Testing Dynamic Logic Using Logs

Here are the steps to test dynamic logic using logs:


  1. You need to add the log statements to the database for using the API that fetches log statements. You need to configure the following application property:

    ohi.logging.target = database

    Since the property is protected, you need to configure the property in the application properties file. You cannot set the property through the generic or properties API.

  2. You must have the log back configuration for log Appenders. Refer to Logging to a Central Database for more information.

Step 1: Add Logger

POST {apiurl}/generic/loggers
    "logger": "ohi.dynamiclogic",
    "logLevel": "DEBUG",
    "duration": "600"
The duration of the log to remain active is in minutes.

Step 2: Add Debug Statements

In this step, you add the debug statements to your dynamic logic. For example:


name = newPerson.firstName

log.debug("name: ${name}")


When adding variables in a debug statement, use a dollar sign ($) and place the variable between curly braces. It is mandatory to use both dollar sign and curly braces as using either leads to undesirable results.

Step 3: Retrieve Dynamic Logic Debug Statements

POST {apiurl/generic/logdynamiclogicevents/search