4 OHCFMS (Data Viewer)

Oracle Hospitality Cruise Fleet Management offers cruise operators industry-leading solutions with enhanced security, scalability, and functionality. All onboard transactions are automatically logged in real-time. Once a frequency is determined, this data is transferred to your cruise line’s land-based offices for analysis.

Oracle Hospitality Cruise Fleet Management contains the following features:
  • Accurate and automatic data transfer from ship to shore

  • Analytical tools for financial, marketing, and demographic analysis

  • Shore excursion revenue analysis

  • Availability of frequent cruise information across the fleet

  • Guest data linked to the reservation system

  • Real-time tracking of profit-and-loss performance at the head office

The FMS Dashboard

The Dashboard and the Fleet screens appear on your system start-up.


The Dashboard displays the daily data of ships. The revenue is grouped by financial classifications. The top 10 nationalities and the Age group chart represent the current status of guests onboard.

You can customize the Dashboard for individual login or export the details with the below steps.
  1. At the Dashboard, right-click and select Show Customization Form. Drag and drop the individual items to the Dashboard.

  2. Save your customized layout.

  3. At the Passenger Status [Last Poll Date] window, right-click and export the details to other formats, such as HTML and PDF. The following figure explains the Age Group chart that represents the current status of guests onboard.

    Figure 4-1 The Age Group Chart

    This figure shows the drag and drop functions of OHC Fleet Management screen.

The Fleet

The Fleet screen shows the itinerary of the ship in a calendar view and according to the branding. At the left pane, the ships are arranged according to their branding in the left pane. For example, all ships belonging to the default brand would show under Default. When you select the individual dates, the details about the passengers, crew, and the revenue for that selected date will appear.

Overview of Guest Relation Management

You can view and/or customize the guest details in the Guest Relation Management screen by:
  • Guest Details

  • Group Management

The following topics are available in this section:

Viewing Guest Details
  1. In the Fleet Management screen, select Module menu, and click Guest Relation Management.
  2. In the left navigation pane of the Guest Details screen,
    1. In the Search section, enter Passenger Info in the given fields.
    2. Click the Ships field and select the ship from the list.
    3. Click the Cruise field and select the cruise from the list.
    4. Select a port. Multiple port selection is allowed.
    5. Click Search to search for the details. A list of ships appears in the right pane.
    6. Select the ship of your choice and expand the list.
    7. Select the guest from the list and the information is reflected in the extreme right pane.
    8. Under Embarkation/Disembarkation, select the Start and End dates from the drop-down list.
    9. Click Search on the lower left of the panel. The information appears on the right side.
    10. Click Port to view the details of all the stored ports.
    11. Search the Date Range from the guest embarked port to guest disembarked port.
    12. Enter your frequent cruiser card information, under the Card info.
    13. Enter the information in the given fields, under Special Criteria.


    Search criteria can work with any selection and it is not mandatory to choose the date and port together. You can also search by date and port individually and results are generated accordingly.
  3. In the Settings section:
    1. Select Public or Private setting.
    2. Insert a template name and select Save Current.
    3. Select an existing XML template in the Load From drop-down list.
    4. Click Delete Current to delete the template.


      If Private setting is selected, the template will only appear to the user who logged-in whereas for the Public setting the template appears to all users.
  4. From the Grid Appearance section, click the collapsible button and select the color of your choice to change the color of the screen.


