Patient Portal (August 22, 2024)

Solution Change Component, Description, and UI Impact Reference Materials Validation Guidelines Implementation and Maintenance Impact
Page Numbering (HLG2-9809)

Component: Consumer Messaging

Description: Page numbering is in the correct order when searching for messages when there are thousands of messages for a patient.

No UI impact

View the Messages Dashboard

Verify that page numbering is in the correct numerical order..

No implementation or maintenance impact.

From Attribute (HLG2-9487)

Component: Consumer Messaging

Description: The From attribute is included in unsecure communications.

No UI impact

View Message Details

Verify that Patient Portal users can view both current and resolved conditions and health issues and search them as expected.

No implementation or maintenance impact.

Security (HLG2-9407)

Component: Document Management

Description: Security vulnerabilities have been addressed.

No UI impact


Not applicable

No implementation or maintenance impact.

Security (HLG2-9791)

Component: Access Logs

Description: Security vulnerabilities have been addressed.

No UI impact


Not applicable

No implementation or maintenance impact.

Display Proxy Relationships (HLG2-9561)

Component: Authentication

Description: Proxy relationships are displayed in Oracle Health Patient Portal.

No UI impact

None Verify that proxies are displayed in Oracle Health Patient Portal. No implementation or maintenance impact.