Install Application

This section lists the steps required to deploy Oracle Insurance Gateway on the Oracle WebLogic WebLogic Server (WebLogic).

Work Manager and Thread Management Configuration

Oracle Insurance Gateway packages an application scoped configuration for the Work Manager and thread management. This configuration holds (sane) default values that drive how the Weblogic (thread) resources are used for processing.

Refer the WebLogic documentation on Work Managers for more information about Work Managers.

Refer the Configuring Concurrent Managed Objects section for more information about thread management configuration, like executor services and thread factories.

Whenever the default configuration of one or more of these elements needs changing, create or use a deployment plan. A deployment plan for an existing application, like Oracle Insurance Gateway, can be generated using the Weblogic tooling.

Configuration, like the minimum and maximum threads constraints, and the fair share request factors, can be modified at any time in the WebLogic Admin Console as is required, for example to increase the number of threads used for processing exchanges.

This largely depends on hardware capacity, system configuration and the load characteristics and typically requires a thorough understanding of the system’s performance.

Default Work Manager and Thread Management Configuration Values

What follows is a breakdown of all default values for configuration elements that drive the Weblogic (thread) resource utilization.

Work Manager - Wm/ws-work-manager

This Work Manager is used by Oracle Insurance Gateway to deal with intake that comes in at the HTTP API layer, typically /api.

Table 1. Work Manager - Wm/ws-work-manager
Config Element Name Default













Work Manager - Wm/core-work-manager

This Work Manager is used by the Oracle Insurance Gateway for background processing (of exchanges).

Table 2. Work Manager - Wm/core-work-manager
Config Element Name Default













Work Manager - Wm/jersey-work-manager

This Work Manager is used by the Oracle Insurance Gateway for background (scheduled) processing done from within Jersey.

Table 3. Work Manager - Wm/jersey-work-manager
Config Element Name Default













Executor Service - JerseyExecutor

This executor service is used by the component responsible for autonomously polling the exchange status, to provide a seemingly blocking/synchronous interaction flow over an inherently asynchronous mechanism of processing exchanges.

Table 4. Executor Service - JerseyExecutor
Config Element Default







Executor Service - JerseyScheduledExecutor

This executor service is used by Jersey to track time and generate time-outs as part of blocking/synchronous interaction flows.

Table 5. Executor Service - JerseyScheduledExecutor
Config Element Default







Thread Factory - OigThreadFactory

This is a thread factory that is explicitly used by the scheduler component of the Oracle Insurance Gateway.

Table 6. Thread Factory - OigThreadFactory
Config Element Default





Configuring The Authentication Providers

The application uses a WebLogic Authentication Provider to connect to a user store for authenticating users. Examples of configurable user identity stores are Oracle Internet Directory (OID) or to a third party LDAP server. This section describes the configuration of an OID or third party LDAP Authentication Provider.

  1. Login to the WebLogic admin console and click the Security Realms link.

  2. Click the myrealm link.

  3. Click the Providers tab.

  4. Click New in order to create a New Authentication Provider

  5. Change Name and Type to OHIAuthenticationProvider and OracleInternetDirectoryAuthenticator (or to LDAPAuthenticator in case a third party LDAP server is used) respectively in Create a new Authentication Provider page and click OK.

  6. Click the OHIAuthenticationProvider link.

  7. Change the Control Flag to SUFFICIENT and click Save.

  8. Click the Provider Specific tab.

  9. Enter/change the values for various fields as shown below and select the option Propagate Cause For Login Exception.

Table 7. Configuring The Authentication Providers
Field Value


LDAP hostname or IP address


LDAP Port or SSL Port if the LDAP is SSL enabled. For example: 3060. In case LDAPS is used, make sure to check the SSLEnabled flag as well.


LDAP admin principal: For example: cn=orcladmin


LDAP admin password

Confirm Credential

LDAP admin password

User Base DN

User Base distinguished name. For example: ou=Users,dc=healthinsurance,dc=oracle,dc=com

All Users Filter

For example: (&(uid=*)(objectclass=person))

User From Name Filter

For example: (&(uid=%u)(objectclass=person))

User Name Attribute

For example: uid

Group Base DN

If there are no groups in the LDAP, leave this field empty.

