Resend a Welcome message to a location administrator, check-in agent, or healthcare worker

If a location administrator, check-in agent, or healthcare worker (processing agent) accidentally deletes the Welcome email message or the account activation link in their messages expires, a system administrator or location administrator can resend the message.

If you need to resend a Welcome message to other types of users, see Resend a Welcome message to a system administrator or Help Desk agent instead of this procedure.
To send another Welcome message to a location administrator, check-in agent, or healthcare worker:
  1. Select the Locations tab from the banner.
  2. In the list of locations, select the name of the location where that user works.
  3. Select Manage Users under the name of the location.
  4. Locate the name of the user who needs a new Welcome message and select it.
  5. Select Resend Registration Email from under the user name to send the message with the account activation information.