Data Model


A policy is an agreement between the insurance carrier and the that defines a certain coverage or set of benefits in exchange for a premium. Group accounts (referenced by policies) are described in the Enrollment implementation guide. Data access groups (referenced by policies) are described in the User Access implementation guide.

Field Description


The code of the policy


The version of the policy


The global unique identifier of the policy (this identifier is automatically issued when entering a new policy and it remains the same for all versions of the policy)


The status of the policy: Edit, In Process, Pended, Approved or Canceled

Line of Business

The line of business that the policy belongs to


The brand that the policy belongs to

Data Access Group

The data access group used to differentiate over user access rights

Calculate on Cancellation?

Indicates if the policy will be (re)calculated when it is canceled; calculating the policy as part of the cancellation process is required for scenarios that include cancellation fees (an example is provided in the Cancel Policy section of the HTTP API Operations guide)

Process Flow

The group of process steps and process rules that apply to a policy


  • It is not allowed to have multiple policies with the same code and version; the same applies for multiple policies with the same gid and version


A policyholder is the person who is legally accountable for the duties that stem from a policy. In case of health insurance often an employee will be the policyholder, with the employee, spouse and children as insured persons on the policy. In case of a P&C insurance often the owner of the object is the policyholder. A policy has a single policyholder at any point in time, but the role of the policyholder can be transferred to another person.

Field Description


The policy that the policyholder holds


The person that holds the policy

Start Date

The start date of the policyholder

End Date

The end date of the policyholder


  • It is not allowed to have an overlap in time validity for policyholders with the same policy

Policy Broker Agent

Brokers and agents are described in the Brokers and Agents section of this document. A policy has a single policy broker and/or agent at any point in time, but the policy can be transferred from one broker and/or agent to another.

Field Description


The policy that the policy broker agent is intermediary for


The broker that serves as intermediary


The agent that serves as intermediary

Start Date

The start date of the policy broker agent

End Date

The end date of the policy broker agent


  • At least one of broker and agent must be specified

  • It is not allowed to have an overlap in time validity for policy brokers agents with the same policy

Policy Calculation Period

A policy calculation period defines the premium calculation period for a specific policy. A policy can have one or more policy calculation periods.

Field Description

Policy GID

The global unique identifier of the policy

Reference Date

The date that is used to evaluate time active variables in the calculation, such as the rate or the member’s age

Calculation Date

The date that is compared to the parameter date in the calculate premium activity to determine if the period is taken up for calculation. Periods having the same calculation date are considered to be part of a single collection cycle are are calculated together.


Number of days used to calculate premium for this period. Can be set to a fraction, for example, to achieve an even distribution of premium over periods that represent months.

Ind Generated?

Indicates if the policy calculation period is generated by the Generate Policy Calculation Periods activity

Ind Monthly

Indicates if the policy calculation period is generated by the collection setting having calculation period UoM as month or is unspecified (as the default behavior is month)

Pay Date

The payment due date

Start Date

The start date of the policy calculation period

End Date

The end date of the policy calculation period

PCP Span Start Date

The start date of the policy calculation period span

PCP Span End Date

The end date of the policy calculation period span


  • It is not allowed to have an overlap in time validity for group client collection settings with the same group client

Policy Contract Period

A policy contract period specifies the length and the reference date of the policy’s contract. A policy can have one or more policy contract periods.

Field Description


The policy that has the contract period

Reference Date

The date that is used as a look-up date in premium calculation

Start Date

The start date of the contract period

End Date

The end date of the contract period


  • It is not allowed to have an overlap in time validity for policy contract periods with the same policy

Policy Group Account

A policy group account specifies the group account a policy belongs to at a certain moment in time. Group Accounts are described in the Enrollment implementation guide.

Field Description


The policy that belongs to the group account

Group Account

The group account the policy belongs to

Start Date

The start date of the time period the policy belongs to the group account

End Date

The end date of the time period the policy belongs to the group account


  • It is not allowed to have an overlap in time validity for policy group accounts with the same policy

Policy Message

A policy message is the message that is stored during the processing of the policy. A policy can have one or more policy messages.

