Blocks and Groups Reports

Prerequisites for Blocks and Groups Reports

Banquet Event Order - 1 Column (sample_beo_1column.rtf) – contains vital information about the catering portion of a business block broken down into events and resources in a 1-column format.

Banquet Event Order - 2 Column (sample_beo_2column.rtf) – contains vital information about the catering portion of a business block broken down into events and resources in a 2-column format.

Banquet Event Order - 2 Column FB (Food and Beverage) (sample_beo_2collumn_fb.rtf) – contains vital information about the catering portion of a business block broken down into events and resources.

Banqueting F&B Plan (rep_fbplan.rep with rep_fbplan.fmx) – The Banqueting F&B Plan report is especially useful for the Banquet Chef and kitchen. You can use it for Banquet Event Orders (BEO) or as a detailed document for any food or beverage preparation and requirements.

Block Actual Report (rep_actbb_p.rep) – This report compares booked room nights, revenue, and average rate with picked-up room nights, revenue, and average rate.

Block Actual Pick Up Report (rep_actbh.rep) – This report compares booked room nights, revenue, and average rate with picked-up room nights, revenue, and average rate. This is a slightly different model of the Block Pick Up Report (REP_ACTBB_P.REP) with a different lay-out and filter options, but essentially the same information is included.

Block Cancellation Summary Report (rep_cancel_summary.rep) – The main purpose of the Cancellation Summary report is to show all groups canceled or lost for a specific cancellation date range or a specific arrival date.

Block Conversion (rep_block_conversion.rep) – This report calculates the booking conversion to an Actual status for any date range in absolute figures as well as conversion percentages.

Block Information (resblkinfo) – This report displays a detailed breakdown of a block header and room grid for a specified date range.

Business Block Change Log (rep_bookchglog.rep with rep_bookchglog.fmx) – The Business Block Change Log report is a listing of the production (status/revenue changes) changes made to a Business Block within a specified production period. Changes include status changes, increase or decrease of the room block, or increase or decrease of the revenue (rate changes).

Business Block Lead Time Report (rep_block_leadtime) – This report displays multiple statuses (by date) and revenue types for Business Block bookings.

Business Block Total Spend Report (rep_busblock_spend.rep) – The Business Block Total Spend Report displays the total group spend by including all revenues posted to any reservations linked to the block.

Contract Merge Report (Based on Sample_Cont_Merge.RTF with Rep_Cont_Merge.FMX) – This report outputs group room block and catering event details. It is possible to customize sample_cont_merge.rtf into multiple reports, each with the Rep_Cont_Merge parameter form.

Deposit Report (rep_deposit.rep with rep_deposit.fmx) – The Deposit Report provides an overview of business block deposits requested and received. Room and Catering deposits can be listed separately if they are requested that way.

Forecast/Availability Book (rep_rooms.rep with rep_rooms.fmx)– The Rooms Availability and Forecast report parameter screen provides options for printing the Rooms Availability report as well as the rooms forecast report. When combined, these two reports form a unit that presents a picture of the on-the-books group business for the coming months compared to targets and budgets.

Group Room Pace (BI) Report (rep_group_rooms_pace_bi.rtf with rep_group_rooms_pace_bi.fmx) – The Group Room Pace Report is sorted by Property Year and grouped by Total, Catering Only Y (Sales) and Catering Only N (Catering).

Group Room Reservation Sheet (Sample_GRMRES_Sales_STD.Rep with Sample_GRMRES_Sales_STD.fmx) – This report details all information about a group block including linked accounts, contact and agent information, room grid with rates and revenue, all major block details, catering event information, sales activities, and deposit information.

Month End Details Report (BI) (rep_month_end_details_bi with rep_month_end_details_bi – The Month End Details report details business block and sales and event production changes during the dates requested.

Pro Forma Invoice Generates Report (Rep_Proforma_Invoice) – The Pro Forma Invoice Generates Report details guest rooms, all catering packages, events, and resources booked on a block in a billing format. The number of units booked, the price per unit, and the total price are printed in a list format. It can provide a sub-total and page break per day and can also be printed for single events.

Quote Report (sample_sc_quote) – The Quote report provides day-by-day accommodation and event details. As a customizable stationery template, you can produce a quote detailing the Accommodation, PMS Packages for City Tax and/or Breakfast Packages, Catering Packages, Events, and Event Resources.

Room and Catering Revenue Pace (BI) (rep_room_cat_rev_pace_bi.rtf with rep_room_cat_rev_pace_bi.fmx) – This report displays room and event revenue by Stay Period for the requested Production Period. It also displays the On the Books forecast revenue for the same Stay Period with a comparison to OBI Budgeted Revenue, Same Time Last Year (STLY), and Actual Last Year (ACTLY) figures.