
The Inventory section shows the room availability and sell limits of your Property Management System as well as sell limits set for channels.

From the Availability main menu, select Inventory. In this section, you can:
  • Search and view the House and Room Type Inventory and Sell Limits.

  • Search, view, create, and update Channel Sell Limits.

  • Search and view Inventory Check.


    By default, you can view your Inventory for the next seven days.

    For detailed information about Inventory, refer to: Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Distribution Inventory Calculation documentation.


Appropriate permissions are required to access Inventory. From the Role Manager menu, select Role Permissions. All options accessible from the Inventory main menu are covered by the Inventory Permissions of the Inventory module. For further information, see: Role Permissions.


At a minimum, your role must have the View permission to view the Inventory available on the horizontal lines menu. Additional permissions are required in order to have access to additional options.


From the Search section, select Search Display Inventory. This is the default selection when you open the Inventory.

Managing Inventory

Use the following to search:
  • From Date: By default, this is your system date. This field is required.

  • Days to View: You can enter up to 365 days. By default, Days to View is set to seven days. This field is required.

  • Room Class: You can select none, one, or multiple room classes.

  • Room Type: You can select none, one, or multiple room types.

  • Channel: You can select none, one, or multiple channels provisioned for your property.

  • Virtual Suite: Select the check box if you want to include virtual suites that are defined in your property management system (PMS).

  • Generic Room Type: Select the check box if you want to include generic room types that are defined in your Property Management System (PMS).

  • Click Search to get search results. Only records matching all of the selected criteria appear. Click Reset to reset the search data and get the default display.

Viewing Inventory

You have different options on the toolbar for viewing your inventory:
  • Expand All/Collapse All: Expands/collapses all sections. By default, it is set to Collapse All.

  • Show Details/Hide Details: Shows/hides on expanded Property Total and Room Types totals the details split into Sell Limit, Sell Limit Control, Out of Order, Rooms Sold, and Physical Rooms. By default, it is set to Show Details.

  • Show Channel Limits/Hide Channel Limits: Shows/hides the channel limits on each expanded room type. By default, it is set to Show Channels. The toggle is disabled when you select Display by Channel.

  • Display by Room Type: Shows the Property Total on top and underneath the room types. The channel limits for each room type are shown when expanding a room type. By default, it is set to Room Types.

  • Display by Channel: Shows the channel limits at the top and when expanding the channel limit for each room type. The property total appears underneath, and the room type availability appears when expanding.

  • Property Total and Room Types: Shows the total of available rooms including details considering the Overbooking Protection setting. It is calculated by Sell Limits minus Out of Order minus Rooms Sold. The value can differ whether the Overbooking Protection setting is active. For more information, see: 9.6.2 Sell Limits in Configuration > Inventory Management.

  • Expand the section to view the details:

    • Sell Limit: Shows the limit or, if no limit is defined, the physical rooms from your Property Management System (PMS).

    • Sell Limits Control: Shows the calculation of Sell Limit minus Physical Rooms from your Property Management System (PMS).

    • Out of Order: Shows the total of out of order rooms from your Property Management System (PMS).

    • Rooms Sold: Shows the total of sold rooms from your Property Management System (PMS).

    • Physical Rooms: Shows the total of physical rooms from your Property Management System (PMS).


A dot in the left-hand corner of a cell indicates that a limit exists.

Viewing House and Room Type Limits

The House and Room Type Sell Limits are provided from your Property Management System as read-only. A dot in the left hand corner indicates that a limit exists.

Click into a cell where a limit is defined from your Property Management System to view the limit.
  • House Limit
    • Attribute Type: Shows Room Type.

    • Inventory Source: Shows House.

    • Start Date/End Date: Shows the selected date.

    • Days: Shows All Days.

    • Sell Limit Type: Shows Value.

    • Sell Limit Value: Shows the value.


      If your Property Management System decreases your House Limit, it decreases accordingly for your Room Type and Channel limits. Increasing your House Limit to a higher value than your physical rooms has no effect on your room type availability.
  • Room Type Limit

    In addition to the above fields, you can view the following:

    • Attribute Code: Shows the room type for which the limit is valid.

