Block Conversion (rep_block_conversion.rep)

Prerequisite for Block Conversion

The Booking Conversion Report calculates the booking conversion to an Actual status for any date range in absolute figures as well as conversion percentages.

For the selected date range, all bookings that reach a final status will print subject to status selection. The bookings are summarized into Actual bookings (considered Converted) and bookings on other final statuses. These other final statuses are commonly Lost or Canceled status types. You can specify one additional non-final status to include in the actual total. Typically, this status would be a Definite or equivalent status that has not yet turned to actual, but is highly expected to do so.

The report summary then calculates the ratio of all bookings on a final status in the selected date range versus those bookings that have turned ACTUAL (or are highly likely to do so).

The report summary then calculates the ratio of all bookings on a final status in the selected date range versus bookings that have turned Actual (or are highly likely to do so).

Selection Criteria

  1. Property: Enter or select the property. You can select multiple properties from a hub location

  2. Start From Date From/Start To Date: Enter a block start (arrival) range.

  3. Account: Search and select sales accounts to include in the report. 

  4. Current Status: Select one or more block status. The list shows only final statuses, meaning statuses that do not have any further follow-on status assigned to them in configuration (e.g., Actual, Lost, Canceled). 


    When the Block Status is Actual, the Net Rate, Gross Rate and Net Room Revenues are calculated based on Picked-up figures. 
  5. Status not Turned: Select one or more block status. This allows inclusion of blocks that are highly likely to turn Actual in the near future into the Converted statistics. The list only shows statuses that have the actual status configured as a follow-on status in the status flow configuration. 

  6. Market Segment: Select one or more market segments from the list

  7. Revenue Type 1: Select one or more revenue types.

  8. Revenue Type 2: Select one or more revenue types.

  9. Revenue Type 3: Select one or more revenue types.

  10. Revenue Type 4: Select one or more revenue types.

  11. Revenue Type 5: Select one or more revenue types.


    Each revenue type field allows for the selection of multiple revenue types. When revenue types are combined, for instance Food and Beverage, the revenue type values are subtotaled. Once you select a revenue type for one, the revenue type is not available for selection in another Revenue Type column. 
  12. Currency: Select a currency from the list. (Available when the Ability to Quote Rates in Foreign Currency OPERA Control is active).

Report Data

The first part of the report outputs the block details in two lines per booking record. The details shown for each booking include: booking status, catering status, booking name, booking id, arrival date, departure date, catering revenue types 1-5 (per the report parameters), initial number of rooms booked, total number of rooms booked, net room rate, gross room rate, breakfast included flag, market segment, net room revenue, total catering revenue, total revenue and the reason lost, canceled or turned down for those bookings on a cancel status. 


The Initial room night figure is taken from the Initial block snapshot, not from the original block figures. Therefore, you must use block snapshots to have this figure appear on the report.

Catering Revenue prints per the regular principle: if an event is actual, the Actual/Billed revenue prints. If no Actual/Billed revenue exists (and when the event is not yet actual), the Guaranteed/Expected revenues are checked. If Guaranteed Revenue is higher than Expected Revenue, Guaranteed Revenue prints. Otherwise, Expected Revenue prints. If Expected/Guaranteed Revenues do not exist, Forecast Revenues prints.

An exception to the above rule is made when the OPERA Controls parameter Events > Use Forecast Value Only is active. In this case, all events are created with the flag Use Forecast Revenue Only checked. While this flag is checked, all catering revenue in this report come only from the forecast figures, even if expected or guaranteed figures exist. The flag is unchecked automatically when the event turns actual, but can also be manually unchecked earlier in the life of the event.

The report summary that prints at the end is composed of four lines:
  • Line1: Summarizes all bookings listed on the report including their room nights and revenues.

  • Line2: Summarizes all bookings, their room nights, and revenues, on actual status plus those bookings on the status defined in filter “Status not turned.” This line represents the Converted business.

  • Line3: Calculates conversion percentages and factors of actual / converted bookings (line2) versus all bookings (line1) (this is, the percentage of all bookings turned actual as opposed to lost or canceled).

  • Line4: Splits out the number of bookings, revenues, and room nights of bookings that are on the status, “Status not turned” to get a clearer picture of the business that might turn actual, but still has a chance of getting canceled.