    Not all onboard Guest Details are shown on the Fleet Management screen, but these details are available for marketing data exports.
Viewing Group Management

Group Management is similar to the Guest Management screen. For more information about Guest Management, see Viewing Guest Details

Viewing Shore Excursion Management
Sales data and the number of guests attending the tour are shown on the Shore Excursion Management screen.
  1. On the Fleet Management screen, select Module menu, and click Shore Excursion Management.
  2. In the left navigation pane of the Excursion Setup Details screen, in the Search section, enter Excursion details in the given fields and click Search. The Shore Excursion details are displayed in the right pane.
Customizing Statistical Analysis
The Statistical Analysis screen provides financial data in the form of pivot grids.
  1. In the Fleet Management screen, select Reporting and Utilities menu, and click Statistical Analysis. The Statistical Analysis screen appears.
  2. In the left navigation pane of the Statistical Analysis screen,
    1. In the Search section under Ship/Cruise, enter information in the given fields.
    2. Under Demographics, enter Nationality, Age-Group and Gender.
    3. Under Date Range, enter Start Date, End Date, and Fiscal Year.
    4. Under Classifications/Departments, in Main Department and Sub Department fields, enter Group, Classification and Department details.
  3. Drag and drop the individual items from Ship/Cruise, Demographics, and Date Range into Passenger Revenue Analysis pane. The data are shown in the columns.
  4. On Statistical Analysis screen, click Department Analysis. The Department Analysis screen appears in the right pane. You can rearrange the columns and rows.


    All the selected data from the various grids are visible in the form of graphical representation at the bottom of the screen.
  5. To collapse or expand a list of Departments or Classifications, right-click in the Classification result shown in the Department Analysis pane, and select Collapse All or Expand All.
  6. Select values in the grid then right-click the selection to export the details to other formats for example, .XLS, HTML, or PDF.
  7. To use the Filter Editor, right-click the column header and click Filter Editor. The Filter Editor enables you to include a criteria filter.
  8. In the Settings drop-down list:
    1. Select Public or Private settings.
    2. Insert a template name and select Save Current.
    3. Select an existing XML template in the Load From drop-down list.
    4. Click the Delete Current to delete the template.


      The Private setting only enable the logged in user to view this template. The Public settings shows the template to all users.
Exporting a Template
Data can be exported to a file for external data activities. There are two ways to export the data.
  1. On the Fleet Management screen, select Reporting and Utilities menu, and click General Utilities.
  2. On the General Utilities screen, click File Export Utility. File Export screen is displayed.
  3. In the left navigation pane:
    1. Select the Template from the drop-down list.
    2. Select the Type from the drop-down list, select Add Column Header check box, and then click Export.
    3. In the Search drop-down list, enter information in the required fields.
  4. Select values in the grid and right-click the selection to export the details to other formats, such as *.XLS, HTML, PDF and so on.
  5. To apply Filter Editor, right-click the column header, and click Filter Editor. Filter Editor enables you to include a criteria filter.


    If you did not select any specific criteria in the search panel, by default, all the stored data gets reflected on the File Export screen.
  6. Right-click the selected grid and select Column Chooser to customize your selection. Drag and drop the required columns into the Customization box.
Financial Classifications
Fleet Management System Financial Classification Setup enables you to group and analyze the data by classifying them into Main and Sub department’s types, and have various departments grouped within each of the department types based on financial or unique similarities.

Figure 4-2 Grouping of Main and Sub Departments

This figure shows that Main and Sub departments are grouped into Main and Sub departments classifications, and then grouped to Main and Sub department groups.
This data is further classified into two categories:
  • Main Department - Group Classification

    Main departments are grouped into main department classifications, and then to main department groups.

    • Main department group (to be setup in FMS)

    • Main department classification (to be setup in FMS)

    • Main department of the individual vessel (as data transfer from the ship)

  • Sub-Department - Group Classification

    Sub-department are grouped into sub-department classifications, and then to sub-department groups.

    • Sub-department group (to be setup in FMS)

    • Sub-department classification (to be setup in FMS)

    • Sub-department of the individual vessel (as data transfer from the ship)


The hierarchy of the main and sub-department is separate.

Other Classifications

Other classifications enable you to group and analyze data on the cabin, category, sailing region base, and so on. Following are the current potential classifications and their descriptions:

Table 4-1 Classifications and their descriptions

Classifications Descriptions

Cabin Classification

Special grouping for cabins could be: Inside, outside, suite, Crew, staff, officer.

