Adding Developer Portal Users


To add or manage Portal users, you must have the Cloud Account Administrator or Service Administrator user role, your activated Oracle Cloud account, and your Oracle Cloud Console URL. For more information on how to onboard or provision an Oracle Cloud account, please refer to Getting Started for Partners.

The Oracle Cloud Console is customizable and can present different views to users depending on how it is set up.

The Account Administrator and Service Administrator users can add new users from the My Oracle Services screen in the Oracle Cloud Console.


Developer Portal users do not have access to call APIs.

Follow this process to create Developer Portal users:

  1. Log in to your Oracle Cloud Account using your Oracle Cloud Console URL.
  2. On the User Assignments screen, click Users.
  3. On the Users screen, click + Add.
    1. On the Add User screen, enter the user details First Name, Last Name, Email, and User Name.
      The new user account is created.

    For details on how to manage users in OPERA Cloud Identity Management, refer to the OPERA Cloud Identity Management User Guide.