Process an appointment

A healthcare worker processes an appointment by giving the vaccination or test to the patient and recording the appointment details. An Oracle Health Immunization Management administrator or healthcare worker can record the details. But, only a healthcare worker can administer the vaccine or test.

While processing an appointment, the healthcare worker may see vaccine details from previous appointments, including details on vaccines due.


If Oracle Health Immunization Management receives patient immunization history from an outside system (for example, Australian Immunization Registry [AIR] for an Australian patient), you (as a healthcare worker) can see a message with details that it found. For example, you see an AIR Updates message that may include details on the vaccines due. You can select a View Vaccine Due Details link to get more information on the vaccine (for example, disease, dosage, and due date). You can also see a message that the patient needs no new vaccines or one that indicates that it did not locate the patient data in AIR. The AIR Updates message also includes details on the date of the last update. For example, you may see an update message with the last update done minutes, hours, weeks, months, or years ago.
To process an appointment:
  1. Select the Patient Queue tab from the banner.
    If your location includes multiple healthcare workers, select Refresh Now to ensure you do not call in a patient already seen by another healthcare worker.
  2. Select Call Patient for the first person listed in the queue and call the patient in from the waiting room.
  3. In the Call Patient dialog box, confirm the patient name and select Call Patient.
  4. Confirm the patient name and reason for the appointment.
  5. If you see additional patient details, you can do one or more of the following:
    • If due for a vaccine, a Vaccines Due dialog box automatically open that includes the patient name, date of birth, address, and a list of with the name of the disease, vaccine dose, and due date. Make a note of any vaccines due to discuss with the patient and select Close when done.
    • If the Previous Medical History section includes a number of items, select the plus (+) sign to expand the list and view details on any past medical notes on the patient.
    • If the Previous Procedures section includes a number of items, expand it or select View All Previous Procedures. You can see the vaccine name, dose, manufacturer, date given, and status (such as Administered). For more information on the vaccine, select View Details to open the Procedure Details dialog box with Outcome, Product, and Administration tabs. Select the tabs with details you need to review. If available, you can select Edit and make any necessary changes. For example, the Outcome tab may show details on the procedure outcome and any notes. The Product tab shows details on the type of product, manufacturer, product name, disease, dosage, lot number, and lot expiration. And, the Administration tab shows details on the administration route and administered date. If you make changes, select Save Procedure when done.


      If the system received these details from an outside system (such as AIR), you see an EXTERNAL - SENT BY AIR label as the source and you cannot edit the content. You may also see product details such as "different manufacturer for doses."
    • If the Surveys section includes a number of items, expand it to view details on any surveys the patient submitted.
  6. Select the Consent to Treat check box after confirming that the patient or guardian agrees to getting the vaccine or test.
  7. Select Next.
  8. In the Consent Given By field, select Patient or Guardian from the drop-down menu.
  9. Ask the patient or guardian to confirm that none of the health conditions on the consent form apply to the person getting the procedure, the patient or guardian received information about the vaccine or test, and the patient agrees to receive a course of treatment (if multiple doses apply). Select the appropriate check box as you get consent from the patient or guardian or select Select All after getting consent.
  10. Select Next to process the appointment.
  11. As the healthcare worker, administer the vaccine or test to the patient.
  12. Provide details in the fields you see to record the procedure. (Fields change depending on your system configuration.) For example, you may see fields similar to the following to administer a vaccine:
    • Procedure Outcome (required): Select Administered (record details on vaccination or test done), Administered with Wastage (record details on reason for extra vaccine not used), Self Reported (record any related procedures that occurred before the appointment), Unable to Administer. (If you select Unable to Administer, select the reason why the patient did not receive the vaccine or test).


      If you want to record the first procedure as one where you asked for proof of prior vaccination before giving another vaccination, select Proof of Prior Vaccination and skip to step 13 to add another procedure.
    • Administered by: If you logged in as an administrator (system or location), select the name and profession of the person giving the vaccination from the Administered by drop-down menu if not already populated. (Users logged in as healthcare workers do not see this field.)
    • Notes: Add any notes about the patient or appointment. If you selected Unable to Administer as the outcome, you must provide a reason in the notes. Then skip to step 13.
    • Procedure Type: Select Vaccine or Test if not already populated.
    • Manufacturer Name: Select the name of the manufacturer for the product and the disease it prevents. This choice automatically populates the Product Name and Disease Name fields.


      If your administrator previously added details on the manufacturer, product, and lot number, the Manufacturer MVX, Product Name, Disease Name, Lot Number, Lot Expiration Date, and Dose (in ML) fields automatically populate. Otherwise, you must manually add these details. For more details on automatically populating these details, see Manage inventory details.
    • Lot Number (required): Enter the vaccine lot number if not already populated.
    • Lot Expiration Date (required): Select the calender icon to select the expiration month, day, and year for the vaccine if not already populated. Use the left and right arrows at the top of the calendar to move backward or forward in months and years.
    • Dose Number: Select Dose 1, Dose 2, or Dose 3.
    • Dose (required): Enter the dosage amount in milliliters (ML) if not already populated.
    • Constitution Date: Select the calender icon to select the constitution month, day, and year for the vaccine.
    • Administered Route: Select the way you delivered the vaccine or test. You can select Intramuscular route, Intranasal route, Subcutaneous route, Oral route, or Intradermal route.
    • Injection Site (required--only for Intramuscular, Subcutaneous, or Intradermal route): Select the right or left location on the body where you inoculated the patient.
    • Change Date and Time Administered: Select the check box to confirm that you want to change the date and time the patient received the vaccine or test. Otherwise, the system defaults to the current date and time.
    • Date and Time Administered: If you selected the Change Date and Time Administered checkbox, you see this field. Select the calendar icon to record the month, day, and year the patient received the vaccine or test. Under the calendar, select the hour and minute of the procedure from the drop-down menus. Then select AM or PM. (To enter the current date and time, click Today instead of selecting a date and time.) Select Close when done.
    • Vaccination Information Sheet Provided: Select the checkbox to confirm that you gave the patient a sheet with information on the vaccine or test. It may contain details on the contents of a vaccine and what (if any) side effects to look for.
  13. Select Add Procedure to review the details on the recorded procedure for the patient.
  14. If necessary, record any additional procedures by selecting Add Another Procedure and repeat steps 11 and 12 for that procedure.
  15. Select Next when done.
  16. Review the details you recorded for one or more procedures.
  17. Select Process Patient to complete the appointment.


    Patients or guardians receive a verification code using their contact information to access the Patient Portal where they can complete a post-procedure survey about the vaccine they received. They can also access their account and appointment information.
To call the next individual or to see the queue, select Call Another Patient.