relations were optional, the new term and relations will be activated and you may lose relations that you need. If the old relations were mandatory, the new terms and relations cannot be activated unless you create current relations.

    You can use the Activation Check mode to see whether Activation will work without actually activating the new terms and relations. You may want to set up an Activation Group just for this purpose. See Activating Data and STEP 2: Choose or Create an Activation Group, Creating a New Activation Group.

TMS validates the new term and relations during Activation. To undo the moving of a term before Activation, see Undoing a Change Before Activation.

To move a term:

  1. In the Maintain Data window, select Move Term and click Next.
  2. Select the Related Level to which you want to move the selected term, from the list.
  3. If you want TMS to delete all VTAs that would be orphaned as part of moving this term, select the Delete VTAs when Mapped box. TMS does not delete any VTAs whose relations are preserved.

    If you choose not to select this box, you must manually reassign VTAs before performing Activation. Click Next.

  4. TMS summarizes the changes. Click Finish to execute the move.

Move Term and Copy Relations

The Move Term and Copy Relations function expands upon the Move Term functionality by enabling the moved term to inherit all of the relationships of one of its parent terms. For dictionaries with group coding levels such as the MedDRA primary path dictionary, this inheritance is important because it ensures that you do not have to re-create the relationships for every term you move.

  1. Select Move Term and Copy Relations from the Maintain Data window, and click Next.
  2. Select a Related Level from the list.
  3. If you want TMS to delete all VTAs that would be orphaned as part of moving this term, select the Delete VTAs when Mapped box. TMS does not delete any VTAs whose relations are preserved.

    If you choose not to select this box, you must manually reassign VTAs before performing Activation. Click Next.

  4. TMS summarizes your selections in the final window. Click Finish to execute your changes.

Move and Merge Term

The Move and Merge Term command:

  • Moves a term to a related level, and

  • Merges all relations of the moved term to a different term on the same level

For example, if you move the MedDRA High Level Term HLT1 up to the High Level Group Term level, the Move and Merge Term function enables you to move all relations of HLT1 to another term on the High Level Term level.

To perform the Move and Merge Term function:

  1. Select Move and Merge Term from the Maintain Data window, and click Next.
  2. Select a Related Level from the list.
  3. Query and select the term to which you want to merge the relations, and click Next.
  4. TMS summarizes your selections in the final window. Click Finish to execute your changes.

Merge Term

The Merge Term function enables you to delete a term and merge all of the deleted term's relations to a different term on the same level. When you perform the Merge Term function, TMS deletes your selected term; you select the term to which you want to merge relations from the Maintenance Wizard.

To perform the Merge Term function:

  1. Select Merge Term from the Maintain Data window, and click Next.
  2. Query and select the term to which you want to merge relations, and click Next.
  3. TMS summarizes your selections in the final window. Click Finish to execute your changes.

Exchange Terms

When you use the Exchange Terms function, TMS moves the parent term to its child level and creates relations with all its former child's related terms, while moving the child term to its parent level and creating relations with all its former parent's related terms. In other words, TMS exchanges the two terms while maintaining the same relations in related levels.

TMS validates the new term and relations during Activation. To undo the moving of a term before Activation, see Undoing a Change Before Activation.

To exchange terms:

  1. Select Exchange Terms from the Maintain Data window, and click Next.
  2. Select the level with which you want to exchange a term. TMS populates the list with applicable terms.
  3. Select the term that you want to exchange with the selected term, and click Next.
  4. TMS summarizes your selections in the final window. Click Finish to execute your changes.

Undoing a Change Before Activation

To undo a change made in the Maintenance Wizard, manually delete all affected terms in the predict table.

  1. In the Maintain Repository Data window, select the same Activation Group you selected when you originally made the change.

  2. For each term:

    1. In the middle block, query for the term in its new level. It will have an entry in the DML column.

    2. Highlight the term and delete it, using Record, and then Delete.

  3. For each relation:

    1. In the upper block, query for the relation by querying for the higher-level term.

    2. Highlight the term and delete it, using Record, and then Delete.