Detecting Product Updates

Oracle Health Insurance Product Definition monitors all configuration changes that affect a product. The export sets page shows which products have been affected, allowing the user to make an informed decision on which products need to be (re)installed on the claims adjudication engine.

Whenever a product is created it is flagged as 'changed', making it available for inclusion in a product export set. Once the product is exported, the flag is reset. Any subsequent changes to configuration relevant to the product (see table below) will flag the product again.

Table 1. Detecting Product Updates
Configuration Item Notes

Benefit Specification


Benefit Specification Condition

Inserts, updates, deletes

Benefit Specification Location Type

Inserts, updates, deletes

Benefit Specification Provider Group

Inserts, updates, deletes

Benefit Specification Modifier

Inserts, updates, deletes

Benefit Specification Specialty

Inserts, updates, deletes

Country Region Group


Country Region Group Detail

Inserts, updates, deletes



Product Limit Renewal Period

Inserts, updates, deletes

Product Provider Group

Inserts, updates, deletes

Parameter Value

Inserts, updates, deletes

Note that the application detects only those changes that directly affect generated products. Changes that would affect the product indirectly, such as a change to a service definition or an accumulation option do not flag products as being changed, even though these changes could ultimately cause changes to a product if and when it is rebuilt.

Note that for changes to, for example, a parameter alias, (product) service definition, parameter alias usage, selected accumulation option or a coverage regime parameter can only be made effective while a product is rebuilt, which always flags the product as being changed.