Pre Register Arrival Reservations

Prerequisites for Pre Register Arrival Reservations

You can offer your guests the ability to check in for their reservations by pre-registering. When a reservation is pre-registered, all of the guest’s information to finish the registration process is collected, including authorizing the guest's credit card for the reservation. This makes it easy to check in the reservation when the guests arrive and the assigned room is available. You can search for and manage pre-registered arrival reservations from Arrivals search by selecting the Pre-registered check box in advanced search.

Preregistration offers a low-touch check in experience and helps to streamline check in. Through a mobile app, guests can update their contact details and pertinent information regarding their stay, including confirming the estimated arrival time. 

Using an Oracle Marketplace partner solution, Guests can preregister their arrival using a mobile app or booking website integrated with OPERA Cloud. Reservation eligibility is determined by the preregistration rules configured. For more information, see Configuring Pre-Registration Rules. The Pre-registration External System Trace OPERA Control determines the trace department for reservation traces added by the integrated solution. The Pre-registration External System Alert OPERA Control determines the alert code to be used by the integrated solution.

With the Alerts OPERA Control active, you can configure reservation alert rules for the preregistered status.

The Arrivals Report (res_detail) offers a filter for preregistered arrival reservations. For more information, see Arrivals Reports

Searching for Preregistered Arrival Reservations

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, select Front Desk Workspace, then select Preregistered.

  2. Click Search.

Manually Preregister Arrival Reservation

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, select Arrivals.

  2. Click Search.

  3. Select the reservation from the search results, then click I Want To... and select Preregister Reservation.

Reversing Preregistered Arrival Reservation

To remove the preregistered status from a reservation.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, select Front Desk Workspace, then select Preregistered.

  2. Click Search.

  3. Select the reservation from the search results, then click I Want To... and select Reverse Preregister Reservation.