
The Configuration Rates screen lists the configured rate plans for the property.


Your property is interfaced, and therefore your Rate Plan configuration is imported from your Property Management System (PMS). Manual Rate maintenance in OPERA Cloud Distribution is not required.
From the Pricing main menu, select Rates. In this section, you can view or search:
  • Rate Plans

  • Rate Plan Definition

  • Products attached to a Rate Plan

  • Rate schedules for the Rate Plan

  • Rate Plan Distribution Attributes

  • Channel Distribution of the Rate Plan

By default, the list appears based on the display sequence.


Appropriate permissions are required to access Rates. From the Role Manager menu, select Role Permissions. All options accessible from the Pricing main menu are covered by the View Property Rates permission of the Channel Management module. For further information, see: Role Permissions.


At a minimum, your role must have the View permission to view the menu option available on the horizontal lines menu. Additional permissions are required in order to have access to additional options.

Managing Rates

Use the following to search:
  • Rate Plan/Rate Description: Select one or multiple rate plans.

  • Click Search to get search results. Only records matching the selected criteria appear. Click Reset to reset the search data.

Viewing Rate Plan Definition

Select the View icon on the right hand side of each rate to view more details split into different tabs. By default, you view the Definition tab.
  • Rate Category: Shows the code and description of the Rate Plan category to which the Rate Plan is linked.

  • Sell Date Range: Shows the sell date range (start date and end date for the rate plan). If the sell date range is past, then it is indicated by “Sell date expired.”

  • Default Market: Shows the code and description of the market code the rate plan is linked to.

  • Default Source: Shows the code and description of the source code the rate plan is linked to.

  • Schedules Management: Shows the schedule for the rate plan. It can be daily, advanced daily, rate tiers, or date ranges.

  • Property display sequence: Shows the display sequence for the rate plan in the property.

Sell Controls

  • Occupancy: Shows the minimum and maximum occupancy for the rate plan.

  • Length of Stay: Shows the minimum and maximum length of stay for the rate plan.

  • Advance Booking: Shows the minimum and maximum advance booking for the rate plan.

  • Stay Through: Shows the minimum and maximum stay through values for the rate plan.

  • Rate Access: Appears if the rate plan is Negotiated or Public.

  • Suppressed Rate: Appears if the Rate is Suppressed Rate.

  • Externally Controlled: Appears if the Rate is Externally Controlled.

Pricing Attributes

  • Transaction Code: Shows the code and whether the rate plan is tax inclusive or exclusive.

  • Currency: Shows the currency code.

  • Exchange Type: Shows the configured exchange type.

  • Default Commission: Shows the commission value and commission code.

  • Posting Rhythm: Shows the posting rhythm and if packages are to be posted.

  • Yield Attributes: Shows if the rate is Yieldable or Not Yieldable.

  • Yield Market Code: If the rate is yieldable, the market code against which it is yielding appears.

  • Yieldable as: If rate plan is yieldable, then the code and description of the rate plan under which it is yielding appears.

  • Rates derived from: Appears if the rate is Base Rate, Advanced dynamic base rate, Bar Based Rate, or Dynamic base rate. You can also see the amount and rounding and if it is compared with Rate Schedules.
    • If it is a Bar Base Rate, the default to highest bar is visible. This ensures that while showing availability, if all the BAR rates are closed, the rate amount is based on the highest BAR instead of defaulting to its own rate schedule. If not visible, availability shows rates from its own rate schedule.

  • Dependent Rates: Shows the rate plans that depend on the rate plan as a parent for rate schedule calculation.


Select the Products tab to view the products attached to the rate plan or select the Pricing main menu and then select Products to view the all products. By default, you can view all products.

Select the View icon on the right hand side of each record to view the product definition and product rate schedules of the product.

Product Definition

  • Short Description: Shows the short description of the product.

  • Calculation Rule: Shows the rule the rates are calculated, for example, Flat Rate, Per Person, Per Adult, Per Child, and Per Room.

  • Sell Separate: Shows whether or not a product can be sold separately as an added element.

  • Currency: Shows the currency for the products. By default, it uses the property’s default currency.

  • Transaction Code: Shows the posting transaction code applicable for the product.

  • Tax Inclusive: Shows whether or not the charges include tax.

  • Sell Date Range: Shows the range in which the product is active and available to sell. If the sell date range is expired, you can see a sell date expired badge.

  • Posting Type: Shows how the guest is charged for the product inclusions. This field is only available when accessed from the Product tab on Rates.
    • Included in Rate: No separate charge appears on the guest folio or reservation. The amount is internally deducted from the room rate amount for inclusive products.

    • Add to separate line: This charge will be added to the room rate amount and printed as a separate line on the folio.

    • Add to Rate combined line: This charge will be added to the room rate amount and printed on the same line as the room charge on the folio.

