Business Block Total Spend Report (rep_busblock_spend.rep with rep_busblock_spend.fmx)

The Business Block Total Spend Report displays the total group spend by including all revenues posted to any reservations linked to the block. This report provides a summary similar to the summary screen on a business block in granular detail by showing revenue grouped by the transaction code sub-group.

Selection Criteria

Property: Enter or select the property. You can select multiple properties from a hub location

Block Arrival Date From/To: Enter an Arrival Date range to filter business blocks for the report.

Transaction Date From/To: Enter a Transaction Date range to filter business blocks for the report.

Block: Opens the Business Block Search screen. Select business blocks to print on this report.

Block Status: Select statuses to filter business blocks for the report.

Display all Transaction Code Groups: If you select this option, all Transaction Code Groups print on this report even if they have no postings to them for the selected business blocks. If you do not select this option, then only the Transaction Code Groups with postings for the selected business blocks will print.

Display all Transaction Code Sub-Groups: If you select this option, all Transaction Code Sub-Groups print on this report even if they have no postings to them for the selected business blocks. If you do not select this option, then only the Transaction Code Sub-Groups with postings for the selected business blocks will print.

Print as Posted: If you select this check box, the report will not calculate net values for generates that are configured as included in the appropriate transaction codes. For example, if a 10 percent tax is included in $2,000.00 of Banquet Food revenue, the report will print 2,000.00 instead of 1818.181818 (as it would when the check box is not selected). If the Print as Posted check box is not selected, the report will print six decimal figures for all values in order to avoid rounding differences.

Print Event Summary Revenue: If you select this option, the report prints the Event Revenue Type breakdown on the right side of this report. If this option is not selected, the Event Revenue Type breakdown does not print. The figures that print in the Event Revenue Summary are determined by the transaction codes linked to the event revenue type as configured in the Revenue Type Cross Reference. The revenue is reported based on the posted transaction code and the revenue type it maps to.

Combine Revenue: This option is mutually exclusive with the Revenue Grouped by Booking option, meaning that you can select only one of them. If you select this option, the revenues for all selected business blocks are combined into a single report. The selected header information prints totals for each business block selected, followed by the summary revenue info.

Revenue Grouped by Booking: This option is mutually exclusive with the Combine Revenue option, meaning that you can select only one of them. If you select this option, each of the selected business blocks prints revenue details for each block, and a summary section prints the totals for all of the selected business blocks.

Currency: Select the currency in which the revenues on this report will appear.

Report Data

For Each Business Block: Business Block ID, Block Code, Arrival Date, Departure Date, Business Block Name, Account Name, Contact Name, Contact Phone, Total Rooms, Total Guests, Total Spend, and Total Payments.

For Revenue Details (All Revenue): Depending on the Display all Transaction Code Groups and the Display all Transaction Code Sub-Groups filter options, this section contains all selected summary information, for example: Food and Beverage, Miscellaneous, Room, and Tax.

The next section prints the Event Revenue Summary that prints for any booking that has posted event revenue when the Print Event Summary Revenue check box is selected in the parameters.