Configuring Room Rotation Setup

Use Rotation Setup to configure Rotation Periods, Rotation Point Rules, Owner Multipliers and Out of Order / Service Multipliers. OPERA Cloud uses the rotation points configuration to recalculate rotation points scores for all eligible rooms each time the Available Room Search is launched for reservation room assignment.

Configuring Rotation Period

Rotation period allow you to define the frequency and interval that the accrued rotation points for rooms are reset. When the rotation period is reset, all current rotation point accumulations are deleted and  a set of randomly generated rotation point scores are applied to all unites so that a ‘baseline; is established and each room has an equal chance of being rented. The randomly generated number is an extremely low number that is greater than zero but less than 0.00001.

Editing the Rotation Period

  1. From the Administration menu, select Inventory, select Room Rotation, then select Rotation Setup.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. In the Rotation Period panel, click Edit.

    1. Reset Period: Select a room point reset frequency from the list.

    2. Start Date: Enter or select a start date for the period.

    3. Click Save.

Configuring Rotation Point Rules

Rotation Point Rules allows you to configure rules which determine the formula used to accumulate points to facilitate the rotation of the assignment of rooms. Rotation Point Rules are highly customizable and can be configured to calculate points on a per night, per stay, or per revenue basis, and can be applied to specific room types, rate codes, and even specific days of the week if desired.

Adding Rotation Point Rules

  1. From the Administration menu, select Inventory, select Room Rotation, then select Rotation Setup.
  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. In the Rotation Point Rules panel, click New and complete the following:

    1. Property: Enter or select the property.

    2. Start Date: Enter start date for the calculation rule.

    3. End Date: Enter end date for the calculation rule.

    4. Type: Select the calculation type from the list. Points may be accrued per stay, per night or per amount of revenue generated based on charges selected in Configuring Rotation Transaction Codes.

    5. Points: Enter the point factor for the calculation.

    6. Referral: Select check box if the calculation rule is applicable to referrals of the owner (if referral relationship type is setup between owner and guest profile).

    7. Weekdays: Select check boxes for the days of the week this calculation rule is applicable

    8. Room Types: Select the room types from the Available, panel and click > to move selection to the Selected panel.


      Use the filter to search by entering a specific transaction codes and clicking Go. Click the double greater than arrow >> to move all transaction codes matching the search filter to the Selected panel.
    9. Rate Codes: Select the rate codes from the Available panel and click > to move selection to the Selected panel.

    10. Click Save.

Editing Rotation Point Rules

  1. From the Administration menu, select Inventory, select Room Rotation, then select Rotation Setup.
  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Expand the Rotation Point Rules panel, select the rule, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Edit.

    1. Update the details.

    2. Click Save.

Deleting Rotation Point Rules

  1. From the Administration menu, select Inventory, select Room Rotation, then select Rotation Setup.
  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Expand the Rotation Point Rules panel, select the rule, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Delete.

  4. Click Delete to confirm.

Configuring Rotation Owner (Occupied) Multiplier

Owner Multipliers allow you to configure a multiplier to be used in assigning rotation points for owner occupied rooms. Owner Multipliers can be customized based on room type, rate code as well as days of the week.

Use this option to configure a multiplier to assign rotation points to a room occupied by it's owner. Rotation Points for owner occupied rooms are calculated by first identifying a record from the Rotation Points setup for Rentals for the same room type as the owner's room, then if:
  • The type for the record is Per $ Revenue, rotation points for owner occupied rooms are calculated as (Points x Owner Multiplier x Average Daily Rate (ADR) for all the rentals for the same room type).

  • The type for the record is Per Night or Per Stay, the calculation uses an average of points for all the rooms for the same room type as owner occupied rooms and then multiply this by the Owner multiplier value. The Average Daily Rate is not considered in this case.

Adding Rotation Owner Multiplier

  1. From the Administration menu, select Inventory, select Room Rotation, then select Rotation Setup.
  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. In the Owner Multiplier panel, click New and complete the following:

    1. Property: Enter or select the property.

    2. Start Date: Enter or select a start date for the calculation rule.

    3. End Date: Enter or select an end date for the calculation rule.

    4. Multiplier: Enter the multiplier that will be applied against the average rate of the occupied rooms of the same room type.

    5. Weekdays: Select check boxes for the days of the week this calculation rule is applicable

    6. Room Types: Select the room types from the Available panel and click > to move selection to the Selected panel.


      Use the filter to search by entering a specific transaction codes and clicking Go. Click the double greater than arrow >> to move all transaction codes matching the search filter to the Selected panel.
    7. Rate Codes: Select the rate codes from the Available panel and click > to move selection to the Selected panel.

    8. Click Save.

Editing Rotation Owner Multiplier

  1. From the Administration menu, select Inventory, select Room Rotation, then select Rotation Setup.
  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Expand the Owner Multiplier panel, select the rule, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Edit.

    1. Update the details.

    2. Click Save.

Deleting Rotation Owner Multiplier

  1. From the Administration menu, select Inventory, select Room Rotation, then select Rotation Setup.
  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Expand the Owner Multiplier panel, select the rule, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Delete.

  4. Click Delete to confirm.

Configuring Rotation Out of Order / Out of Service Multipliers

Out of Order / Service Multipliers allow you to configure a multiplier (used in conjunction with the Average Daily Rate of the room type) to be used in assigning rotation points for rooms which are Out of Order or Out of Service.  These multipliers can be customized based on room type, Out of Order / Service Reason code, and days of the week. (Available when the Out of Order and/or Out of Service OPERA Controls are active).

Out of Order and Out of Service multipliers are used to add or subtract rotation points when an owner or property place a room in an Out of Order or Out of Service status and want to keep the rotation points calculation equitable. The points are calculated by multiplying the value in Multiplier with the average nightly rate of all rooms of the same room type as the room that is Out of Order or Out of Service. For example, if the average rate for all CK units is $100.00 and a room is OO for reason WATER (with a 0.1 multiplier) overnight, then 10 points are added to that room's rotation points total during the end of day. (Available when the Out of Order and/or Out of Service OPERA Controls are active).

Adding Rotation Out of Order / Out of Service Multipliers

  1. From the Administration menu, select Inventory, select Room Rotation, then select Rotation Setup.
  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. In the Out of Order / Service panel, click New and complete the following:

    1. Property: Enter or select the property.

    2. Start Date: Enter or select the start date for the calculation rule.

    3. End Date: Enter or select an end date for the calculation rule.

    4. Multiplier: Enter the multiplier that will be applied against the average rate of the occupied rooms of the same room type.

    5. Weekday: Select check boxes for the days of the week this calculation rule is applicable

    6. Room Types: Select the room types from the Available panel and click > to move selection to the Selected panel.


      Use the filter to search by entering a specific transaction codes and clicking Go. Click the double greater than arrow >> to move all transaction codes matching the search filter to the Selected panel.
    7. OO/OS Reason: Select the OO/OS reasons from the Availablepanel and click > to move selection to the Selected panel.

    8. Click Save.

Editing Rotation Out of Order / Out of Service Multipliers

  1. From the Administration menu, select Inventory, select Room Rotation, then select Rotation Setup.
  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Expand the Out of Order / Service panel, select the rule, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Edit

    1. Update the details.

    2. Click Save.

Deleting Rotation Out of Order / Out of Service Multipliers

  1. From the Administration menu, select Inventory, select Room Rotation, then select Rotation Setup.
  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Expand the Out of Order / Service panel, select the rule, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Delete.

  4. Click Delete to confirm.