  • Posting Rhythm: Shows the frequency of the package posting. Most posting rhythms are based on the actual arrival date of the reservation. By default, the posting rhythm is Post Every Night. If a custom posting rhythm is selected, additional fields are displayed:
    • When the Posting Rhythm is Custom Posting Schedule (Based on Nights), an additional field Posting Nights is available. Nights indicate the stay nights for which the posting is applicable. This supports multiple stay nights from 1 to 14, for example, if the posting is applicable for 3rd, 4th, and 5th stay nights, then the values in Posting Nights will be 3, 4, 5.

    • When the Posting Rhythm applicable in Custom Posting Schedule (Based on Stay Days), an additional field Posting Stay Days is available. Stay Days indicate the stay days for which the posting is applicable. This supports multiple stay days from 1 to 14, for example, if the posting is applicable for the 1st and 3rd stay day, then the values in Posting Stay Days will be 1, 3.

    • When the Posting Rhythm is applicable in Post on Every X Nights Starting Y Nights, additionally, Post Every and Start on Night are available under Posting Rhythm only.

    • When the Posting Rhythm is applicable in Post on Certain Nights of the Week, the additional field, Posting Days, to specify the weekdays is available. This supports multiple weekdays, for example, Sun, Mon, Wed.

Product Rate Schedules

  • Rate Period: Shows the rate period of the product rate schedule.

  • Price: Shows the price of the product rate schedule.

  • Minimum Nights: Shows the minimum nights required for the product rate schedules.

  • Maximum Nights: Shows the maximum nights required for the product rate schedules.

  • Minimum Guests: Shows the minimum guests required for the product rate schedules.

  • Maximum Guests: Shows the maximum guests required for the product rate schedules.


Select the Schedules tab to view the schedules attached to the rate plan. By default, you can view all schedules. Use the following to search:

  • Start Date: Select the start date from the calendar.

  • End Date: Select the end date from the calendar.

  • Room Class: Select one or multiple room classes.

  • Room Type: Select one or multiple room types.

  • Click Search to get search results. Only records matching all of the selected criteria appear. Click Reset to reset the search data and get the default display.

Select the View icon on the right hand side of each record to view the Schedule Information and Schedule Products on separate tabs. By default, you view the Schedule Information tab.

Viewing Schedules

Schedule Information

You can view the following on the search results:
  • Room Type: Shows the room type for which the rate plan is configured.

  • Rate Period: Shows the rate period for which the rate plan schedule is active.

  • Days: Shows the days when the schedule is applicable.

  • 1 Adult: Shows the schedule amount information for 1 Adult.

  • 2 Adults: Shows the schedule amount information for 2 Adults.

  • Extra Adult: Shows the schedule amount information for Extra Adult.

  • Extra Child: Shows the schedule amount information for Extra Child.

Select the View icon on the right hand side of each record to view the Schedule Information and Schedule Products on separate tabs. The Schedule Information tab is the default view.

Schedule Information

Additional Adults Information:
  • 3 Adults: Shows the schedule amount information for 3 Adults.

  • 4 Adults: Shows the schedule amount information for 4 Adults.

  • 5 Adults: Shows the schedule amount information for 5 Adults

Children by Age Group:
  • Child 1 and Rate: Shows the minimum and maximum age configuration and associated rate.

  • Child 2 and Rate: Shows the minimum and maximum age configuration and associated rate.

  • Child 3 and Rate: Shows the minimum and maximum age configuration and associated rate.

Children in Own Room:

  • 1 Child: Shows the schedule rate amount if 1 child is staying alone in own room.

  • 2 Children: Shows the schedule rate amount if 2 children are staying alone in own room.

  • 3 Children: Shows the schedule rate amount if 3 children are staying alone in own room.

  • 4 Children: Shows the schedule rate amount if 4 children are staying alone in own room.

Schedule Products

Click the View icon under actions against the schedule row for which the schedule products are to be seen. When the popup appears, select the second tab to display Schedule Products.
  • Rate Period: Shows the range when the rate is active.

  • Room Type: Shows the room type associated to the rate schedule.

  • Product Code: Shows the unique product code.

  • Product Description: Shows the description of the product.

Distribution Attributes

Select the Distribution Attributes tab to view the default attributes configured for the rate plan for channel distribution.


To view the contents of the Distribution Attributes tab, you must have the View Rate Plan Channel Attributes permission from the Role permissions channel management module. To add or edit the Edit Rate Plan Channel, you must have the Attributes permission.

Editing Distribution Attributions

Select the Edit button on top next to the Actions button edit the attributes.
  • Default Rate Plan Name: Enter the name to be visible on channels/booking engine.

  • Default Rate Plan Type: Select the Default Rate Plan Type the Rate Plan code is linked to.

  • Default Rate Plan Category: Select the Default Rate Plan Category the Rate Plan code is linked to.

  • Default Rate Plan Level: Enter the Rate Plan level.

  • Default Rate Plan Order: Enter the order the Rate Plan code displays in a list of seamless availability returns.

  • ID Required: Select this check box if a valid ID is required to avail the rate. By default, it is not selected.