There are a few more properties (or fields in the page) which are not mentioned in the table above. Change the values of those fields to suit the LDAP settings.

  1. Click Save.

  2. Click the myrealm link and then DefaultAuthenticator link. Change the Control Flag to SUFFICIENT and click the Save.

  3. Restart the WebLogic Server.

Optionally, verify that the authentication provider is configured successfully (after the WebLogic Server is restarted) by following the steps mentioned below:

  1. Login to WLS Admin Console and click Security Realms

  2. Click myrealm

  3. Click the Users and Groups tab

  4. See the list of users from OHIAuthenticationProvider (in addition to the default users from DefaultAuthenticator).

Set up JDBC Data Sources

The application connects to the Oracle database through a Data Source that needs to be configured in the WebLogic domain.

For security reasons, the database connections used by the application connect to database schemas that do not own database objects. These schemas are only granted the required privileges to use the objects.

Data sources can be configured for the following database installations:

  • an Oracle database that is running on a single machine;

  • an RAC-enabled Oracle database that is running on multiple machines.

Data Source for connecting to an Oracle database that is running on a single machine

The following table lists details for the Data Source that must be configured in the WebLogic before installing the application for use with an Oracle database that is executed on a single machine (not clustered):

Table 8. Set up JDBC Data Sources
Data Source Parameters Non-clustered Database Explanation

Data Source Type

Generic Data Source

Data Source Name


Logical name



Used by the application to resolve the Data Source

Database Type


Database Driver

Oracle’s Driver (Thin) for Instance connections; Versions:Any

Oracle’s Driver (Thin) for Service connections; Versions:Any

Database Name

SID or service name of the database

If the name of the Oracle driver that was selected contains the words "for Instance connections" enter the SID.

If the name of the Oracle driver contains the words "for Service connections" enter the service name.

Host Name

Name or IP address of the machine where the database is running


Port on which the database is running

Database User Name


Fixed value, do not change

Password & Confirm Password

Password of "ohi_oig_user"

The schema password as selected during the installation

Setting Advanced Properties for the Data Source

The Data Source that has been created needs some additional advanced settings.

  1. Select the newly created Data Source

  2. Click the table Connection Pool

  3. Expand the Advanced node at the bottom of the page to display all the properties and set the following:

Table 9. Setting Advanced Properties for the Data Source
Property Value

Initial Capacity


Test Connections On Reserve


Test Frequency


Connection Creation Retry Frequency


Seconds to Trust an Idle Pool Connection


Statement Cache Size

The default value is 10. Increasing this to a higher value results in a better performance. Consult WebLogic documentation for more details on this.

Wrap Data Types


Init SQL

When the users are in a different time zone than the database, the session time zone must be set with this statement:

SQL ALTER SESSION SET TIME_ZONE = '<time zone>', where <time zone> is the name of an Oracle RDBMS supported time zone.

The time zone names can be found in V$TIMEZONE_NAMES.

Set the following driver property:

Table 10. Driver Property
Property Value


Installing the Oracle Health Insurance Application Through the WebLogic Admin Server Console

Oracle Health Insurance applications are delivered in a so called Java Enterprise Archive (EAR) which is installed through the WebLogic Admin Server Console. In order to do that, take the following into account:

  • Make sure to select the option Install this deployment as an application.

  • If the application is deployed to a cluster, in the Select deployment targets page, select the correct cluster as target.

Installing The Oracle Health Insurance Application Through REST API

Post :http://<HOST-NAME>:<PORT-NUMBER>/management/weblogic/latest/domainRuntime/deploymentManager/deploy
"applicationPath": "<PATH-OF-OHI-APPLICATION-EAR>",
"targets": ["<NAME-OF-CLUSTER>"],
"plan": "<PATH-OF-PLAN.xml>",
"deploymentOptions": {}

Changes That Require a Restart

There are some changes to the system that require a restart for the changes to take effect. Following is the list of such changes:

Table 11. Changes That Require a Restart
Change Description

Changing default currencies

If the default currency is changed then a restart is required for the application adapt to these changes.