Field Description


The policy that has the message


The message that specifies severity and the static part of the message text

Value 0 through Value 9

The parts of the message text that are determined at run time

Process Step

The process step in which the message was attached to the policy

Policy Pend Reason

A policy may pend for external intervention, usually because a human operator needs to work on the policy before it can continue to be processed. Whenever a policy pends, one or more reasons are attached to that policy, explaining why the policy pended. Policy pend reasons store only the current pend reasons, that is, they are discarded once the policy is submitted after resolving pends. The full history of pend reasons is stored in a separate entity named 'Policy Pend History' (specified below).

Field Description


The policy that is pended

Pend Reason

The pend reason that explains why the policy is pended

Process Step

The process step in which the pend reason was attached to the policy


  • It is not allowed to have multiple policy pend reasons for the same policy with the same pend reason and process step

Policy Status History

The policy status history keeps track of all status transitions, so that it is possible to trace back how a policy flowed through the processes and how long it took to complete certain steps within the process.

Field Description


The policy that has the status history


The global unique identifier of the policies that the history belongs to


The status of the policy at date time

Date Time

Date and time when the policy entered the status

Policy Pend History

The reasons why a policy pended are stored as a detail of a policy status history that logs a Pended status.

Field Description

Policy Status History

The policy status history under which the pend reason was active

Pend Reason Code

The code of the pend reason

Pend Reason Description

The description of the pend reason

Process Step Display Name

The display name of the process step in which the pend rule was executed

Process Step Sequence

The sequence of the process step

Pend Date Time

The date and time when the pend reason was attached

Resolved By

The user who resolved the pend reason

Resolved Date Time

The date and time when the pend reason was resolved

Policy Output History

The policy output history keeps track of all output that was generated for the policy or a person or object on the policy.

Field Description


The global unique identifier of the policies that the history belongs to


The version of the policy


The status of the policy

Insurable Entity

The person or object for which output was generated

Output Definition

The output definition for which output was generated


The cause of the generation (set to 'Periodic Output Generation', 'Manual Output Generation' or if applicable transferred from the cause of the mutation)

Generation Date Time

The date and time when the output was generated

Policy Bulk Update History

The policy bulk update history keeps track of all the bulk updates that are applied to a policy, so that it is possible to trace back who applied the update to the policy.

Field Description


The global unique identifier of the policies that the history belongs to


The version of the policy

Bulk Update Definition

The bulk update definition in which policy was included


The user who applied the bulk update on the policy

Bulk Update Date Time

The date and time when the bulk update was applied

Policy Fee History

The policy fee history keeps track of all fees that were generated for the policy or a person or object on the policy.

Field Description


The global unique identifier of the policies that the history belongs to


The version of the policy


The status of the policy

Insurable Entity

The person or object for which a fee was generated

Fee Definition

The fee definition for which a fee was generated


The cause of the generation (transferred from the cause of the mutation)

Generation Date Time

The date and time when the fee was generated

Policy Activities and Calculation Results

The premium calculation is started by executing an activity. A policy can have one or more policy activities. When executed, these activities create calculation results. The calculation result is a snapshot of the premium calculation process. It holds the outcome of a premium calculation at the policy level for a contract period. A calculation result can have one or more calculation result lines that are related to policy enrollment products. These entities are described in more detail in the Premium Calculation implementation guide.

Policy Events and Mutations

A policy event stores the information that a policy related change should lead to recalculation and/or regeneration of output which is then transferred into policy mutations. A policy can have one or more policy events and policy mutations. This is described in more detail in the Premium Calculation implementation guide.

Policy Enrollment

A policy enrollment specifies a person or object participating in a policy. A policy can have one or more policy enrollments.

Field Description


The policy that the person or object is enrolled to

Insurable Entity

The person or object that participates in the policy

Enrollment Type

The enrollment type that applies to the policy enrollment

Enrollment Type

An enrollment type specifies the enrollment of a person or object in a policy. Examples of enrollment types are 'Adult' or 'Child'.

Field Description


The code of the enrollment type

Display Name

Te display name of the enrollment type

Dynamic Fields

The non time valid dynamic fields defined to capture additional information about the enrollment type

Policy Enrollment Product

A policy enrollment product specifies a person or object being enrolled for a specific enrollment product on a policy. A policy enrollment can have one or more policy enrollment products. Enrollment products and group account products are described in the Enrollment implementation guide.

