Search Library

This document will detail on how objects can be queried/searched in the Oracle Health Insurance applications. It will also detail the apis to be used to perform different kind of queries.


Search Library makes use of SearchBuilder. The SearchBuilder object uses a builder pattern to build up the search DSL and executing the search(calling api execute on the builder) on it, will return the filtered results from the underlying data store.

SearchBuilder API

The api of SearchBuilder has many aspects, detailed below.

Searched Object

To specify the type of objects that are searched. Using SearchBuilder api, it can be done as

SearchBuilder searchBuilder = new SearchBuilder(Claim.class)

Claim.class refers to the object that needs to be queried.

A Search Expression

Search Expressions are the basic building blocks of a search. You can think of a search expression as statement in an SQL WHERE clause. Examples of search expressions are code='A', name like '%john%'. One or more search expressions are needed when doing a search. A search expression has a construct like attribute.operator(operand).


Attribute can be a direct attribute on the object that is searched on, or it can be a joined attribute. Following are some examples to show direct or joined attributes using SearchBuilder api.

  1. Search on claim using claim code.

    List<Claim> claims = new SearchBuilder(Claim.class).by("code").eq("CLAIMCODE").execute();
  2. Search on claim using claimLine code. In the example below, the api "join" is used to join the claimLineList in Claim object and the search expression is built is then built on the joined ClaimLine.

    List<Claim> claims = new SearchBuilder(Claim.class)
  3. Search on claim using payer code that is on the brand of the claim

    List<Claim> claims = new SearchBuilder(Claim.class)


Following is the table detailing all the possible operators for a search expression in a SearchBuilder api.

Operator Description Example


Checks for equality, if the argument passed in is null, will check for isNull



Checks for equality ignoring the case.



Checks for non equality, if the argument passed in is null, will check for isNotNull



Checks for less than



Checks for less than equal to



Checks for greater than



Checks for greater than equal to



Checks the value is one of the given values.



Checks if the value is between the passed in arguments.



Applies the like operation, supporting % and _ as wildcards. It is also possible to pass in a second argument to specify an escape character, which can be put in front of a wildcard character to indicate that it should be treated literally, and not as a wildcard.

by("name").like("J%") finds names starting with J

by("name").like("b_g") finds "big" and "bug"

by("name").like("G/_%","/") finds names starting with G_ where _ is taken literally


Same as like, except it will now ignore the case




Checks for not in.


Joining Search Expressions

Next aspect of SearchBuilder api is to provide an ability to join search expressions. The apis provided to achieve that are following:



Example: Search on claim by the brand code and by the start date.

List<Claim> claims = new SearchBuilder(Claim.class)



Example: Search on claim by the brand code or by the start date.

List<Claim> claims = new SearchBuilder(Claim.class)

Grouping Search Expressions

In order to provide for grouping different search expressions together, SearchBuilder has api group and end. Use group to indicate to the builder that the search expressions forthcoming are in a group and use end to indicate that the group has ended. It is also possible to have nested groups.

Example: Search on claim by start date greater than some date and endDate is less than some date or is null.

List<Claim> claims  = new SearchBuilder(Claim.class)

Sub-Query Expressions

SearchBuilder also provides an ability to use subqueries. The api to be used in such a scenario is inSubQuery and notInSubQuery. Let’s first see an example and then let’s go into details for each part of such a construct.

Example 1a: Search on claim where related claim message list has message 'ABC'

List<Claim> claims =  new SearchBuilder(Claim.class)

Example 2: Search on claim where related claim message list does not have message 'ABC'

List<Claim> claims        new SearchBuilder(Claim.class)

Let’s see the sub parts of inSubQuery and notInSubQuery.

  1. inSubQuery()/notInSubQuery() and subQueryEnd(): These constructs tell the builder that a sub query has started (in or not in) and ended respectively.

  2. select(): This tells the builder on the projection of the subquery select. In our example, it is the id on the Message. It can be a joined select also.

  3. from(<CLASS>): This tells the builder on which table to make the select from in the subQuery construct.

  4. Next comes the search expressions for subQuery select.

Exists Query Expressions

SearchBuilder also provides an ability to use exists/not exists. The api to be used in such a scenario is existsQuery and notExistsQuery. Let’s first see an example and then let’s go into details for each part of such a construct.

Example 1a: Search on claim with brand XYZ and exists an access restriction ACRE on that brand

List<Claim> claims =         new SearchBuilder(Claim.class)

Example 2: Search on claim with brand XYZ and not exists an access restriction ACRE on that brand

List<Claim> claims =         new SearchBuilder(Claim.class)

Let’s see the sub parts of existsQuery and notExistsQuery.

  1. existsQuery()/notExistsQuery() and existsQueryEnd(): These constructs tell the builder that an exists query has started (in or not in) and ended respectively.

  2. select(boolean): This tells the builder on the select part of exists query. Value true means select id, and false means select 1.

  3. from(<CLASS>): This tells the builder on which table to make the select from in the existsQuery construct.

  4. Next comes the search expressions for existsQuery select.


In order to provide for sorting on the queried objects, SearchBuilder has api orderBy(<ATTR>).

  1. Example 1: This can be a single attribute or a joined attribute. Orderby on direct attribute on claim.

    List<Claim> claims  = new SearchBuilder(Claim.class)
  2. Example 2: Joined Attribute

    List<Claim> claims  = new SearchBuilder(Claim.class)
  3. Example 3: Nulls First

    List<Claim> claims  = new SearchBuilder(Claim.class)
                               .orderBy("claimLineList.code NULLS FIRST").execute();
  4. Example 4: Nulls Last

    List<Claim> claims  = new SearchBuilder(Claim.class)
                               .orderBy("claimLineList.code NULLS LAST").execute();
  5. Example 5: Sort by ascending order, this is by default.

    List<Claim> claims  = new SearchBuilder(Claim.class)
  6. Example 6: Sort by descending order.

    List<Claim> claims  = new SearchBuilder(Claim.class)
  7. Example 7: Sort by attribute with outer join.

    List<Claim> claims  = new SearchBuilder(Claim.class)


In order to provide for pagination on the queried objects, SearchBuilder has api setPage() and setPageSize().

  1. Example 1: Search on claim by start date, ordered on code and only fetch 5 claims.

    List<Claim> claims  = new SearchBuilder(Claim.class)
  2. Example 2: Search on claim by start date, ordered on code and only fetch 5-10 claims.

    List<Claim> claims  = new SearchBuilder(Claim.class)

Finally, after providing all the aspects to the SearchBuilder, depending on the requirement, api execute() has to be used to perform the search and get the results. It will return a list of the type of objects that the search is performed on.