Unsend Financial Message

After the application produces a financial message, it earmarks all the included financial transactions to prevent these financial transactions from being included in any further financial processing.

If an error occurs in an end-to-end integration of financial messages, the user may need to remove the earmarks from the involved financial transactions to remediate the situation. The removal process of earmarks is called unsending a financial message.

The following activities result in a complete rollback of financial messages generated for the financial transactions in Policies, which also makes the financial transactions again available for selection in a financial transaction set and for the associated financial processes:

  • The unsend financial message xml activity unsends the financial message generated by the generate financial message xml activity.

  • The unsend financial message flat file activity unsends the financial message generated by the generate financial message flat file activity.

  • The unsend financial message transaction set activity unsends all the financial messages generated for a financial transaction set i.e. for 'premium', 'premium based commission' and 'fee' type financial transactions in the context of the financial transaction set.

The unsend financial message xml and unsend financial message flat file activities have the following parameter:

  • Financial message ids. That is, a list of financial messages is required to be unsent with a list of financial message ids separated with a semicolon (;).

The unsend financial message transaction set activity is always invoked in the context of a financial transaction set.


The financial message can be unsend if the following condition is met for all the financial transactions that belong to it; otherwise, the FIN-FL-USFM-002 activity message is logged:

  • There is no-later version of its base financial object for which a financial message has been processed; that is, the fin message result of financial transaction process data has a valid non-null value.

The process updates the following attributes to null in financial transaction process data to mark the financial message as unsent:

  • Financial message id

  • Financial message result

  • Fin message handled datetime

The process also updates the following attributes:

In base financial object:

  • Status is set to changed

In financial transaction set:

  • If a later version exists for a financial transaction, and it already belongs to a financial transaction set, then all those later versions are also unsent and moved out of the set.

  • If no later versions of the financial transaction’s base financial object are currently in a set, then the unsent financial transaction’s reference to the financial transaction set is nullified. That way, the financial transaction is again available for selection into a financial transaction set. This happens for the financial transaction that has been sent and for the included superseded financial transactions.

The information is logged on all the financial transactions of the message that are successfully unsent (including all the later transactions) and is visible in the UI. This is done by creating a financial transaction process detail record of type USD_FIN_MESS_DETAIL dynamic record.

Error Message

The unsend financial message activities can result in the following messages:

The messages with the "elementId" attribute are set to the combination of policy-gid, calculation-period start date, version, and financial message id (that is being unsent), separated by a space. For example, element Id="1234567890 01012021 1 123450".

Table 1. Error Message with "elementId"
Code Severity Message



Financial Message {messageId} cannot be unsent as the financial transaction {policy code} has a later version for which a financial message has been processed.

The messages without "elementId" (applicable for unsend financial message xml and unsend financial message flat file activities):

Table 2. Error Message without "elementId"
Code Severity Message



Financial Message {messageId} is unknown.

The FIN-VL-USFM-001 is logged under any of the following circumstances:

  • The financial message id is unknown to the application.

  • The financial message is unknown to the activity type; for example, an xml unsend financial message to be unsent through the unsend financial message flat file activity and vice-versa.