8 Reservations Online

The Reservation Online module ensures the data gets transferred from the reservation system to the ship side without any manual intervention, and this would require fields to be mapped for accuracy. See Oracle Hospitality Cruise Fleet Management OHC ResOnline to SPMS Mapping and Specifications for more information.

The standard and the main responsibilities of this module are:
  1. Homogenize the otherwise distinct source data from the external reservation systems and render it compatible with the SPMS data structures.

  2. Compose the entire passenger's reservation into a composite business object entity and deliver it to the corresponding vessel within the correct deliverable date range.

  3. Repository for audit activities from FMS.

Figure 8-1 Cruise Reservations Online

This figure shows the ResOnline main screen, which enables the data to get transferred from reservation system to ship side.

General Setup

This section explains the setting up of general parameters like the data path, data transition states flags, and others.

Figure 8-2 General Parameters

This figure shows the General Parameters of Reservation Online.
Reservation Online application logging has two log files:
  1. ExceptionLog.txt
  2. Log.txt
The ExceptionLog.txt files are backed up with date-time stamp once it reaches 5MB size, and Log.txt file are overwritten.

Ships Decode

This set up is needed to convert ships code from OHC Resonline Polar to the equivalent FM codes. Also, it enables you to assign several sets of ships to different processing machines for load balancing. Some sections of the vessel decoding are for the main Reservation Online application use only.

Figure 8-3 Ships Decode set-up

This figure shows Ships decode from Polar to the equivalent FM codes

Data Processing

During Data Processing, the application gathers records from the external source and proceeds to insert or update corresponding records to the target tables as configured in the data mapping. This process proceeds the data in the way the Reservation Online can deliver the data to SPMS.

Figure 8-4 Data Processing

This figure shows how the data is processed and how the Reservation Online delivers the data to SPMS.

To process the credit card data, you need to have both the SPMS and FMS Key pair.

See Encryption Manager section for more information.

Source Data Filtering

When processing the source data such as Passenger's Air flights, different types of addresses, Special Requests, or Gift Orders, the application needs to filter only the specifically required data from the same source.

A logical target column called DATA_FILTERS enables you to create a combination of data filtering rule for each one of the source and target that requires it. For example, the first record combination instructs the application to extract only flights data where the source field PAX_CARRIER5 is not empty when processing data for the target table FLIGHTS and detects that the source fields set contains the field PAX_FROM_AIR5

See topic Reservations Online

Reservations Messaging Process

This process selects records from the internal schema that stores the previously transformed reservations data, and then converts the data into an XML message that is delivered to the respective ships by FMS Sender and Receiver.

Once the left panel is visible, you can view all the messages and their respective XML text by scrolling the batch list.

Interface - Import Reservations To The Ship Database

To send and receive reservations and statuses, FMS Sender/Receiver and MSMQ are used alongside with the OHC DGS ResOnline interface for data import to SPMS. This interface imports reservations provided by FM Transfer, and then sends back a status for each record to the shoreside.

Reservation Status

The FMS Reservation Online module controls the dataflow status.

Table 8-1 FM Reservation Online module

Status Description

Passenger Manifest

Shows all reservations imported and processed, together with their ship import statuses.

FM Dashboard ResOnline Transfer Status

Provides quick data of current reservations records must be send per ship and how many are with Pending status (not processed onboard yet).

Transfer Status

Detailed grid which shows the number of reservations loaded, processed, transferred, imported and pending.

Loading Status Grid

External files upload status. Provides an overview of daily upload process.

Ship Response Messages

Allow seeing the complete ship import history of each individual reservation.

Reservations Status SPMS Viewer

In SPMS, provides an overall history status on daily basis - what is new, updated, deleted.

Reservations Status SPMS Reports

In SPMS, provides a status report.

Reservation Status Alerts

Reservation Online sends alerts and email transport protocols. There are two groups of alerts, each with different distribution lists and destinations (ship/shore departments):

  • Emergency

  • Status alerts