Field Description

Policy Enrollment

The policy enrollment that has the policy enrollment product

Enrollment Product

The enrollment product that the person or object is enrolled to

Group Account Product

The group account product that the person or object is enrolled to

Premium Amount

The amount of the premium that acts as override

Premium Amount Currency

The currency of the override premium amount (will be the same as the premium currency specified on the related enrollment product)

Commission Percentage

The percentage of the enrollment product premium that is payed out as commission to either the broker or agent

Commission Amount Interpretation

The way amounts are interpreted (per Calendar Year, per (system) Calculation Period or Specific (number of days))

Comm. No of Days

Number of days for which the commission is specified when Amount Interpretation Specific is chosen (must and may only be specified if the amount interpretation is Specific)

Commission Amount

The commission amount

Commission Amount Currency

The currency of the commission amount (will be the same as the premium currency specified on the related enrollment product)

Start Date

The start date of the policy enrollment on a product

End Date

The end date of the policy enrollment on a product


  • If the policy belongs to a group account a group account product must be specified that is configured for the specific group account, else an enrollment product must be specified

  • It is not allowed to have an overlap in time validity for policy enrollment products with the same policy enrollment, enrollment product and group account product

  • Both commission amount and percentage cannot be specified

Policy Add-on

A policy add-on specifies a person or object being enrolled for a specific add-on to an enrollment product on a policy. A policy enrollment product can have one or more policy add-ons. Add-ons are described in the Enrollment implementation guide.

Field Description

Policy Enrollment Product

The policy enrollment product that has the add-on


The add-on that the person or object has

Start Date

The start date of the add-on

End Date

The end date of the add-on


  • It is not allowed to have an overlap in time validity for policy add-ons with the same policy enrollment product and add-on

  • It is not allowed to specify an add-on that is not configured on the enrollment product or group account product

Policy Enrollment Insurable Class

A policy enrollment insurable class specifies a person or object being enrolled on a policy in a specific role, for example spouse or dependent Insurable Class and Enrollment products are described in the Enrollment implementation guide.

Field Description

Policy Enrollment

The policy enrollment in which the person or object is enrolled

Insurable Class

The insurable class in which the person or object is enrolled on the policy

Start Date

The start date of the enrollment in a specific role

End Date

The end date of the enrollment in a specific role


  • Only one policy enrollment insurable class can be valid at a certain moment in time.

Parameter Value

A policy enrollment product can have one or more parameter values for parameter aliases. The parameter alias serves as a reference for providing a name for a parameter. The parameter aliases are described in the schedule definition chapter of the premium configuration guide. The parameter value is the value of a parameter alias in the context of a policy enrollment product.

When a schedule dimension is of the type parameter, the parameter alias provides the name to the dimension and its dimension values are evaluated against the parameter values.

A parameter value has the following attributes:

Field Description

Parameter Alias

The parameter alias

Start Date

The start date of the validity of the parameter value for the policy enrollment product

End Date

The end date of the validity of the parameter value for the policy enrollment product

Policy Enrollment Product

The policy enrollment product to which the parameter value applies


The value (amount) of the parameter (only for parameter aliases of type Amount)


The currency of the amount (only for parameter aliases of type Amount; it will automatically be set to the parameter currency that is specified on the enrollment product)


The value (percentage) of the parameter (only for parameter aliases of type Percentage)

Number of Units

The value (number of units) of the parameter (only for parameter aliases of type Number)

Service Days

The value (service days) of the parameter (only for parameter aliases of type Service Days)


  • The value (amount, number of units, percentage or service days) that matches the type (amount, number, percentage or service days) of the parameter alias is required and the other values are not allowed

Policy Collection Settings

A policy collection setting specifies how often the premium is collected. A policy can have one or more policy collection settings.

Field Description


The policy that has the collection setting

Span Reference Date

The date to determine the start of a span of calculation periods

Advance Length

Length of a span of calculation periods

Advance UoM

Unit of measure for a span of calculation periods (Days / Months / Years)

Policy Calculation Periods

Indicator that defines whether policy specific calculation periods are used in this policy

Policy Calculation Period Length [1]

Length of the generated calculation periods

Policy Calculation Period UoM ![1]]

Unit of measure for the generated calculation periods (Days / Months / Years)

Collection Method

The reference to the method of collection, for example, direct debit, invoice based

Start Date [2]

The start date of the collection setting

End Date

The end date of the collection setting


  • It is not allowed to have an overlap in time validity for policy collection settings with the same policy

  • Both Advance Length and Advance UoM (unit of measure) have to be set or both have to be unspecified

  • Both Policy Calculation Period Length and Policy Calculation Period UoM (unit of measure) have to be set or both have to be unspecified

Policy Billing Accounts

A policy can have one or more policy billing accounts. A policy billing account is an account that is used for billing purposes on a policy. Note that the allocation of a bill to a policy billing account is configured within the policy premium bill allocations and bill receivers setup (described in the Policy Premium Bill Allocations section).

