Line of Business

This restriction type controls data access based on a line of business.

Group Clients, Group Accounts and Policies

Group clients, group accounts and policies can each refer to a line of business. Only the access restriction on the line of business of the group client, the group acount or the policy itself restricts the access to these entities. There is no inheritance of access restrictions. For example, the line of business on a group account does not automatically restrict access to policies in this group account.

Enrollment Files

An enrollment file can refer to a group client. If that group client refers to a line of business with an access restriction, the user needs access grants on this restriction to create, retrieve, update or delete an enrollment file for this group client.

Process Flows

A process flow can refer to a line of business. If that line of business has an access restriction, the user needs access grants on this restriction to create, retrieve, update or delete a process flow for this line of business.

A grant of the process flow includes the details process steps and process rules.

The access restriction on a process flow does not restrict the accessibility of that process flow as part of policy processing. That is, if a policy refers to a process flow, that policy can be processed according to that process flow even if the policy processing user has no access grant for that process flow.

Enrollment Products

Although the enrollment product can refer to a line of business, an access restriction on the line of business does not restrict the access to the referencing enrollment product.

Relations and Persons

The line of business access restrictions also controls access to:

  • person (members, policyholders, and policy bill receivers) in the line of business for a policy.

  • person (insurer’s representatives) representing a group client for a specific line of business.

  • relations (group client contact, group account contact, and group client billing account) that are contacts of a group client or a group account for a specific line of business.

A user must have grants to overcome the access restriction for viewing a group client, a group account, a policy, or an enrollment product for a line of business.

A relation with two policies on different lines of businesses has two access restrictions. To access the relation (enrolled members, policyholders, contact persons, etc.) a user must have permissions to overcome at least one of the two access restrictions. The system automatically copies the access restrictions of a person when it creates a 'working copy' of a person (the unapproved update to a person record).

The line of business access restriction does not control the processing of a group account or a policy. Neither does it restrict activities on the group account, group client, or policy.

There are other restrictions that control access to an entity. For example, Data Access Group Access restriction controls access to group clients, group accounts, or policies. This means that without a permission to overcome the Data Access Group Access restriction, a user can access a line of business but not a policy.