Data Access Group Contract Restriction

Data access groups are used to allow a system administrator to differentiate data access over contracts. A user can be excluded access to the contracts linked to specific data access groups.

Table 1. Data Access Group
Field Description


The unique code of the data access group.


The description of the data access group.

Access Restriction

The access restriction restricting access to this data access group.

Inference Prevention

When a user searches for contracts of data access groups that they are not allowed to see, they will not be returned at all.

Related Entities

When access to a contract is restricted, the following details are restricted also:

  • Contract Adjustments

  • Contract Adjustment Override

  • Contract Alignments

  • Contract Calculation Periods

  • Contract Payment Receivers

  • Contract Provider Filter Rules

  • Contract Rate Splits

  • Contract Time Periods

  • Calculation Result and related Calculation Result Lines

Related APIs

The following APIs check for data access group access

  • Generic API on all the entities mentioned under related entities