Data Access Group Restriction

See the User Access chapters in the Security Guide for details of this type of access restriction.

Conventions used in this section:

  1. R is a resource subject to the data access group restriction. R acts as a top-level resource.

  2. S is a resource subject to the data access group restriction. S acts as a sub resource.

  3. L is a resource subject to the data access group restriction. L acts as a linked resource.

Please note that the same resource can act as a top-level resource in one use case, but as sub resource or linked resource in some other use case.

Restrict Top-Level Resource

Use case 1

A resource is retrieved which is subject to a data access group restriction.

HTTP API will automatically add the following filter:

where R.dataAccessGroup is null
or R.dataAccessGroup.accessRestriction is null
or R.dataAccessGroup.accessRestriction in (accessrestrictions of user where Retrieve = Y)

Use case 2

A resource is retrieved that is considered a child of a resource that is subject to a data access group restriction.

HTTP API will automatically add the following filter:

where C.R.dataAccessGroup is null
or C.R.dataAccessGroup.accessRestriction is null
or C.R.dataAccessGroup.accessRestriction in (accessrestrictions of user where Retrieve = Y)

where C is the child resource.

Use case 3

A resource is retrieved that is considered a grandchild of a resource that is subject to a data access group restriction.

HTTP API will automatically add the following filter:

where G.C.R.dataAccessGroup is null
or G.C.R.dataAccessGroup.accessRestriction is null
or G.C.R.dataAccessGroup.accessRestriction in (accessrestrictions of user where Retrieve = Y)

where C is the child resource and G the grandchild resource.

It is application specific which resources are considered children of a resource with regard to data access group restriction. This information is available in the User Access chapters in the Security Guide of the Oracle Health Insurance application.

Restrict Sub-Resource

HTTP API does not support this use case. A Data Access Group restriction is always on the top-level resource. There is no use case where a top-level resource is not subject to data access group restriction, but has a sub resource that is restricted.