Block Management Overview

Following are the configuration types and their description:
Configuration Types Description
Booking Types You can associate a booking type with a business block to categorize business blocks for reporting purposes. For example, business blocks might be associated with a wedding, a commercial exhibition, a tour, a conference, or so on, and it may be useful to view block revenues and other information segregated by these types.
Cancellation Reasons A business block cancellation reason is required when you change a block's status to Cancelled.
Lost Reasons A business block lost reason is required when you change a block's status to Lost.
Conversions A block conversion gives sales managers a way to assign a likelihood of conversion to blocks.
Destination Codes Destination codes are used to identify competitors or alternate properties where a client has decided to book when a block status turns to Cancelled or Lost.
Rankings A block ranking gives sales managers a way to assign a priority to blocks.
Rate Override Reasons Rate Override Reasons are required when a rate code is applied to a block, but a user manually overrides the rate amount on the room grid. When this option is used, you must also select an override reason.
Refused Reasons This configuration allows you to create codes that specify why a block was refused. A block refused reason is required when you change a block's status to Refused.
Reservation Methods This configuration allows you to indicate how reservations are expected to be picked up for the block. In many cases it will be done via rooming lists, but reservation pick-up could also be handled via individual guest calls, a convention bureau, or others.
Wash Schedules Properties often set aside rooms for block reservations. As the block date approaches, you can reduce the number rooms in the block by transferring a number or percentage of them to general house availability. Block wash schedules enable this transfer. The End of Day final procedure activates the scheduled transfers. You can schedule the room transfers by date and by a percentage or a set number of rooms. When creating or editing wash schedules:
  • Attach schedules to a block prior to the block's cutoff date.

  • Configure only one details record per wash schedule for each day prior to arrival.

  • Set the Block Wash Schedule in Routine Management to Active.