3 Setting Up EES

The EES application setup page enables you to select the specific nationality groups to include and the types of travel documents to exclude when generating the required file for the EES system

Figure 3-1 EES Setup

This figure shows the EES Setup page

Configure EES Setup Details

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Entry/Exit System then the EES Setup.

  2. Enter the following mandatory fields.

    • Select Nationality Group To Include: Select a nationality group with predefined nationalities

    • Select Travel Document Type(s) To Exclude: Allows you to add multiple selection of travel document types to be excluded needed for EES setup

  3. You can add, remove or search for the codes with the below function.

    • Search: The excluded travel document types appears when selecting the combo box. Entering the document name at the search text box field will filter the document type accordingly

    • Add: Select the combo box and then the excluded travel document type to added to the list. Continue to add multiple selection as required

    • Remove: Select the X icon from the combo box to remove the travel document type from list

  4. Select the Save button. A confirmation message Setup Completed appear once the record is saved.

Modifying EES Setup Details

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Entry/Exit System, and then EES Setup.

  2. In the EES Setup configuration page, the Save button is disabled.

  3. Editing any of the fields on the page will enable it. Select Save button to update the change. A confirmation message ‘Setup Completed’ appears.