Using the VT History Window

In the VT History window you can see the status history of any term, whether it is currently an omission, a verbatim term with an Action, a VTA, or a VTI. This is the only window in TMS where you can see the status history of terms with any current status and create notes for any term.

To view the current status and substatus of any term as well as to view the complete status history of any term and add a label or note associated with a status change, do the following:

  1. In the Omission Management menu, select VT History. The VT History window opens.
  2. Query for the term whose history you want to see, or query for a particular status to see all terms at that status. See Querying in Windows. The system displays the following information:
    • Term. The term name.

    • Domain Name. The domain in which the term applies, or Global if it applies in all domains. If the term is valid in more than one domain, whether it is not is not also global, it is listed multiple times, once for each domain/dictionary combination.

    • Dictionary Name. The dictionary to which the term is mapped. If a term is mapped to multiple dictionaries, it is listed multiple times, once for each domain/dictionary combination.

    • Status/Substatus. The term's current status and substatus in the domain/dictionary combination on the same row; see Term Statuses.

    • Assigned. If a task associated with the term—classifying the VTO, approving an Action assignment or unapproved VTA—is currently assigned to a user, the person's user name appears in this column.

    • N. If the letter N is displayed next to a term name, there is at least one note associated with the term.

  3. To view the complete history of a term, including all notes ever associated with the term, select the term and click Status/Notes at the bottom of the window. See Using the Status/Notes Pop-up Window.

    You can also add notes from there; see Adding a Note to a Term.