Creating and Using Activity Lists

This section includes:

Using Activity Lists

You can use the Activity List window in the Omission Management menu as your starting point for work every day. You can set up your activity list to organize the tasks allocated to you (if your company is using task allocation) and keep track of the tasks you have not yet done. Each activity lists a single type of task—omissions to be classified, unapproved VTAs or Action assignments to be approved—in a particular domain/dictionary combination or in all domains and/or all dictionaries.

You can click the activity name to see and work on the individual tasks allocated to you in the appropriate window: Classify Omissions, Approve VTAs, or Approve Action Assignments. When you close the window you return to the Activity List window and you can proceed to a different activity.

To create an activity, enter criteria in the filter pop-up window in the Classify Omissions, Approve VTAs, or Approve Action Assignments and save the filter as an activity (see Setting Filters and Creating Activity Lists).

The Activity List window always displays a summary of the current results of the filter, including the task type, dictionary, domain, term status, and current total.

You can also create activity lists of other users' tasks, though you will only be able to see terms to which you have standard Data Access Group security access.

Setting Filters and Creating Activity Lists

In the Classify VT Omissions, Approve Action Assignments, and Approve VTAs windows you can limit the results returned by queries in the window by setting Filter criteria. You can save the filter criteria settings as an activity list and access it through the Activity List window. See:

Setting Filters

The values you set here limit the results retrieved by queries in the window. For example, if you specify a dictionary, TMS displays only terms in that dictionary.

Your default filter criteria settings are determined by your TMS user profile. Any changes you make to the filter settings continue in effect throughout your current session, even if you change windows, until you change the setting again. If your user profile does not set defaults, and you have not selected any during your TMS session, the Filter window opens automatically when you launch any of these windows.

To set filter criteria, do the following:

  1. Choose Options, then Filter, or click the Filter button. The Filter pop-up window opens.
  2. Select a dictionary and domain to work in:
    • Domain. Select a value from the drop-down list.

    • Dictionary. Select a value from the drop-down list.

  3. To narrow the search, select values for one or more of the following fields:
    • Assigned. To see your own assignments, enter your user name or [LOGIN_USER] (the default value). You can enter other people's user names or leave the field blank to see assignments to all users, but the results will be limited to the terms to which you have security access through a Data Access Group.

    • TMS DB. Select the database. There may be only one option.

    • Status. Select a status.

      • For omissions, the valid statuses are: VTO and Allocated VTO.

      • For VTAs, the valid statuses are: Unapproved VTA and Allocated VTA.

      • For actions, the valid statuses are: Internal Action and Allocated Action.

      Only certain statuses make sense in the context of a particular window. If you select a status that does not apply in context, the system ignores the status value altogether and returns results based on the other criteria.

    • Substatus. You can select a substatus only if you first select a status.


      The system does not limit the selection of substatuses to the substatuses appropriate to the status you selected. If you select a substatus that is invalid for the status, the query does not retrieve any records. For a list of statuses and their substatuses, see Term Statuses.

  4. To specify external system criteria for the filter, click the External System tab and enter values for one or more of the fields:
    • External System. Select an external source data system from the list of values, or select All Systems.

      When you select an external system, TMS refreshes the screen to display the information stored for each source term in TMS; for example, for Oracle Clinical TMS displays Study, Patient, Document Number, and five other values.


      If you have created a VTA proactively using the Repository Maintenance or Repository Authoring window, but a corresponding source term has never entered TMS from an external system, TMS displays the VTA only if you select All Systems.

    • Source Database. If the external system feeds data from multiple databases into TMS, you can specify a single one if you wish.

    • External System-Specific Information. TMS displays up to eight (8) additional fields custom-defined for the external system you specified.


      If you selected All Systems in the External System field, Values 1…8 contain all values for all systems. For example, if you are using TMS with both Oracle Clinical and AERS, and Value 3 is defined as Patient for Oracle Clinical and Case for AERS, the list of values in the Value 3 column includes both OC Patients and AERS Cases.

  5. When you call the Filter window from Classify VT Omissions or Approve Action Assignments (but not Approve VTAs) there is a third filter tab called Actions. You can enter values as follows:
    • Action Workflow. You can choose to retrieve only one of the following:

      • Rerouted Actions only. Terms with actions assigned that have returned to TMS from an external system.

