3 The FMS Login Screen

Figure 3-1 The FMS login screen

The figure shows the login screen for FMS application

Login Screen for FMS Applications contains following fields:

  1. Login: FMS user name.

  2. Password: FMS password.

  3. TNS Names File: Location for tnsnames.ora on user’s system.

  4. Data Source: Connect to the correct datasource.

Once you are validated, the Connection Key Manager screen appears for you to select a default schema. If you have selected a default schema earlier, the TNS Names file and Data Source are pre-filled with the user login after the validation application is launched.

Figure 3-2 The AD Login

The figure shows the AD login screen for FMS

Login Screen for FMS Applications contains following fields:

  1. Login: AD user name.

  2. Password: Domain password.

  3. TNS Names File: Location for tnsnames.ora on user’s system.

  4. Data Source: Connect to the correct datasource.

Once you are validated, the Connection Key Manager screen appears for you to select a default schema. If you have selected a schema earlier, the TNS Names file and Data Source are pre-filled with the user login after the validation application is launched.

To enable Active directory set “IsActiveDirEnabled” flag in App.config to “Y

<add key="IsActiveDirEnabled" value="Y">

Connection Key Manager for FMS Desktop applications:

Figure 3-3 Connection Key Manager

The figure shows the Connection Key Manager for Desktop applications

You are required to select a Schema from the grid and TNS Names Files will pre- populate to the login screen and it is non-editable. To start the application, click Apply.

Connection Key Manager for Sender/Receiver:

Figure 3-4 Connection Key Manager for Sender/Receiver

The figure shows the Connection Key Manager for Sender / Receiver

The selected Default schema. Data Source and TNS Names Files are pre-populated on login screen and are non-editable. To start the application, click Apply.

In the Connection Key Manager window, you can also configure the SMTP details and General Settings for Sender / Receiver