Locking All Upgrade Modifications After the 10th of the Following Month

To ensure accurate usage data for Nor1 invoicing, all upgrade modifications for reservations from previous months are locked after the 10th day of the new month. This means no changes can be made to reservations that were completed in the previous month starting from the 11th day of the current month according to hotel local time.

Functionality That Will Be Disabled:
  • Accept and Decline: You cannot accept or decline upgrades that departed in the previous month.

  • Edit: Users cannot make changes such as:

    • Changing offer price

    • Changing upgrade start/end date

    • Adding comments

Cut-Off Date Criteria:
  • Effective Date: The locking of modifications takes effect from the start of the 11th day of the new month according to hotel local time.

  • Reservations Affected: This applies to reservations that departed before the first day of the current month (i.e., reservations that stayed in previous months).

By locking the functionalities after the 10th of the following month, you are assured that the data remains consistent and accurate for Nor1 invoicing, preventing any retrospective changes that could affect the billing process.