Purging Guest Profiles

Use the Manual Profile Purge utility to select and purge unwanted guest profiles from OPERA Cloud.

When executing the utility the PURGE PROFILE business event is triggered to notify integrated systems of the profile deletion.

The business event will result in one of the following outcomes:

  • Profile is also deleted in the integrated system if the business logic in that system allow it (e.g., no reservations, etc.).

  • If a deletion is not allowed by the integrated system, remove the subscription in the integrated system as the profile pointed to by that subscription will no longer exist.

OPERA Cloud automatically performs the following validation checks:
  • Cannot purge profiles other than Guest.

  • Cannot purge profiles that have been updated within 1 day of when the Manual Profile Purge is going to be run.

  • Cannot purge if AR Account is attached to profile.

  • Cannot purge if profile is linked to an AR Account with open balance invoice. AR invoices with a zero balance are regarded as open. Profiles linked to such invoices can only be purged after the zero balance invoices have been purged based on the Zero Invoice Purge Days OPERA Control.

  • Cannot purge if profile has relationships to other profiles.

  • Cannot purge if profile has current reservations with an outstanding balance.

  • Cannot purge if profile has future reservations.

  • Cannot purge if profile has outstanding commissions payable.

  • Cannot purge if profile has an Inactive Date (marked inactive).

Profile purge activity is recorded in the Changes Log under Profile activity group and Purge Profile activity type.


The Manual Profile Purge Routine will purge a profile that meets all other purge criteria even if the Keep History check box is selected on the Profile.

Running Guest Profile Purge

  1. From the Toolbox menu, select Utilities, select Data Management then select Manual Profile Purge Routine.

  2. Enter profile search criteria
    1. Name: Enter the full or part of the last name of the profile.

    2. First: Enter  the full or partial first name for the profile.

    3. Country: Enter or select a country code to limit purge to profiles with primary address matching the country code.

    4. State: Enter or select a state code to limit purge to profiles with primary address matching the state code.

    5. Birth Date: Enter a date to limit purge to profiles with the specific date.

    6. Stays Fewer or Equal to:  Enter the minimum number of stays a profile must have to be retained; profiles with this or a fewer number of stays will be considered as candidates for purging.

    7. Last Stay Earlier than:  Select a cutoff date in order to search for profiles based on the recentness of their stay activity. Profiles that do not have any stay dates more recent than this date are considered as candidates for purging. By default, the date displayed is the current business date minus one day.

    8. VIP Code: Select VIP Codes from the list to purge profiles with the specified VIP Code.

    9. Exclude Restricted:  Select to exclude all profiles marked a restricted.

  3. Click Search.

  4. In the search result, select profiles to purge

  5. Click Purge.