Field Description

Policy Gid

The global unique identifier of the policy that the billing account belongs to (a policy billing account does not belong to a specific version of a policy; it applies across policy versions)


The code of the policy billing account (unique across billing accounts)


The description of the policy billing account

Billing Contact

The billing contact (relation) for the billing account


Is this the default billing account for the policy? (if set to Yes, this billing account will be the default bill receiver if not specified otherwise on the Policy Premium Bill Allocations and Policy Bill Receivers)


  • There can be only one default billing account for a policy

  • A policy billing account must refer to an existing policy gid

Policy Premium Bill Allocations

A policy can have one or more policy premium bill allocations. A policy premium bill allocation stores the specification on how to allocate the premium bill on an individual policy.

Field Description


The policy that has the policy premium bill allocation

Insurable Class

The insurable class for which the policy premium bill allocation is defined

Schedule Definition

The schedule definition for which the policy premium bill allocation is defined

Premium Schedule Type

The type of premium schedules for which the policy premium bill allocation is defined

Enrollment Product

The enrollment product for which the policy premium bill allocation is defined

Enrollment Product Category

The enrollment product category for which the policy premium bill allocation is defined


The add-on for which the policy premium bill allocation is defined

Start Date

The start date of the policy premium bill allocation

End Date

The end date of the policy premium bill allocation


Is the premium bill allocation currently active?


  • It is not allowed to have an overlap in time validity for policy premium bill allocations with the same policy, insurable class, schedule definition, premium schedule type, enrollment product, enrollment product category and add-on

  • Only one of enrollment product or enrollment product category can be specified

  • Only one of schedule definition, premium schedule type or add-on can be specified

Policy Bill Receiver

A policy premium bill allocation can have one or more policy bill receivers. The policy bill receiver defines who pays what percentage of the policy premium.

Field Description

Policy Premium Bill Allocation

The policy premium bill allocation that applies


The relation (person or organization) that is the bill receiver

Billing Account

The billing account that is the bill receiver (this can be a billing account of the policy or a billing account of the group client in context)


The percentage of the premium that this bill receiver has to pay


  • A relation or a billing account (only one) must be specified

Brokers and Agents

A broker is a company that serves as an intermediary between the payer and the policy holder. An agent is an employee of a broker company.





The unique key that is used to identify the broker


The name of the broker

Broker Address

A broker can have one or more addresses.

Field Description


The broker that has the address


The street of the address

House number

The house number of the address

Number Addition

The house number addition, such as a floor or apt. number


The city where the address is situated

Postal Code

The postal code of the address


The country in which the address is situated

Country Region

The region of the country in which the address is situated (can be used for , for example, States and Departments)

Additional Part 1

Used for additional (country specific) address information

Additional Part 2

Used for additional (country specific) address information

Additional Part 3

Used for additional (country specific) address information

Start Date

The start date of the address

End Date

The end date of the address


  • It is not allowed to have an overlap in time validity for addresses for the same broker

  • The country and the country region of an address should match

  • If the upper indicators (specified on country level) for street, city, number addition and the additional parts are true, the values should be entered in uppercase

  • The address parts should comply with the dynamic logic for address parts that may be specified at country level





The unique key that is used to identify the agent


The abbreviation of the first names of the agent

First Name

The first name of the agent

Middle Name

The middle name of the agent


The prefix to the last name of the agent


The last name of the agent


The suffix of the agent


The gender of the agent

Name Format

The dynamic logic function that is used to format the name

Agent Address

Agents can have one or more addresses. The same model (including the constraints) applies as for brokers.

Attached Policy Data

Attached policy data provides the ability to write additional information to a policy without affecting its status, so no (re)processing is needed. Examples are fields that reflect the policyholder’s payment status.

The information that is written to attached policy data is the process information related to enrollment that may play a role in the finalization of a policy, but the information lifecycle of the attached data has no (retro)active consequences to premium calculations and or output. This information does not introduce the need for reprocessing the policy. Without the existence of attached policy data, adding information to an approved policy would lead to the creation of a new policy version and the need for reprocessing.

