
The Restrictions screen allows you to view the Rate and Availability Restrictions configured in your Property Management System.

From the Availability main menu, select Restrictions.

By default, you can view all restrictions configured in your Property Management System for the next seven days.


Appropriate permissions are required to access Restrictions. From the Role Manager menu, select Role Permissions. All options accessible from the Availability main menu are covered by the View Restrictions permission of the Channel Management module. For further information, see: Role Permissions.

Managing Restrictions

Use the following to search:
  • Restriction Date: Select the restriction date to view the restrictions starting from this date.

  • Day(s): Select the days to view enter 1,7,14 or 21. By default it is set to 7 days.

  • Room Class: Select one or multiple room classes. If you have already selected a room type, then room class selection is disabled.

  • Room Type: Select one or multiple room types. If you have already selected a room class, then room type selection is disabled.

  • Rate Category: Select one or multiple rate categories. If you have already selected a rate code, then rate category selection is disabled.

  • Rate Code: Select one or multiple rate codes. If you have already selected a rate category, then rate code selection is disabled.

  • Show House Only: Select whether you want to search the restrictions for house only. By default, it is set to No. If you have selected room class or room category, this field is disabled.

  • Click Search to get search results. Only the records matching all the selected criteria appear. Click Reset to reset the search data and get the default display.

Viewing Restrictions

You can view the day, date, and restriction with room class, room type, rate code, and rate category to which the restriction is applied.
  • Day: Shows the day of the restriction date.

  • Date: Shows the date of the restriction.

  • Restriction Type: Shows the restriction as well as room class, room type, rate code and rate category the restriction is applied to.