Category Classification

Ships stateroom categories can be grouped to the advertised brochure cabin categories, such as Deluxe Suite, Standard A; B; C, and so on.

Cruise Itinerary Classification

The cruises can be grouped by its cruise regions following brochures releases or other analyzing criteria’s, such as Europe, Mediterranean, Caribbean, Alaska, Baltic, and so on.

Cruise Season Classification

The cruises can be grouped by the seasons, following the brochure releases or other analyzing criteria’s, such as Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Summer 2010, Holidays 2010, Christmas 2010, and so on.

Excursion Classification

Excursions can be classified as requested analyzing criteria’s, such as City tours, walking tours, half day, full day, or Low cost, high cost, and so on.

Maintenance Area or Location Classification

Areas for maintenance analyzing can be grouped fleet wise.

Maintenance Task Group Classification

Maintenance tasks can be grouped (higher level) and classified (lower level) for analyzing purpose.

Medical Item Group Classification

Medical sales items can be grouped (higher grouping level) and classified (lower grouping level).

Menu Item Group Classification

Menu sales items can be grouped (higher grouping level) and classified (lower grouping level).

Ship Category and Ship Classification

The vessels can be grouped by its ship category (holiday, rating category *****, and so on.) or by its ship classes (gross tons, Guest capacity, and so on.)

Setting Classifications Types
This topic describes how the Fleet Management System financial groups and classifications are set up and assigned.
  1. On the Fleet Management screen, select Reporting and Utilities menu, and click General Utilities.
  2. Select Classification Setup, Setup, or Classification Type.


    The Classification Types are predefined.
Classification Assignment

The Main and Sub-department can be assigned to their respective Classification/Group using the drag and drop method.

  1. On the Fleet Management screen, select Reporting and Utilities menu, and click General Utilities.
  2. Select Classification Setup, Assignment, Main Dept. Group or Sub Dept. Group.
    1. Select a ship. You can view the ship if the default radio button Ship view is selected.
    2. Expand + next to UNCLASSIFIED.
    3. Drag the departments from UNCLASSIFIED to the required department classification. You can select multiple departments by using the Shift key.
  3. Click Update All Postings.
    Once all departments are classified, the financial posting records (POS table) are stamped with the Classification ID and the Classification description.
Assigning Main and Sub-Department
  1. On the Fleet Management screen, select Reporting and Utilities menu, and click General Utilities.
  2. From General Utilities, Setup, Classification, select Main Dept. Group or Sub Dept. Group.
  3. Right-click to add and assign a Group (Main or Sub) or Classification (Main or Sub).


    The classification should be linked to a higher lever Group under the Depend Type field.
Shore Side Departments

Data or information provided in Fleet Management is useful for corporate departments like Hotel Operations, Customer Services, Onboard Revenue, Finance, Marine Maintenance, Human Resources, and Marketing.

The following topics are available in this chapter:

Hotel Operation
The main areas of interest of a hotel operation are:
  • Passenger data – Passenger listings per cruise/vessel/time period, including manifest data like Name, passport number, Date Of Birth, Guest picture, cruise and cabin details, address, flight details, etc.

  • Guest history records (all cruises per individual Guest).

  • Guest comments/complain data – per individual Guest and as analyzing summary per cruise/ship/fleet.

  • Amenities and special request data.

  • Medical records – individually per Guest, cruise/ship/fleet statistics. Possible medical fleet item classifications like Procedures, Medicines, X-rays (transactions, not images), Laboratory, etc.

  • Onboard spending and invoice data - Guest checks and invoice details.

  • Guest Comment Card data (cruise evaluation forms) – per individual Guest (image of scanned Guest card), analyzing, data comparison and charts per department, sailing, ship, fleet comparison.

  • Work-order – per individual Guest/sailing and as analyzing summary.

  • Guest group data – group, members, spending, and satisfactory level details.

  • Financial performance per division – sales analyzing per sub-divisions like Housekeeping, Front Office using financial Fleet Management Flash Groups. Revenue reporting for selected departments only.

