Using Turnaways

Use Turnaways to record details as to why a reservation opportunity was lost (regret) or denied. When exiting from Look to Book without confirming the reservation, the Turnaway panel is displayed so you can select the reason the caller or guest did not proceed with the reservation.

  • A regret is when the caller/guest declines to confirm a reservation due to price, property features, location and so on.

  • A denial is when the property cannot accept the reservation due to inventory sell out, or the request rate code or room type is not available.  .

When exiting from Look to Book without confirming the reservation, the Turnaway panel is displayed so you can select the reason the caller or guest did not proceed with the reservation. Only users with the Override Turnaway Statistic Collection task assigned to their role can bypass Turnaway entry.

Turnaway statistics are reported as a daily total on the Managing Definable Manager’s Report.

Recording Turnaways

  1. Enter the following details in the Turnaway panel. Fields will default from the values selected as availability search criteria.

  2. Turnaway Reason

    1. Property: Enter or select the property.

    2. Turnaway Code: Select a turnaway reason from the list (identifies a regret or denial according to the Turnaway Type.

    3. Comment: Enter additional notes.

  3. Reservation Details 

    1. Room Type: Select a room type from the list.

    2. Rate Code: Select a rate code from the list.

    3. Market Code: Select a market code from the list.

    4. Arrival: Enter or select the reservation arrival date.

    5. Nights: Enter the number of nights.

    6. Departure: Enter or select the reservation departure date.

    7. Adult: Enter the number of adults.

  4. Guest Details 

    1. Name: Search and select a guest

    2. Country: Select a country from the list.

    3. State: Select a state from the list.

    4. Postal Code: Enter a postal code.

    5. Click Record Turnaway.

    6. Click End Call to exit without recording a turnaway.