  • Meal Plan: Select the Meal Plan to be displayed for the channel. If this is selected, a single or multi select field to select Meals Included is available for selecting Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner (one or several).

  • Default Rate Plan GDS Description (Line 1): Enter the GDS description line 1 for the rate plan code.

  • Default Rate Plan GDS Description (Line 2): Enter the GDS description line 2 for the rate plan code.

  • Default Rate Plan GDS Description (Line 3): Enter the GDS description line 3 for the rate plan code.

  • Default Rate Plan GDS Description (RPD): Enter the GDS description RPD for the rate plan code.

  • Click Update to save your edits.

Managing Channel Distribution

Select the Channel Distribution tab to view the rate plan as distributed across the channels schedules. This offers to view and manage your property rate plans to various connected channels directly from rate plan section.

Example: One Property Rate is distributed to Channel1, Channel2 and Channel3. Currently, if you want to review the mapping of this rate with three channels, you must navigate to Channels > Configuration and access each channel configuration. With this option you can view the configuration of a rate plan directly from the property Rates screen on a new tab. From there, you can also manage new distributions.


The display of the Channel Distribution tab content is covered by the View Rate Plan Mapping permission of the Channel Management module on Role Permissions.
Use the following to search:
  • Channel Code: Enter the full Channel Code.

  • Show Inactive: Select this check box to include inactive distributions.

  • Click Search to get search results. Only records matching all of the selected criteria appear. Click Reset to reset the search data.

Creating and Editing Channel Rate Plans

Select the Add icon on the toolbar or, if no record exists, click the Add button in the middle of the screen and then select the channel and click Next to create a record for the selected channel. Select a channel and click the Edit icon on the toolbar to edit the record.
  • Active: By default, this check box is set when creating a new record. Deselect the check box to set the rate plan to inactive.

  • Property Rate Plan: Shows your Property Rate Plan configured in your Property Management System (PMS). This field is read-only.

  • Channel Rate Plan: Enter a unique code to identify the Rate Plan quickly. This field is required.

  • Channel Rate Plan Name: Enter the name of the Rate Plan.

  • Start Date: Enter the Start Date the rate plan is distributed on the channel. This field is required.

  • End Date: Enter the End Date the rate plan is distributed on the channel.

  • Restriction: By default, this check box is selected when creating a new record. Deselect the check box to stop publishing the restrictions to the channel.

  • Rate: By default, this check box is selected when creating a new record. Deselect the check box to stop publishing the rates to the channel.

  • Select all Room Types for channel distribution: By default, this check box is set when creating a new record and shows all room types in the field below. Deselect the check box to define the rate plan only for certain room types.

  • Room Types: Select one or multiple Room Types for which the rate plan is valid. By default, it shows all Room Types when creating a new record and the check box above is selected. If you remove one or multiple Room Types, the check box gets deselected. If you select all, the check box is set by default.

Additional Fields

The following fields are available only for one specific channel:
  • Property Room Type: Since the specific channel has a room rate level mapping, this field enables you to make an additional selection of the Property Room Type that the rate plan mapping will be linked to. This list comprises of the property room types for which a valid mapping already exists. This field is required.

  • Channel Rate Plan: Select a Rate Plan.

  • Property Alternative Rate Plan: Select the Property Alternative Rate Plan used for reservation delivery.

Additional Fields for GDS/Switch Channels

  • Channel Rate Plan Level: Enter the Channel Rate Plan Level. The default value is taken from Distribution attributes in the rate plan level for rate plan configuration. If the default value is altered, an indicator below the field for Overridden value appears.

  • Channel Rate Plan Order: Enter the channel rate plan order. The default value is taken from Distribution attributes in the rate plan level for rate plan configuration. If the default value is altered, an indicator below the field for Overridden value appears.

  • GDS Rate Plan Description (Line1): Enter the channel GDS Rate Plan Description Line 1. The default value is taken from Distribution attributes in the rate plan level. If the default value is altered, an indicator below the field for Overridden value appears. This field is limited to 63 characters.

  • GDS Rate Plan Description (Line 2): Enter the channel GDS Rate Plan Description Line 2. The default value is taken from Distribution attributes in the rate plan level. If the default value is altered, an indicator below the field for Overridden value appears. This field is limited to 45 characters.

  • GDS Rate Plan Description (Line 3): Enter the channel GDS Rate Plan Description Line 3. The default value is taken from Distribution attributes in the rate plan level. If the default value is altered, an indicator below the field for Overridden value appears. This field is limited to 45 characters.

  • GDS Rate Plan Description (RPD): Enter the channel GDS Rate Plan Description RPD. The default value is taken from Distribution attributes in the rate plan level. If the default value is altered, an indicator below the field for Overridden value appears. This field is limited to 620 characters.

  • Click Submit to create the record. Click Update to save your edits on existing records.

Deleting a Channel Rate Plan

Select the Delete icon on the toolbar. A message appears offering the option to Keep or Delete the record.