Configure Health Record Confidentiality Settings for Protected Minors

You can configure whether protected minors can hide the following categories of health information from their proxies:

  • Allegies
  • Immunizations
  • Medications
  • Problems
  • Procedures
  • Results and Vitals

If you set the minor protected status age, you can select whether protected minors can restrict problems, allergies, medications, immunizations, and procedures (PAMI+P) information from view in the patient portal. If a protected minor restricts information, their proxy receives an error message when they try to view that information in the patient portal.

To configure PAMI+P settings for protected minors:
  1. In the Health Record card under Application and Module Settings, select Configure Health Record.
  2. Select Edit next to Health Record Settings for Protected Minors.
  3. Set the toggle buttons for each category to On to allow protected minors to hide that category of information from their proxies or Off to prevent protected minors from hiding the category from their proxies.
  4. Select Update.