Managing Currency Exchange

The Currency Calculator lets you calculate and post currency exchange amounts based on an established exchange rate per exchange type for each currency. For more information, see Managing Currency Exchange Rates. When posting currency exchange you must select a reservation or profile for the currency exchange receipt generated.

When the Sell Currency OPERA Control is active you can sell (pay out) foreign currency as well as buy (receive) foreign currency.

When the Foreign Currency Limits OPERA Control is active, daily and monthly exchange limits are setup per currency. For more information, see Configuring Foreign Currency Limits.

When the Daily Currency Exchange Limit Amount and Daily Currency Exchange Limit Code OPERA Controls. are setup a daily limit for the specified currency code applies. For more information, see Oracle Hospitality Localization Center for Hotel; Israel - under OPERA Cloud, Solutions: OPERA Cloud Fiscal Primary Data Document (Doc ID: 2621636.1).

Calculating Currency Exchange

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Cashiering, and select Currency Calculator.
  2. Property: Enter or select the property.

  3. Select the Buy or Sell tab. (Sell tab is enabled when the Sell Currency OPERA Control is active).

    1. Exchange Type: Select an exchange type: Cash, Check, Posting (Charges), Settlement, Commission, Membership and Certificate. Each exchange type can have a different exchange rate.

    2. From Currency: Select a currency to convert from.

      1. From Amount: Enter the From Currency amount.

    3. To Currency: Select a currency to convert to.

      1. To Amount: Displays the converted amount.

    4. Currency exchange information automatically populates on the screen.

    5. Click Clear to clear the entries on the page.

Posting Currency Exchange

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Cashiering, and select Currency Calculator.
  2. Property: Enter or select the property.

  3. Select the Buy or Sell tab. (Sell tab is enabled when the Sell Currency OPERA Control is active).

    1. Exchange Type: Select an exchange type: Cash, Check, Posting (Charges), Settlement, Commission, Membership and Certificate. Each exchange type can have a different exchange rate.

    2. From Currency: Select a currency to convert from.

      1. From Amount: Enter the From Currency amount.

    3. To Currency: Select a currency to convert to.

      1. To Amount: Displays the converted amount.

    4. Currency exchange information automatically populates on the screen.

    5. Click Clear to clear the entries on the page.

  4. Click Post Currency Exchange.

    1. Enter your Cashier ID and PIN.

    2. Posting Details.

      1. Search and select a Room (Reservation) or Name (Profile).

      2. Supplement: Enter reference text.

      3. Click Post Exchange.

    3. Click Send Receipt  to generate a currency exchange receipt.

      1. Select a report destination

        1. Preview: Generate a PDF.

        2. Email to Print: Select a printer from the list. For more information, see Configuring Printers.

        3. Email: Enter an email address. 

        4. Click Process.