Enrollment Event Notifications

This section briefs about the attributes, generation, and process of enrollment event notifications for an updated policy or a newly-created policy.

Required Configurations

To generate a notification for any business event system requires the following pre-requisite configurations:

  • Notification definition

  • Business event definition

  • Business event rules

  • Policy process steps

Notification Definition

A notification definition is configured with the following details:

  • Emit notification

    • Pre-approval

      • To send a notification before a policy is approved.

    • Post-approval

      • To send a notification after a policy is approved.

  • Notification payload

    • A dynamic logic to generate the notification payload to send to the external system.

  • Revert policy

    • To revert the policy in case the notifications are sent before a policy is approved.

  • Business event definition

    • A reference on notification definition to identify the business events for which notifications generate.

Business Event Definition and Rules

To generate policy enrollment events of type business.

Policy Process Steps

The following configurations are required when emit notification is set to pre-approval:

  • Policy process step type

    • A process step of type send pre-approval notification:

      • In this step, the application collects the pre-approval notifications that generate in the ready status.

    • A process step of type revert

      • This step checks whether the revert policy? indicator on notification definition is set to yes.

        • If the indicator is set to yes, then the policy is reverted to the last-approved version.

        • If the indicator is set to no, then the policy is not reverted but continues to process further.

  • Revert first version of policy?

    • This property must be set to no for a case when the first version of a policy is not to revert.

    • If this property is set to yes, then the first version of the policy is also reverted or deleted.

See Business Events and Policy Process Flows for more details.

Notification Generation

As explained in the Compare Policy Versions section, when the business event rules linked to a notification definition evaluate successfully, the application generates an enrollment event notification along with the policy enrollment event of type business.

The generated notifications are stored in an entity enrollment event notifications. The following table explains how the table values are stored:

Table 1. Generation of Notification
Field Name Field Value

Correlation ID

Stores a 15-character numeric, unique value that generates as an identifier of a notification event.

Policy Gid

Stores the global-unique GID of a matched policy for which a notification is generated.

Notification Status

Stores the current-process status of a notification. Explained in detail later.


Indicates if the notification is obsolete or not.

  • Yes

  • No

Explained in detail later.

Request Headers

Stores the headers of the outbound in the form of a JSON payload.

Notification Payload

Stores the payload generated by the dynamic logic as defined in the notification definition.

Notification Definition

A reference to the notification definition from which the notification is generated.

Policy Update Request

A reference to the linked policy update request that applies to the policy when the notification is generated.

  • Obsolete?

    • By default, the value of this property is set as no.

    • The value of this property is set to yes for all the notifications when the policy is reverted manually.

    • In case the policy is reverted because of the revert step, then the obsolete? flag is set to yes only for the notifications in the waiting for policy approval status.

      • For all the other notifications, the value of this property remains as no.

Table 2. Notification Status
Status Meaning


This is the initial notification status generated because emit notification on notification definition is configured as pre-approval.


This is the final notification status when notification is sent successfully to an external system.


This is the notification status when the application fails to send a notification due to technical errors.

Waiting for policy approval

This is the initial notification status generated because emit notification on notification definition is configured as post-approval.


This is the final status of the notification when the notification that is in failed status is canceled.

Notification Process


When the notification is generated, it takes an initial status ready when emit notification is configured as pre-approval in the notification definition. The notifications process further based on the policy process step as follows:

  • Send pre-approval notification step:

    • The application collects all the notifications in the ready status.

  • Revert Step:

    • If at least one notification is generated in status ready and revert policy? on notification definition is set to yes, then the policy is reverted to last-approved version when the revert policy process step is triggered.

      • The obsolete? flag is set to yes for all the post-approval notifications (in other words, notifications with the waiting for policy approval status), if any.

      • The linked policy update requests are set to the processed notification sent status so that they are not picked to process again.

The reversion of policy due to the revert process step does not remove the resources referenced on the enrollment event notification.
Revert of the first version of a policy sets obsolete? flag to yes for all the enrollment event notifications of any status generated in the context of the policy GID, which is reverted.

See Process Policy for more information.

Send Notification

Once the policy is processed, the notifications are sent out to an external system (as configured in the End-point Configuration). The application creates a task and stores the correlation id as the subject id of the task.


If the policy does not move to the approved status, then the notifications in status ready are sent out post revert-process step.


The notifications in waiting for approval status are sent out in the end after the policy moves to the approved status.