    • Physical Rooms: Shows the physical rooms of the room type.

Setting Channel Sell Limits

Select the Set Sell Limit button on the toolbar to set a channel limit. Or, click into a Total Channel or Channel cell on expanded Room Types where no limit is defined to create a new limit. Click into a cell where a limit is defined to edit a limit.


When creating a limit by selecting a cell, the selected date is shown but can be overwritten. You can change an existing limit or set a new one by editing one limit cell and changing the dates. Existing limits will be overwritten, and limits for dates where none exist will be set.

You can create channel limits for channels not linked to a template. If a channel is linked to a template, an information message appears to create the limit on the template that is accessible from the Actions button at the top of the screen or from Configuration > Inventory Management > Sell Limits.

  • Channel: Select the channel for the limit you want to create. If you create a limit by selecting a channel cell, the channel is selected by default. This field is required.

  • Template: Shows the linked template if one is linked. This field is read-only. When changing the channel, the fields gets updated according to whether the new selected channel is linked to a template.

  • Attribute Type: By default, this is set to room type and read-only.

  • Inventory Source: By default, this is set to House and read-only.

  • Attribute Code: Select the room type for the limit you want to create. If you create a limit by selecting a cell on the total room type, the appropriate room type is selected by default. This field is required.

  • Start Date / End Date: Enter the date where the limit is valid. If you create a limit by selecting a cell, the date of the selected date is set by default.

  • Days: Select the days the limit should be in effect. By default, the limit is set to All Days.
    • All days: Sets the limit for all days within the entered date range.

    • Weekdays (Mo - Fr): Sets the limit for all days except weekend days within the entered date range.

    • Weekend Days (Sat - Sun): Sets the limit for only weekend days within the entered date range.

    • Custom: Select the days the limit should be set for within the entered date range.

  • Sell Limit Type: Select the type to be used for calculating the limit. Either a sell limit type and value or a zero sell limit type and value is required.

  • Sell Limit Value: Enter the value.

  • Zero Sell Limit Type: Select the type to be used for calculating the limit. Either a sell limit type and value or a zero sell limit type and value is required.

  • Zero Sell Limit: Enter the value.

  • Modified: By default, this field gets selected when the channel limit is linked to a template, but has been changed individually. This field is read-only.

  • Allow Template Override: By default, this field is selected whether or not a template is linked. This ensures that in case a linked template gets updated, the channel limit gets updated as well or, if no template is linked yet, the limit will be updated in case a channel is linked to a template. For more information, see: Sell Limits in Configuration > Inventory Management.

  • Click Save and then select either Save to save the record or Save and Set Another to continue creating records.


    If the House Limit is decreased by your Property Management System, it decreases accordingly for your Room Type and Channel limits. Increasing your House Limit to a higher value than your physical rooms has no effect on your room type availability.

Deleting a Channel Sell Limit

Select the date and cell of the limit you want to delete. Click the Delete button with the option to delete either the whole record or, if Sell Limit and a Zero Sell Limit are defined, to delete one of them.


You can delete sell limits of a date range by changing the start date and end date. The Delete icon is available only with the appropriate permission.

Inventory Check

From the Search section, select Search Display Inventory Check. The Inventory Check shows a summary of available rooms per room types and date.

Managing Inventory Check

Use the following to search:
  • From Date: By default, this is your system date. This field is required.

  • Days to View: By default, Days to View is set to one day. This field is required.

  • Number of Available Rooms: Enter the number to search for, such as 50 rooms within the next five days.

  • Room Type: You can select none, one, or multiple room types.

  • Channel: You can select none, one, or multiple active channels provisioned for your property.

  • Click Search to get search results. Only records matching all of the selected criteria appear. Click Reset to reset the search data and get the default display.


    Days to view considers Max. Days in Future and Max Length of Stay values from Configuration > Inventory Management > Inventory.

Viewing Inventory Check

Available Rooms: Shows the total current availability and appears when expanding the total availability of all active channels provisioned for your property.


A dot in the left hand corner of a cell indicates that a limit exists. For further information, see: Sell Limits.