  • House Account spending control - House Account, cruise, Guest check level.

Customer Service Department
For post-cruise customer service contact and/or analysis of customer satisfaction levels, the main areas of interest are:
  • Guest Invoices, Guest checks - can be recreated (printed, exported to file) at any time from within Fleet Management.

  • Medical insurance invoices (Insurance claim forms) - can be reproduced (if initially issued onboard using medical module).

  • Individual Guest comments and complaints - onboard follow-up taken, Guest compensations per Guest/cruise.

  • Group records and account information.

  • Guest and public areas maintenance Work-order - statuses, date and time of completeness.

  • Credit card authorizations, settlements per Guest/cruise/transaction can be verified if transferred and required (details masked).

  • Amenities and special request – verifying inserts.

  • Guest history records (all cruises per individual Guest).

  • Application activities – time of check- in, routing of posting, close accounts, etc.

  • Gangway activities – verifying onboard presence during certain occasions.

  • Individual Guest Comment Card ratings with included handwritten comments on the Comment Card.

  • Complaint and work order statistics.

Onboard Revenue Department
The main areas of interest are analyzing onboard revenue by:
  • Financial main and sub-department - by ship, ship class, cruise, fleet.

  • Financial classification - main and sub-group, classification.

  • Shore excursion - revenue analysis, per tour, port, country, excursion, demographics.

  • MICROS item analysis – item count and revenue per item (cruise, ship, and fleet).

  • Region analysis – revenue comparison of travelled region (Alaska cruises, etc.).

  • Demographic analysis – revenues per nationality, age group, gender, etc.

  • Back to back spending pattern – comparison of repeaters versus first cruiser.

  • Group spending comparison, reporting.

  • Revenue breakdown – average passenger per day, etc.

  • Selective revenue charting.

This includes the creation and assignment of financial sub/main department groups/classification, item classifications, and excursion classifications.

Finance Department

The main areas of interest to management are the financial reporting and verifying financial reports, submitted by the ships as well as cash book and payroll data.

The main financial classification usually follows the corporate financial reporting grouping.

This includes creating and assigning financial sub/main department groups/classifications.

  • Department Analysis – reporting by financial main and sub-department (cruise, ship, and fleet).

  • Quarter Revenue Reporting – following the calendar quarters.

  • Void journal controlling.

  • Revenue reporting for Crew.

  • Payment journals.

  • Open balance reports.

  • System account analysis.

  • Cash book – reporting different currency cash books.

  • Online Credit Card Management - CC authorizations, settlement, per Guest, cruise, ship, fleet, type.

  • Payroll Overview and Reporting

Marketing Department
It is possible to review customer revenue-behavior and feedback based on demographics (nationality, gender, age mix/profile). The main areas of interest are:
  • Guest onboard spending based on demographics.

  • Spending analyzing per department and demographics.

  • Guest Comment Card summaries (if the Comment Card module is used).

Includes cruise classification, cruise region classifications, and category classifications.

Adding and Editing a Ship
The section describes how to configure a new ship or edit an existing ship details in Fleet Management Viewer.
  1. On the Administration screen, click Ship Setup.
  2. Select Details and then select Fleet Management.
  3. Fill in the following details in Ship Details:

    Table 4-2 General properties for Adding a Ship

    Properties Description


    Choose one of the status – Active/Dry Dock/Inactive. By default, the status is Active. This field is mandatory.

    Ship ID

    Enter the ship ID. The ship ID should be between 11 and 98, must be unique and if duplicated, it gives an error. This field is mandatory.


    This field is enabled only in the Add mode. Right-click to edit this field.

    Ship Name

    The selected ship name is displayed automatically.

    Ship Short Name

    The selected ship short name is automatically displayed


    This field is enabled only in the Add mode. Right-click to edit this field.

