Outbound Integration Point

This Integration Point (IP) summarizes all endpoints receiving messages from the Oracle Health Insurance application. It lists all outbound integration points, their endpoints, and the endpoint characteristics. The IP helps in configuring and diagnosing network connectivity.


The Oracle Health Insurance applications communicate with other Oracle applications by sending and receiving messages. Setting the connectivity correctly can be challenging because:

  1. Communicating with other applications running on a different network segment, different on-premise, or cloud environment can be a challenge.

  2. There can be restrictions from known hosts when routing outbound traffic to the other application.

  3. Difficulty in identifying the location where Oracle Health Insurance is sending the messages. This information is available in URLs defined in various system properties and configurations (like Claim Event Rules or Callout Rules).

  4. Testing the connectivity requires invoking the business flow that sends the message. This requires complete knowledge of the Oracle Health Insurance application.

The Outbound IP addresses these challenges by listing all defined endpoints in an Oracle Health Insurance application with their key characteristics.

Getting an Overview of All Defined Endpoints

Send a GET request to the following URI for retrieving all the defined endpoints:


The response returns all integration points, endpoints and their attributes. See example below:

  "items": [
      "name": "Claims Event IP",
      "endpoints": [
          "useCase": "CLAIM_EVENT_CODE",
          "authenticationFeature": "BasicAuthentication",
          "HTTPMethod": "POST",
          "messageMediaType": "application/json",
          "destinationURL": "<some URL>"
      "name": "Claims Out IP",
      "endpoints": [
          "useCase": "ClaimsTransactionOutNotificationClient",
          "authenticationFeature": "BasicAuthentication",
          "HTTPMethod": "POST",
          "messageMediaType": "application/json",
          "destinationURL": "<some URL>"

Following explains all the attributes:

  • useCase: A unique identification of the use case that sends the message.

  • authenticationFeature: The authentication mechanism for sending the message.

  • HTTPMethod: The HTTP method used for sending the message (PUT or POST).

  • messageMediaType: The type of payload (JSON or XML).

  • destinationURL: Destination URL of the message.


The outboundintegrationpoints IP access restriction protects this operation.