      • Actions not owned by TMS. Terms with actions assigned currently owned by the external source data system; no Action can be taken within TMS on the terms.

      • No Open Actions. Terms without an Action currently assigned.

      • Any Open Actions. Terms with an Action currently assigned.

      • Nonapprovable Actions. Terms with an Action assigned that does not require approval.

    • Action App. Owner. The name of the application that currently owns the Action; either TMS or an external system.

    • Action Owner. The user name of the person to whom the Action is allocated, if any.

    • Omission Status. The omission status of the term, if it is an omission.

  6. To save these filter settings as an activity for future use, click Save As Activity; see Saving Filter Settings as an Activity.
  7. If you did not save the settings as an activity, do one of the following:
    • Click OK to implement these Filter settings for your current TMS session and close the Filter window.

    • Click Cancel to revert settings to their values when you opened the Filter window. The Filter window closes.

    • Click Clear to revert the settings to their values when you opened the Filter window. The Filter window remains open.

    • Click Restore to revert Filter window values to the default settings for your TMS user profile. After clicking Restore, clicking Cancel cannot bring back the settings you had when you opened the filter window. The Filter window remains open.

Saving Filter Settings as an Activity

You can save filter settings as an activity list to organize your work in TMS. See Creating and Using Activity Lists for information.

To save filter settings as an activity list accessible from the Activity Lists window, do the following:

  1. From the Filter window, click Save As Activity. The Save Activity pop-up window opens.
  2. Enter values as follows:
    • Activity Text. This text is displayed in the Activity Lists window and serves to identify the filter. You can enter text much longer than the field; up to 300 characters. Note that the Activity Lists window can display 29 characters in this field without scrolling.


      Since you can filter only on one task type at a time (omissions, VTAs, or Action assignments), use the same beginning for your activity text for each task type where the other filter criteria are the same.

      For example, if you are querying for your own tasks, begin with the same code for the same domain/dictionary combination for each task type. If you are querying for another user's tasks, begin the activity text with that person's user name.

    • All Users? If checked, this activity list is displayed in the Activity Lists window of all users, though each user can see only the terms to which he or she has security access. You can check this field only if you have the OPA_ADMIN security role.

    • All Dictionaries? If checked, the filter retrieves terms from all dictionaries. If unchecked, the filter retrieves terms from the dictionary you specified in the Filter window.

    • All Domains? If checked, the filter retrieves terms from all domains. If unchecked, the filter retrieves terms from the domain you specified in the Filter window

    • Group by Status? If checked, the system displays terms grouped by status in the Activity List window, so that each line in the activity list shows a particular status and the quantity is the number that meet the criteria and are of that particular status.

    • Group by Substatus? Check Group by Substatus only if you have also checked Group by Status. If checked, the system displays terms grouped by substatus in the Activity List window, so that each line in the activity list shows a particular status/substatus combination and the quantity is the number that meet the criteria and are of that particular substatus.


      If you pick a particular status/substatus in the filter, the Activity List window groups terms by status/substatus even if you do not officially group by status/substatus when saving the activity.

  3. Click OK. TMS closes the Save Activity pop-up window and saves the filter query as an activity.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Change the settings and create a new activity.

    • Click OK to implement these Filter settings for your current TMS session and close the Filter window.

    • Click Clear to revert the settings to their values when you opened the Filter window. The Filter window remains open.

    • Click Cancel to revert settings to their values when you opened the Filter. The Filter window closes.

    • Click Restore to revert Filter window values to the default settings for your TMS user profile. The Filter window remains open.

Maintaining Activity Lists

Use the Maintain Activities window to clean out outdated filters that are taking up space in your Activity List. You can also rename activities here.

If you have the OPA_ADMIN database role you can see all activities, regardless of who created them. Otherwise you see only the activities that you created.

To delete an activity:

  1. In the Omission Management menu, go to the Maintain Activities window.
  2. Query for the activity you want to delete. See Querying in Windows. You can query on the type, whether or not the list is available to all users, and/or the activity text.
  3. Select the activity you want to delete by clicking its name.
  4. In the Record menu, select Delete.
  5. Save.