    Company Name

    Enter the name of the company. The maximum length is 50. A pre-filled list of existing distinct values of this column can be displayed for selection. If you want to enter a new value, type the value. The status is always enabled and this field is not mandatory.


    Select the Classification from the drop-down list.


    Select the Category from the drop-down list.

    Security Class

    Shows the default.

    Ship Image

    Shows the image of the ship.

    ERS status

    Select the Emergency Response Status as Yes or No. The default status is NO. If you select Yes, you are setting frequent data transfer from ship to shore.


    This option should be enabled in case of Emergency only.
  4. In the Selected Ship Partitions List, select only the tables.


    Green color signifies the tables exist, and red color signifies the tables does not exist.
  5. Click Save and click Yes to continue.
  6. In the left navigation pane, under Ship Selection, right-click the ship you need to edit. Do the required changes and the data is edited and saved in the database.
Change Logs and Error Logs Details
  1. On the Administration screen, click Ship Setup.
  2. Select Change Logs or Error Logs.
  3. Under Ship Selection, select the ship. The data is shown on the Change Logs or Error Logs screen.
    By default, the results are populated with date and time and in descending format.
    Following is the column description for Screen Change Logs and Error Logs:

    Table 4-3 Column description for Change Logs and Error Logs

    Column Description

    Procedure Name

    Ship Insert/Update/ with schema name.

    Log Details

    Displays the detailed log of what activity is performed by the Admin.

    Changed By

    Displays the User ID of the logged-in user.

    Changed Time

    Displays the date and time of the changed log and the time of the error.

Adding Users and Groups
User authorization privileges are configured within the Fleet Management Administration module. Fleet Management uses an authorization mode where each user may belong to one or more user groups, and they get all the privileges assigned to the user group(s). Alternatively, Fleet Management can also use Active Directory for authentication/authorization. In the Active Directory mode, the Microsoft Windows user account is used to login into Fleet Management.
  1. To create a group:
    1. On the Fleet Management System screen, from the Administration menu, select General.
    2. On the Administration screen, click User Security and then click the Group.
    3. On the left panel under Groups, right-click any group and click Add.
    4. After selecting the information for the group and the user rights, click OK to save. The administrator can select the various modules to create groups.
  2. To create a user:
    1. On the Administration screen, click User Security. On the left panel under Groups, right-click any of the group and click Add.
    2. Enter the User Login, Password, First Name, Last Name, Group, and Class. You can enable or disable the user by selecting the User Enabled check box.
    3. Select the drop-down list of the group section and then click OK.
Logging And Security Shore-Side

In Fleet Management System, users rights are assigned based on their department/group. The department can be Finance, Operations and Administrators. Access rights are assigned based on group and users can be allotted within them, thus maintaining a filter of access. Groups that are part of Administrators will have full access rights. In the case of an invalid user name or password used at log in, a warning will appear on the screen. The user account is locked out on the seventh (7th) attempt for five (5) minutes when credentials are incorrectly entered.

Fleet Management System has a dedicated screen that logs the users’ access to different modules and applications, which shows the details of users and the activity they performed on the application including the date, workstation, OS User and user name.

Logging In FMS Database Shore-Side

Logging into Fleet Management System Database Shore-Side explains the Activity Logs of the logged-in user.
  • The user’s access to different modules and all other activities in Fleet Management System application is stored in the ACTIVITY_LOG table in FCFMSADMIN schema in the database.

  • These details can be viewed from the FMS Activity Log Viewer function.

  • Each DDL activity performed is recorded in the FIDELIOBK.DDL_AUDIT table.


Active Directory Integration In Fleet Management System
Active Directory is activated by changing a parameter in the database. The parameter table has a Y/N flag as PAR_VALUE within the Group. When the parameter is set to Y, it integrates the Active Directory with Fleet Management System. The integrated Active Directory function in the following manner:
  • Upon start-up the application fetches the active directory information of the OS user.
  • Once Active Directory successfully authenticate the user, only then they can access the application. If the authentication is not done, then the application closes after giving a message.
  • The active directory connection details are logged once the Active Directory authentication is done. The details logged are date, user, domain, email, group, and workstation.
  • If User Groups do not already exist, then they are added to the User Groups of the Active Directory.
  • The Operating System user gets the rights assigned to the Active Directory Groups within the application.

