Switch Accounts as an Authorized Representative

The authorized representative (also known as a proxy user) is commonly the caretaker or guardian of the patient and has the authority to carry out health-related tasks on behalf of the patient. Authorized representatives can have multiple connected accounts, including one for themselves.


Ask your provider if you want to add or remove a connected account.
If you are an authorized representative connected to multiple accounts, you can switch accounts on the User (Switch Profile) page:
To switch accounts as an authorized representative:
  1. After you sign in, open the User (Switch Profile) menu and select Switch User.
  2. Select another account to switch your view to that account. Your view of Patient Portal is updated to display only information for the selected patient. You can change the profile, schedule appointments, and complete patient portal activities as if you are that patient.
  3. When you are ready to return to your own account, select Switch User from the Profile (Switch User) account and select your own account again.


    If you sign out while viewing another account, the next time you sign in you are returned to your own account. Select the user's account on the User (Switch Profile) page to return to that other account.
Authorized representatives generally have all of the same capabilities as the patient, themselves, with exception to information with sensitivity restrictions. Depending on the confidentiality and sensitivity restrictions applied from set by your organization and the age of the patient, you may be unable to view some health record information. See the Viewing Sensitive Health Record History topic for more information.