How to Access and Activate Reservation Upgrade - Powered By Nor1 PRiME Upgrade

Activating Nor1 PRiME Upgrade in OPERA Cloud

  1. Log in to OPERA Cloud Administration: Ensure you have role with permissions to modify global OPERA Controls.
  2. Navigate to OPERA Controls: Go to Administration -> Enterprise -> OPERA Controls.
  3. Find Reservation Upgrade – powered by Nor1 PRiME Upgrade Control: Locate the Reservation Upgrade - Powered by Nor1 PRiME Upgrade control under the Reservation Group settings.
  4. Enable the Function: Toggle the control to activate Reservation Upgrade - Powered by Nor1 PRiME Upgrade. Note that this function is inactive by default. Adding this complementary feature doesl not affect the subscription-based function count.
  5. Important Note: When the Reservation Upgrade - Powered by NOR1 PRiME function is active, any other reservation upgrade functions in OPERA Cloud must be deactivated and vice versa.

OPERA Control Function needed for Reservation Upgrade - Powered by NOR1 PRiME.