Setting up Active Directory

To set up an Active Directory:

  • Identify the users who must have administrator privilege in the Fleet Management System Application.

  • Ensure these users belongs to the same domain.

  • Provide the exact domain group name for administrator rights to the System Administrator so that it can set up.

  • Once privileges are granted in Fleet Management System, the domain group users can try running the Fleet Management System from their domain group logged- in machines.

  • Any user of the domain with administrator privileges can grant or revoke privilege to users of another domain group.

  • All user privileges are based on domain group, hence any user belonging to a domain has the same privilege as members of that domain group.

  • A user belonging to more than one domain group would have the privilege that are union of both domain group.

  • Once a user from any new domain group logs in; their details are automatically entered in required tables.

  • The administrator user from the Administrator group as identified above can then give desired rights by right-clicking on the domain group and selecting edit.

ResOnline Overview

The ResOnline Overview is consists of three sections:

  • Status Grid

  • Manifests

  • Not Delivered Excursions

Status Grid

The Status Grid has four sections:
  • Transfer Status Grid

  • Loading Status Grid

  • Delivery Status Grid

  • Response Messages

Transfer Status Grid

The Transfer Status Grid displays which records to be processed and those that are currently in transit (sent but not inserted onboard), total records transferred; and the total pending (total of all outstanding messages) for upcoming embarkation dates/sailing dates. The Transfer Status Grid exclusively display records for future sailing dates. It will use the default sending period of 14 days if this is not configured in Resonline.

To view the status, select the ship and the related data would be shown.

  • Total Records: All records loaded from the Reservation system

  • To Process: Pending internal data process

  • To Transfer: Reservation messages waiting to be picked up and send onboard by the sender

  • In Transit: Data sent but not inserted onboard

  • Total Pending: A summary of all outstanding messages, including shipboard loading errors, process and transit errors

Loading Status Grid

The data shown in this grid enable you to verify if it has been successfully loaded to ResOnline. It shows the number of record loaded and the potential errors.

Figure 4-3 Loading Status Grid

This figure shows the Loading Status Grid
To load the status,
  1. Enter a date range, and then click Search

  2. Drag and drop the Process Date field next to the Process Type. This will group the record by the loading date
    • Total Records: Number of records loaded into ResOnline

    • Source Records: Number of records from Source

  3. Double click to get the details of the record.

Delivery Status Grid

The Delivery Status Grid displays the delivery status of the specified ship data for the selected date.

Figure 4-4 Delivery Status Grid

This figure shows the Delivery Status Grid

Response Messages

The response message screen showcases the ship's reply to a reservation message sent onboard, providing an overview of the record's status, its components, and the date being processed.

Figure 4-5 Response Messages

This figure shows the Response Messages window

To view the Response Messages,

  1. Select the Ship Name, Start and End Date.

  2. If no ship is selected, all ships will be shown.

  3. If no dates are selected, all messages will be displayed.

The Import status is shown in order to display the information regarding the data that has been sent, such as ‘Updated’, ‘Processed’ or ‘No change’. Other details like Date, Component, Overview are also displayed. The last column Ship Reply is embedded in order to check the underlying details regarding the whole response process.

Additional data can be added by selecting the columns from the Column Chooser menu using the drag and drop function. Right-clicking on any of the column headers will open the Column Chooser menu.

In the Response Messages grid, you will find information such as Processed Onboard, Import Status, Date, Component, Overview and Ship Reply. The Ship Reply column is embedded for ease of checking underlying details for the whole response process.