The attached policy data entity serves as an umbrella for dynamic records and dynamic fields that can be configured at the user’s discretion. The entity itself does not have any attributes that are exposed to the user.

Fields Description

Policy Gid

The global unique identifier of the policies that the attached policy data belongs to


Did the policy enter the system through manual entry? (note that this indicator is automatically set and it is not visible in the user interface)

Ignore Bulk Update?

If checked, this policy is automatically excluded from bulk updates, unless the bulk update definition is configured to ignore this indicator.

Date Paid To

The date up to which the coverage is purchased

Dynamic Fields and Records

The dynamic fields and records defined to capture additional information about the policy

Last Processed Message ActivityID

This stores the activity id of the last processed message and gets stamped at the time a message is created. Whether or not the id gets stamped depends on the connector configuration.

The attached policy data record is created automatically along with the policy. The attached policy data can be manipulated through the Attached Data IP or through the View and Edit Policy page. Attached policy data is also accessible from the dynamic logic (through the policy object).


Notes are used to maintain a proper record of history of policies. Furthermore, the document discussions, conversations, actions carried out and advice given to policyholders can be recorded in the form of notes. A policy can have one or more notes.

Field Description

Policy Gid

The global unique identifier of the policy that the note belongs to


The version of the note (when an existing note is updated a new version of that note containing the updates is created; existing records of notes are never updated)

Note Text

The text of the note

Policy Enrollment Event

Policy Enrollment event holds the history of changes that were applied to a policy.

Fields Description

Policy Gid

The global unique identifier of the policy that the enrollment event belongs to.

Policy Code

The policy for which the event is raised


The description of the enrollment event.

Event Datetime

The date and time of the enrollment event.

Activity ID

The id of the activity that was a part of the enrollment event.

Enrollment Event Type

The type of the event (Message) .

Policy Accounts

Policy accounts provide the ability to store savings based on a policy.

Policy Account

Fields Description

Account Number

The account number of the policy account

Policy GID

The GID to which the policy account belongs to
Note that the policy account does NOT refer to the policy version.

Policy Account Definition

The policy account definition for this account


The person for whom the account is set up

Dynamic Fields

The time valid dynamic fields defined to capture additional information about the policy account

Policy Account Definition

Fields Description


The code of the policy account definition


The description of the policy account definition

Display Name

The display name of the policy account definition


The period of the policy account definition

Account Level

The level of the policy account definition


The currency to be used for policy accounts of this definition

Function Dynamic Logic

The dynamic logic function that defines how to generate an account number for the policy account

Function Dynamic Logic

The dynamic logic function that defines how to generate a transaction number

Function Dynamic Logic

The dynamic logic function that defines how to generate a general ledger event

Dynamic Fields

The time valid dynamic fields defined to capture additional information about the policy account definition

Enrollment Product Account Definition

Fields Description

Enrollment Product

The enrollment product

Account Definition

The account definition

Autocreate Account?

Is a policy account of this definition automatically created for this enrollment product?

Policy Account Transaction

Fields Description


The code of the policy account transaction


The description of the policy account transaction

Transaction Datetime

The date of the transaction


The amount of the transaction


Is the transaction reversed?

Reversal Datetime

The date the transaction was reversed


The currency of the transaction

Policy Account Transaction Type

The policy account transaction type of the transaction


The person for whom the transaction is.
This field is, for example, to be used if the account definition is on Policy level but the person for whom an amount is used must be stored for documentation purposes

Dynamic Fields

The non time valid dynamic fields defined to capture additional information about the policy account transaction

Policy Account Transaction Type

Fields Description


The code of the policy account transaction type


The description of the policy account transaction type


Are transactions for this transaction type entered manually?

Create GL Event?

Should a transaction of this type lead to a GL event?

Dynamic Fields

The time valid dynamic fields defined to capture additional information about the policy account transaction type

1. When unspecified for a collection setting with the indicator policy calculation period set to 'Yes', the system considers policy calculation period length and UoM as 1 Month.Note - Modifying the collection setting after policy calculation period generation may result in inconsistency, it is recommended that periods are re-generated if the collection setting is modified.
2. With negative calculation date offset - The collection setting must start on or before the span reference date + calculation date offset. This is to ensure that system finds a valid collection setting to generate periods when the calculation date is set to be before the period start date.