Product Export Set Page

Products can be exported to a claims adjudication engine using the export page. This export contains one or more products and per product all related details such as the product benefit specifications and country region groups.

Each product export set is later used to generate the payload that is made available to other components such as the claims adjudication engine. To keep the payload concise, it includes only configuration (for example benefit specifications) used by the products in the set.

Please refer to the Product Export document for a detailed description of the payload creation process.

The product export page creates data sets that belong to the PRODUCTS data set definition.

Creating a product export is managed from a user interface page that gives an overview of all the products that have status Test or Approved and lets the user select which products need to be exported. Each product can be included in an export set individually.

Each product has a display-only 'Changed?' indicator. This informs the user that the product or one of its details has been subject to an update since the last time it was included in a payload. Building a payload will reset the indicators for the included products.

The user also has the ability to search for products that have not been added to any export set since they last transitioned to the status Test or Approved.