You can customize the Response Messages dashboard by:

  1. Right-clicking the column header

  2. Select Column Chooser

  3. Drag and drop the columns that fits your operation.

Resonline Manifests

The Manifest feature allow you to view, verify the loaded guest data and information sent to the ship. It comprises of Gift Manifests, Shorex Manifests, Pre Paid Manifests, Notes Manifests, Gift Card Manifests, Group Manifests and Passenger Manifest.

Gifts Manifests

Gift Manifests provides the details about the items that has been purchased onboard. By selecting the Ship, Start and End date on the Search section, you will be able to view the Type, Item name, Quantity, Price and others.

Figure 4-6 Gift Manifests

This figure shows the Gift Manifests screen.

Shorex Manifests

The Shorex Manifests displays all shore excursion pre bookings in detail

If no ship is selected all ships will be shown. If no Type is selected all confirmed and waitlisted tour bookings will be displayed

Shore excursion bookings can be grouped per ship, sail date, tour date and others. You can also drag and drop additional fields to the grid

Figure 4-7 Shore Excursion Manifests

This figure shows the Shore Excursion Manifests.

Double-clicking the data field will give you a detailed drill down of the data.

Prepaid Manifests

Prepaid Manifests provides the amount that has been paid or on credit by the passengers.

Figure 4-8 Prepaid Manifests

This figure shows the Prepaid Manifests

Notes Manifests

The Note Manifests gives you the information on note created and delivered by a particular passenger, on a specific item.

Figure 4-9 Notes Manifests

This figure shows the Notes Manifests

Gift Cards Manifests

The Gift Cards data is shown in this section.

To view,
  1. Select the Ship Name, Start and End Date from the Search option.

  2. Drag and drop the require fields into the Drop Column Fields Here to retrieve the desired data.

Figure 4-10 Gift Card Manifests

This figure shows the Gift Card Manifest

Group Manifests

The Group Manifest displays the data about Group leader, Group status, Group Name, Sailing date, Debark date, Bookings.

Figure 4-11 Groups Manifests

This figure shows the Group Manifests

Passenger Manifest

The Passenger Manifest displays guest data for all embarkation ports for the next 14 days and historical sailing dates, and is the last item under the Manifest menu

To access, click the drop-down button in Manifest and select Passenger Manifest.


The FMS ResOnline manifest will only retain historical reservation for a month from the guest check out date. It can be extended if required/requested.

Figure 4-12 Passenger Manifest

This figure shows the Passenger Manifest
To retrieve the information,
  1. At the Search option, select the Ship and Date Range.

  2. To select Multiple ships, press the CTRL key and select the respective checkboxes

  3. If no ship is selected, all ships data will be displayed. If no dates are inserted, all sailing dates would be displayed

  4. You may add or remove any data columns by right-clicking the column header, select Column Chooser menu

  5. Drag and drop the additional fields from the Customization box to the column header row or remove fields into the Customization box

  6. To further drill down the information, right-click the header and select Show Auto Filter Row from the menu

  7. Insert the selection you would like to filter

  8. On the right panel of the screen, click any of the available tabs to view the information.
    • Account Overview: Display guest embarkation and personal details

    • PrePostings: Displays the pre-paid items

    • Transfer Status: Logs every reservation status message

      • Transfer Status Definition

        • 0 – Message created by OHC Resonline.

        • 1 – Sent to message queue by FMS shore side sender.

        • 2 – Received by FMS receiver onboard.

        • 3 – Message processed by OHC DGS with errors or warnings

        • 6 – Incorrect order of messages detected, resent of the message required (automatic).

        • 7 – Bad cruise setup (or missing), manual actions required (to setup cruise), reservation will be re- imported again once cruise setup is fixed – data will be sent automatically.

        • 8 – Error encountered during OHC DGS processing, error inserted into RSP table.

    • Amenities and Special Requests: List all new, inserted and updated amenities and special requests

Undelivered Items

The Not Delivered Items displays the data that is yet delivered. It has two sub sections, Not Delivered Excursions and Not Delivered Gifts.