Using Nor1 PRiME Upgrade at Check-In and Reservation Management

During the check-in process, the Nor1 PRiME Upgrade integration in OPERA Cloud allows you to see a guest's current upgrade status. This visibility helps inform and upsell guests effectively at the time of check-in.

You can also use Nor1 PRiME Upgrade to manage reservation post-booking and pre-arrival.

5.1 Nor1 Upgrade Banner

A dynamic Nor1 upgrade status banner appears on the Check In Reservation and the Manage Reservation screens for eligible reservations.
  • Review guest’s requested upgrades: This appears if guests have requested eStandby upgrades, but none have been awarded.

    Check In Reservation screen

    Manage Reservation panel.

Check for available upgrades

Check for available upgrades

The banner will not appear in the following situations:
  • The OPERA Cloud "Reservation Upgrade - powered by Nor1 PRiME Upgrade" function is not enabled.

  • The hotel is not live with any Nor1 upgrade solutions.

  • The guest did not commit to any Nor1 upgrade offers, and the hotel is not active with the Nor1 Checkin Merchandising solution.

  • The guest did not commit to any Nor1 upgrade offers, and the reservation status is not one of the following: Reserved, DueIn, Walkin, Checkedin, InHouse, DueOut, or PendingCheckout.

  • The reservation has multiple rooms.

  • The reservation is a share reservation.

5.2 Viewing Upgrade Details

Click the Nor1 Upgrade Banner to see the upgrade offer details in a pop-up screen. This allows you to manage and fulfill guest upgrade requests efficiently.

View Check In Reservations

You can:

Checkin Merchandising Upgrade Status & Details

View Check In Merchandising Upgrade Status and Details

eStandby Upgrade Status & Details

View eStandby Upgrade Status and Details.

eXpress Upgrade Status & Details

View eXpress Upgrade Status & Details
  • Award Previously Requested eStandby Upgrades: Confirm and fulfill pending eStandby upgrade requests made by the guest.

View eStandby upgrades

  • View Real-Time Intelligent Available Checkin Merchandising Upgrades: Check for available Checkin Merchandising upgrades in real-time.

  • Change Checkin Merchandising Offer Price: Modify the price of an upgrade offer to match guest preferences or promotional rates.

  • Change Checkin Merchandising Length of Upgrade: Update the Length of Upgrade for partial stay upgrades to suit guest needs.

  • Enter Checkin Merchandising Upgrade Related Comments: Add any necessary comments related to Checkin Merchandising upgrades to provide additional context or instructions.

Edit Offer screen
  • Select Specific Available Room Type for Multi-Room Code Upgrades: Update the guest’s reservation by selecting a specific room type from multiple available room codes.

Select upgrades on the Checkin Merchandising Upgrades screen.
  • Accept or Decline Checkin Merchandising Upgrades on Behalf of the Guest(s): Accept or decline Checkin Merchandising upgrades based on guest preferences and availability.

  • Override House Level Room Availability: Allowing for special overrides to fulfill upgrade requests when:
    • There are not enough rooms on house level.

    • There are not enough rooms available on Room Type level.

    • There are not enough rooms available on room type and house level.

    • There are not enough rooms available on Room Class level.

    • There are not enough rooms available on room type, room class and house level.

    • There are not enough rooms available on room class and house level.

    • There are not enough rooms available on room type and room class level.


The ability to perform overrides is contingent upon your assigned OPERA Cloud role(s) granting the necessary override task permissions.

5.3 Automatically Fulfill Upgrades

The reservation modification process for Check-In Merchandiser and eStandby upgrades follows a structured flow to ensure that all changes are accurately reflected in OPERA Cloud. Here’s how it works:

Accepting or Confirming an Upgrade:
  1. Click the Confirm button:
    • Posting Upgrade Charge: The system posts the upgrade charge to the guest’s reservation.

      • The charge is added as either a Fixed Charge or a Package.

      • Note: Reservation must have a status. Options are: Reserved, Walkin, DueIn, Checkedin, InHouse, DueOut, or PendingCheckout.

    • Updating Reservation Room Type: If it's a room upgrade, the system will auto-update reservation room type to the upgraded room type.

      • Note: Reservation must have status: Reserved, Walkin, or DueIn.

      • For room upgrades with multiple available room types, you are prompted to select a Specific Room Type to update the guest’s reservation.

Screen shows total offers and offer status.

Reservation overview screen

Declining an Upgrade:

  1. Click the Decline button:

    • If the offer has not previously been accepted, no changes are made in OPERA Cloud.

    • If the offer has previously been accepted:

      • The system removes the upgrade charge if the reservation status is Reserved, Walkin, or DueIn, Checkedin, InHouse, DueOut, PendingCheckout, or Cancelled.

      • If it was a room upgrade and the reservation status are 'Reserved, Walkin, or DueIn, the reservation room type reverts to the previous room type.

Checkin Merchandising Upgrades screens shows your Total Offers.

Shows a close-up of the Room Type offer.

Reserving an Upgrade:

eXpress Upgrades: eXpress upgrades are final and cannot be reversed.

eStandby Upgrades: Once eStandby upgrades are confirmed or declined, they can be reserved only through the Nor1 Upsell Action Center application. For more information, see eStandby Upsell Action Center.

Checkin Merchandising Upgrades: Checkin Merchandising upgrades, once confirmed or declined, can still be reversed within OPERA Cloud if the reservation status is Reserved, Walkin, DueIn, Checkedin, InHouse, DueOut, PendingCheckout, or Cancelled.

To Reserve a Checkin Merchandising Upgrade:
  1. Click the Review button.

  2. Click the Decline or Accept button as needed to reserve the upgrade.

Shows the ability to decline or edit offers.